13: Deep Breaths

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Kaitlyn POV

Coming out of the dressing room, I handed most of the pile back to the worker, only keeping a few items. Despite being dragged around everywhere and sitting outside the dressing room for far too long, Kyle looked happy.

"I know you wanted to get me a lot of clothes, but today is just not my day and nothing fits me," I said, holding back tears.

The girl working in the dressing room muttered something about how they would fit her better. Fed up with her dirty looks and underhanded comments, I snapped. "Do you have anything else to do other than be jealous of the fact that you're not me? Because if not, I could find a million things for you to do. If you'd like."

She stared at me, mouth open, appalled and shocked I had spoken up. Whiskey stifled a laugh, and Ace's dark eyes stared her down until she left to do something else.

Kyle took the clothes out of my hands and gave them to Ace. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths, trying to get my emotions under control. A hand touched my arm, forcing me to open my eyes.

"Sorry, she was pissing me off and making me uncomfortable. I'm normally not like this..."

"Princess, never apologize for standing up for yourself. What you said was a hell of a lot nicer than what I would have said," Kyle assured me. "Don't worry about the clothes. You can wear sweats and a hoodie, or shorts and a tank top. I don't care as long as you are happy."

I nodded, and we headed to the checkout line to buy the few things I found. Normally, I am the sibling who is strong and picks up others' pieces, but with Kyle, roles were reversed. He makes me feel safe, despite only knowing him for a little while.

By the time we got back, it was nearly dinner time, and I hadn't eaten all day. My stomach growled loudly, and my cheeks heated in embarrassment.

"Okay! Okay, Princess, I got it." Kyle said, throwing his hands up in surrender. "Whatever you want, I'll make it. Just give me an hour," he smiled, and I laughed, heading upstairs to decompress for a bit.

Upstairs, I tossed my bags to the side and lay down on the bed. This is dangerous... I could fall asleep right now. My stress and lack of sleep caught up to me, but I need food and it's too early for bed. Looking at the bathroom, I noticed the bathtub and settled for a quick soak before dinner.

Turning on my music, I filled up the tub and slowly got in the hot water, careful not to shock my heart or body. Sinking in the water, I allowed myself to relax, breathe, and process for the first time in three days. Every day, Kyler or Ace were with me, and I needed some time to myself.

My brain processes things slower than most, taking me days to fully comprehend things that happen. However, I am quick to make decisions but never think through all the potential outcomes. So, finding my brother, the president of a well-known motorcycle club, and constantly having hazel eyes stare at me, became overwhelming.

Ace and his hazel eyes are like a magnet, unintentionally pulling me in, but I didn't mind. He makes me feel safe, something I haven't felt since I was little. But the way he looks at me, seeing straight through me, makes me nervous. I want to trust him and tell him my secrets, and my past, but it is never that simple. Ace doesn't know the person I am today took me years to build, but underneath it all, I don't know who I am anymore.

Taking a breath, I plunged under the water, staying under until my lungs burned and screamed for air. Coming up, air rushed back into my lungs, and my mind was clear. No matter what, I will keep fighting to hold on to the person I have become, and with a little luck, Ace nor Kyle will ever know who I am or what I'm running from.

An hour later, Kyle called upstairs, saying dinner was ready. Downstairs, the kitchen island was covered with pasta, bread, and salad. The face that Kyle cooked surprised and impressed me. The dinner lasted several hours, as we talked about everything from favorite colors, places we had never been to, and how Whiskey received his name. Which was not what I was expecting.

Whiskey called it a night, hugging me before he left, all while a pair of eyes were watching. Those dark eyes followed Whiskey until he left the house and was out of sight. I watched Ace's black eyes fade into hazel, his fists unclench, and anger leave him. I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but Kyle grabbed my hand leading me upstairs to bed.

No, how could I be after seeing Ace angry with Whiskey? Ace barely said two words all night and now he's upset. Did I upset him?

I gave Kyle a small smile. Dark circles told me he hadn't slept in days, and it was my fault. Glancing back, Ace nodded before laying on the couch, and I hoped tonight we would get some solid sleep.


After two hours of overthinking, I gave up trying to sleep, threw on a shirt, and went downstairs. I found Ace asleep and didn't want to wake him. I grabbed two blankets, laid them on the floor, and lay down, careful not to wake the sleeping giant.

"Angel, what are you doing on the floor?"

Turning my head, I found Ace staring at me. "I...I didn't want to wake you. I couldn't sleep. Again."

Ace moved off the couch, picked me up, and returned with me in his lap. He carefully removed my glasses, placing them on the floor, and his hands reached for my shirt but hesitated. I understood his hesitation and removed the shirt myself.

His hazel eyes wandered over my scared chest, taking in each one. People staring at me doesn't bother me, but this is different. His eyes met mine, and I wanted to run away before I was in too deep, doing something I couldn't take back.

Don't play the 'what if' game. It'll only hurt you in the end.

Ace laid down, pulling me onto his chest and the covers over us, even though he was warm. His hands found the small of my back and rubbed small circles. Warmth spread throughout my core. I snuggled further into him, trying to relax my body as my mind raced.

A kiss landed on the top of my head. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest, and I was sure Ace felt it too.

"Goodnight Angel."

"Goodnight Ace."

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