24: Dancing a Fine Line

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Kaitlyn and Ginger talked at the bar while Killer, Blade, Hawk, and I discussed plans. Angel was right. We do not have the manpower or firearms to go up against a mafia. So, asking the Hellhounds in Seattle for a meeting to discuss an alliance was our best plan. Killer hates unpredictability, he told Hawk to find his father.

"Do whatever you do and find him," he said. Blade and Shotgun offered to reach out to their contacts and see what they know. Whiskey also had contacts, but I was a sitting duck with no one to contact and felt in the way of the others.

"Ace," Killer sharply said. "I need you to be with Kaitlyn."

I nodded, leaving, finding Kaitlyn talking to Whiskey at the bar. Smiling, laughing, ignoring the bruises on her body that are his fault. He should beg for her forgiveness, willing to do anything for her, but that's not Kaitlyn. She was truly an angel and would never hold it against him. But I can.

Whiskey saw me, and I nodded to the back door, and he followed. The door barely closed before I shoved him against the wall, pummeling his face, stopping long enough to see blood trickle down. Smiling, I continued my assault, and Whiskey did nothing.

Good fucker. This is your fault.

My hellhound itched to take control, wanting him to pay, but green eyes pushed their way to the front of my mind. Dropping my fist, I shoved him away, running my hands through my hair, tugging at it, trying to keep my hellhound at bay. For her.

"Ace?" a small voice asked.

Angel's green eyes stared at me, filled with worry and concern. She glanced at Whiskey's blood-covered face and said nothing as she disappeared inside. A moment later, she handed him a towel and ice pack and held her hand out to me.

I gently placed my bloody one in hers as she led me to the shed with the workout gear. Without saying a word, Angel wrapped my hands with tape. Why does she know how to tape hands for fights?

The question was on the tip of my tongue, but she ripped off the last of the tape and stared at me. Angel pointed to the punching bag, eyes filled with disappointment, and walked into the center of our boxing ring. She pulled out her headphones and ignored me.

I fucked up. She witnessed my hellhound take his anger out on a person she cared for. That's unforgivable in my eyes, but she still stays. I don't understand.

Angel lay in the middle of the ring, humming along to her music. I watched her chest rise and fall with ease, giving me peace for the first time in two weeks. Between her desire to keep everyone safe and blaming herself for everything, stress consumed her. As her family, however, we protect and care for the ones we love. Blood or not.

Taking off my shirt, I faced the punching bag and let my anger out. As the enforcer, protecting Kaitlyn is my job, and I failed.

Left, right, left.

Worry eats at her because of me and her desire to keep everyone safe. But she should protect herself...from me.

Right, left, right.

Pain and suffering are a life I lead, but not one Angel should be part of. She has demons, and mine only adds to her stress and worry.

But if I tell her, will she stay or leave? Can she forgive me for the things I have done and the actions I will have to take in the future?

An hour later, I unwrapped my hands, ready to shower. Looking in the ring, Kaitlyn was curled up asleep. Her body forced her to sleep and recover, and I was thankful. With the help of Killer, I carried her up to her room and lay her on the bed.

Quickly showering, I took off Angel's glasses and crawled in with her, pulling her onto my chest. Angel stirred and mumbled, "I'm not mad at you, Ace. I just wanted you to be okay."

"I know, Angel. Thank you," I whispered against her head. "Sleep, I'll be here."


Two days later, some of us headed to Seattle to meet with The Hellhounds. We know their MC runs drugs and guns with a legit security business, and our truce with them kept the peace between our two clubs. However, with a common enemy, their manpower could prove helpful in this situation.

The Hellhounds know how to party, especially when welcoming another club whose favor they were trying to earn. Booze and women were in no short supply. But I don't care. Mine is back home.

My girl?

The thought of another man's hands on Angel, making her laugh, angered me. Angel is mine, and I will do whatever it takes to earn her love and respect. Killer said she was off-limits, but even he will not stop me from claiming her.

"You alright there, brother?" Blade asked.

"Too many people, too many girls," I snarled.

Blade, a married man, understood. Only one woman can touch me: Angel. The night is just getting started, and I make no promises to be on my best behavior.

It only took one sweetbutt, or club whore, to make an example out of making my point clear. Blade and Killer tried warning her, but she ignored them.

"Want some company? I know a place we can go," a high-pitched voice asked, and the room fell silent.

"Oh, you like it rough. So do I," she teased, ready to sit on my lap. Fuck no.

Quickly standing, I towered over her, causing her to lose her balance. She reached out to stop herself from falling, but I snatched her wrist, causing it to snap and her to cry.

"I don't like hurting women, but you are far from that. I warned you. Now, leave," I said, shoving her away.

The girl looked at Killer and Axel, The Hellhounds' president, hoping they would step in. Neither of them moved. Axel nodded towards the door, and she ran out, crying. I stared at Axel, waiting for a fight to break out. Instead, he tilted his beer toward me before talking again.

We stayed longer than intended, and I wanted to get back. Angel texted me, saying she, Ginger, and some friends were going to the bar to "dance the night away." Angel is coming out of her shell and making friends, but I wanted to be there and see her hips sway to the music. No one else.

I told her to text me when she got home, but after several hours of nothing, I texted Tiny. I didn't want to bother him, but I needed to know she was safe. He told me they were at the club, and she couldn't hear her phone.

Killer sat next to me and let out a breath. "Looks like we're staying here tonight. We have some business to finish in the morning."

He knew I wasn't happy about the decision, but I wasn't about to disobey my president. Angel will sleep alone tonight, which doesn't sit well with me.

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