31: Ocean

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Listening to Kaitlyn explain why she spends her birthdays alone, and reliving her nightmares alone, broke something in me. Kaitlyn deserves the world, and I know everyone would be more than willing to help make her birthday special.

Leaving Kaitlyn with Whiskey, I went straight to Killer's office, entering without knocking, pacing. I'm not the fixer of the club. I break shit and enjoy it, but I want to fix this for Angel. Just don't fuck it up.

Noticing my distress, he hung up immediately and stood. "What happened? Is she okay?" he asked, worried.

"She's fine," I assured him, and he sat down. "Last night, I found her crying and blaming herself for what happened in a cold shower. It was her birthday, and I can't let last night be how she remembers it. I need help," I admitted, pulling at my hair.

"Tell me what you want, and I'll make it happen," he said.

"I don't know," I stressed. "She hates big parties, but I want her to know the club loves her, and has a permanent place here with us."

With me.

Angel doesn't see what she means to the club, but since Kaitlyn moved in we've changed for the better. Everyone trusts her, and she will never judge us for our past. Now, we need to show her she can come to us, judgment-free, for anything.

An hour later, we had a plan.

I found everyone in the living room arguing over a movie, while Angel laughed uncontrollably, leaning into Whiskey. Watching him touch Kaitlyn in more than a "friend" way angered me. Growling, I pulled Angel from his lap and into my arms.

Standing on the couch, I tightened my grip on her hips as she smiled and kissed my nose. My anger dissipated, and lust took over, taking everything in me to not take her upstairs, showing her how much she means to me. But I have a plan, and I need to stick to it. For now.

Angel stared at me, smirking, but when my eyes met hers, she shied away. Sliding my hands up her body, causing her to shiver, I caught her jaw, forcing her ocean eyes back to me. I want her, but I need to take things slow, and I will if that's what it takes.

"Go change into something warm. We're taking the bike," I stated, kissing her head, and helped her off the couch.

Waiting outside, Kaitlyn walked out in tight jeans, and the hoodie Killer gave her. When Killer realized Kaitlyn looked uncomfortable in her vest and lived in hoodies/jackets, he made a Phoenix Riders jacket just for her. Members wear their vest and patch, or you're out. But he would do anything for his sister and made an exception.

Smiling, she twirled and asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Angel's excitement was infectious. Picking her up, her legs wrapped around my waist, and I kissed her. Her hands tightened in my hair and pulled her body closer to mine. My mind and hands wandered, exploring her small frame. Focus.

Pulling away, Angel bit her bottom lip and smiled. "I think you're missing something on the back, but you're happy, and that's all that matters to me," I assured her, kissing her lips softly before putting her down. I climbed onto my bike and helped her on before we took off.


Thirty minutes later, I stopped the bike and helped Angel off. Taking off her helmet, she looked around, and her face lit up. Kaitlyn walked to the edge of the cliff, and I saw her body relax. This is what she needs.

Killer asked me to take Kaitlyn out while the guys got everything ready. While living at Killer's place, I noticed Kaitlyn would look out the windows at the vast ocean when she couldn't sleep or seemed overwhelmed. So, I took her where I go when I need to be alone.

Angel stared at the ocean, watching the sunset, and smiled to herself. The breeze picked up, and Angel pulled her sleeves over her hands to fight the cold. I pulled a blanket from the backpack, laid it on the ground, and grabbed Angel's hand, tugging her into my lap and wrapping us in the blanket. She leaned back into me, and we sat in a comfortable silence. My eyes never left her as she soaked in the last of the sunlight.

"You know, growing up, I hated the ocean. It's cold and wet, and sand gets everywhere. Drives me nuts," she laughed, shaking her head. "For someone who grew up minutes from the ocean, I was the oddball who didn't like it. When I moved away, I felt like I lost a part of myself and missed it more than I thought I would. Every time I go home, there's a hill I drive up, sit on top of my car, and breathe. Just like this."

She grabbed my arms, wrapping them tighter around her. "Here is a different type of ocean. No sandy beaches and even colder water, but I don't care. Living in landlocked states gave me anxiety, knowing I was nowhere near an ocean. It grounds me, and I feel at peace with myself, even if only for a few hours. It's my home."

Angel turned in my lap, her hands reached for my face, and everything around me faded away.

Angel kissed my lips softly, pulling me from my thoughts. "Just like you. You are my ocean, and when you are near, I feel like I am home. Safe," Angel whispered.

I have been called many things: demon, monster, dangerous, but never safe. The way she opened up to me, showing her vulnerability, scares me shitless, but I refuse to leave her now. I may fuck this up, and Angel may hate me one day, but I'm not giving her up.

We watched the sunset, staying until her lips started turning blue, and I got a text saying everyone was ready. Tonight, the brothers and I will show Kaitlyn how loved she is.

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