19: Cold Showers

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After the meeting, the guys talked for a few minutes, and when we came out, Ginger told us Kaitlyn left and didn't say where she was going. It didn't take long for Hawk to track the truck's GPS and find her, but until her green eyes met mine through the diner windows, fear took hold of me.

I kept my shit together until we got back, but once she got out of the car, I lost it, caging her in, which she did not respond well to. Most people wouldn't dare to yell and get in my face like Kaitlyn did and walk away, breathing, but she did. Once she was inside, I rammed my fist through the truck window and headed to the shed in the backyard, which held our workout gear.

Anger pulsed through me long after she locked herself in Killer's room and I didn't hesitate to take my anger out on the heavyweight bag. Images of Angel hurt, angry, and full of fear flooded my mind and nothing I did made it better.

Hours later, I found Kaitlyn sitting at the bar picking at her food, and sat next to her. Sitting next to her, I saw her desire-filled eyes roam over my chest. However, her desire and lust disappeared quickly when her eyes met mine and were replaced with sorrow and pain. Kaitlyn thinks I am upset with her or is in the wrong, and I can't stand it.

Angel tried apologizing, but we both knew it was my fault, and sitting there was only causing her pain. So, I headed back to the shed, only stopping long after splitting my bandage, and my anger subsided enough to think clearly again.

Whoever put fear behind my Angel's eyes is going to pay. I'll make sure of that. I don't care if I lock her in my room until we find this son of a bitch. She will stay safe. With me.


Killer worked in his office, unable to sleep knowing someone threatened his sister. Kaitlyn said she handled it, but Killer will make sure it never happens again. However, by the look on his face, he wasn't having any luck.

"Kaitlyn is at the house," Killer stated. I clenched my jaw, refraining from lashing out, questioning why he would let her go. Alone. "I know, Ace. I know. Don't give me that look. She had a hard enough day, and I didn't want to make it worse. I don't want her alone tonight, and I still have work to do."

Nodding, I understood what he was saying. I'm good at one thing, my job, and I promised Killer I would look after her... despite her trying to keep her distance.

Five minutes later, I entered the house, hearing the shower turn off as I rearmed the house. The smell of coconut, flowers, and the ocean enticed me, pulling me upstairs toward Angel.

How long will it take her to get dressed?

I shook my head, angry at allowing myself to think of Angel in that way. I'm here to ensure her safety, not to sleep with her. Yes, we will end up in the same bed, as we do every night, but only because she wants to feel safe, not because she is interested in anything sexual.

Opening the door to her room, Angel's back to me, and she hadn't heard me come in. Her hair was still wet, and droplets of water ran down her back to a small pair of shorts clinging to her ass. Watching water run down the curves of her body made me hard.

Stepping towards her, I reached out to get her attention, but she turned around, running smack into my chest. She let out a small yell, stumbling backward before I caught her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Angel," I said.

"I thought you were Kyle. What are you doing here?" she asked, backing away and out of my arms.

"Killer didn't want you to be alone tonight. He has club business to attend to and won't be coming home," I said, brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear and massaging her scalp.

Her eyes dropped, and her hands fidgeted. She felt guilty about Killer working late, knowing it was because of her.

Placing my arms on her shoulders, I felt her icy skin. "Why are you in wet clothes, Angel? And cold?"

Goosebumps covered her body. Her nipples hardened, and I couldn't tear my eyes away. The scars I memorized and loved which covered her chest were on full display, with the large one dipping between her breasts and beneath her sports bra. I rubbed her shoulders, trying to warm her up, and a low growl escaped my chest. This is a bad idea... I am slowly losing control.

"I was in the shower... why are your knuckles bruised?" she asked, running her hands gently over mine. Angel's beautiful green eyes stared at me, filled with worry. Ignoring her question, I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wrapped her in it, covering her up for my sake rather than hers.

"Ace," she whispered, stopping me from warming her up. Those big ocean-green eyes were tearing me apart from the inside.

I don't want to scare you, Angel. I'm not good for you, and my knuckles prove that... but is lying to her worth it?

"The tape split during my workout. I'm fine, Angel. Let me warm you up before I shower, and you can pick a show to watch," I said.

Angel nodded but didn't move, spacing out and stuck in her head, overthinking. Pulling her into me, I hugged her until her body relaxed against mine. The stress from the last few days caught up with her, and I need to do a better job of keeping her stress at bay.

Leaning down, I kissed her head before pulling away and heading for the shower. I closed the bathroom door and took deep breaths, breathing in her intoxicating scent. All I want to do is let it consume every part of me, and it's taking every bit of my self-control not to do something against my better judgment.

After a cold shower, I found Angel in the middle of the bed, hogging all the blankets, watching her favorite show. Her green eyes were still puffy from crying, but she looked beautiful. Opening her cocoon of blankets, I got in, pulled her into my lap, and kissed her head. She settled into me, gently placing her hand around my arm. I could feel her walls slowly coming down for me. This is where I want to be every night, as long as she lets me.

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