14: Riding Name

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Kaitlyn POV

The closer to the BBQ it got, the more anxious I became. Meeting the people who are the most important people to Kyle is intimidating. As an introvert, parties and new people are not at the top of my fun list. However, I'm hoping I can stick by Whiskey or Ace, and no one will notice I'm there. Although I doubt Kyle will let that happen.

I know nothing about the club or their businesses, but Kyle would never put me in a dangerous situation. However, there is a chance of getting hurt, or worse, in an MC, but it's a risk I'm willing to take to get to know my brother. But they will have to earn my respect, just as I have to earn theirs.

Despite buying new clothes, I opted for my well-loved black skinny jeans and a tight black long-sleeved shirt. I put on minimal makeup and gave up on my flat straight hair, leaving it natural. Grabbing my Converse and jacket, I went downstairs.

I heard the guys talking, but they stopped and stared at me once downstairs. Killer smiled, giving a slight nod of approval. Ace clenched his fists, ready to punch someone, anyone, while Kyle stood speechless.

So, this is what it's like to have an overprotective brother who judges all your outfits. And I thought I missed that stage of my life. Too bad he doesn't know just how far I push limits.

"What? You said I could wear whatever, just not a sports bra. I can change back into that if this looks bad," I said, teasing them.

Whiskey boomed with laughter, saying, "Brother, you've got your work cut out for you. She's a spitfire, and she's going to cause more trouble than you can handle. I can already tell."

Kyle smiled, shaking his head. "This is the girl from the bar. Sassy and ready to push boundaries; don't go hiding her tonight on my account."

Ace stayed silent, but I wanted to know his thoughts.

"Well?" I asked Ace, with my hands on my hips and leaning to one side.

"Angel, if you stick your hip out like that again," he said, gently touching my arms, "I will be busy tonight." Ace was serious, but I wanted to have some fun.

"Looks like you'll have your work cut out for you," I teased, igniting a fire in Ace's eyes. I shouldn't care what he thinks about me, but I do, and I want to see how far he'll go for me.


The BBQ was at Blade, the VP, and Ginger, his wife's house. They filled their driveway with bikes, making it look like half the town was there, which didn't help my anxiety. So much for keeping a low profile.

Ace turned off the bike and lifted me off, not giving me a chance to do it. He helped me with my helmet, and everyone headed for the music-blaring backyard. I, however, stood frozen like an idiot.

He reached for my hand, rubbing his thumb against mine, and whispered, "You've got this, but if it becomes too much, or you want to go home, just tell me, and we can go. And no, Killer won't be upset or disappointed."

I nodded, afraid to say anything, and we headed in. The party was in full swing, but walking in all eyes fell on me. Whispers swirled around us as we made our way further in.

"Is that her?"

"She looks just like him."

"Ace... are you sure... he would never..."

How do they know who I am? Ace wouldn't do what? Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on?

I found Kyle holding a beer in the center of everyone, motioning for me to join him. Ace gently squeezed my hand before I hesitantly let go, mustering up some false confidence as the masses watched me.

You're here for Kyle. You can do this for him.

"As most of you know, I have a sister, and this here," he said, turning to me, "is Kaitlyn. My little sister and your Princess."

"Family first!" they yelled, making me jump a bit.

Turning to me, Kyle said, "You are a part of my family and now theirs. As my sister, your voice carries weight, and you are equal to me and my brothers. Here we put our family first, and they will protect you with their lives. Welcome to the family, Princess." Kyle beamed, and everyone cheered.

Wait... I'm a member now? An equal? I thought women and children couldn't be part of the club. Don't men have to claim a woman to be part of it?

Blade and Ginger introduced themselves as she handed me a box. "This is for you, from all of us at The Phoenix Riders," she smiled.

Inside the box was a Phoenix Riders vest, and I couldn't help but smile. I glanced at Kyle, who gave me a reassuring nod, and for the first time in days, I felt wanted.

I hugged Ginger and choked out a "thank you."

"Now," Kyle said, "all you need is a riding name sewed on."

"Tiger," a voice boomed.

"Her name should be Tiger," Ace said, looking at me, and I blushed.

Kyle looked confused, considering Ace calls me Angel, but I understood.

"Tigers and I have some similarities. We're nocturnal and prefer to be alone. They hardly roar and are humble towards their group. However, one wrong move and they'll kill. Also, only half survive birth." I offered. Kyle stared at me, surprised, but I just shrugged.

Kyle smiled and raised his drink. "To Tiger!"

Everyone raised their glasses, shouting, "To Tiger!"

Music played again, and people came over, introducing themselves, and it was overwhelming.

An hour later, I grabbed a drink and sat on a log by the enormous bonfire. Alone. The fire felt nice since it was a chilly night, and the smell reminded me of home.

I stared at the flames, spacing out, until two guys sat down on either side of me, introducing themselves as Tiny and Gears, and couldn't have been older than 18 and 21.

"What bikes do you like?" Gears asked.

"Um... I like sports bikes more than the spaceship ones," I answered, and they laughed. "I'm just saying if you're going to ride, then do it properly," I shrugged.

"Tiger, it would scare me to see you on a bike with that much power behind it," Tiny said, still laughing, and for the first time tonight, I felt like I said something right.

Everyone seemed nice, but then again, my brother was the president and didn't seem like the kind you would want to piss off. But Tiny and Gears made me laugh, forcing me to get out of my head.

Gears left to get a drink, and a new guy took his seat. I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye and tensed. Turning towards Tiny, I ignored the blaring sign of danger behind me.

I moved closer to Tiny, but they followed. Taking a breath, I turned around and came face-to-face with dark eyes staring back at me. Run.

Ace: His Angel (Phoenix Riders MC 1)Where stories live. Discover now