33: Claiming Her

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Watching Angel laugh and enjoy herself tonight confirmed I wanted her to stay in my life. I noticed she watched Blade and Ginger, and a flash of jealousy crossed her face. She wants what they have, and I don't blame her. Hopefully, my present will remedy some of her doubts and insecurities about being worthy of love.

I knew Kaitlyn would love Killer's gift, but I wasn't sure about mine. Handing her the gift, she questioned me but opened it. Angel's face lit up, but when I asked her to look at the back, her eyes widened, and a gasp left her mouth. Love-filled green eyes stared at me, and I knew I made the right choice.

I didn't want to draw more attention to Angel, but she needs to know I am serious, and so do my brothers. Angel grabbed my hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I want Angel in every way, and I need her and everyone else to know she's mine. I may be a demon, monster, and dangerous, but to Kaitlyn, I am more, so much more.

Taking a deep breath, I stood and tugged Angel to stand with me. "You're mine. You've been mine since the moment you walked into your brother's house. Killer thinks you turned the enforcer soft, but you've shown me a new strength. It took me a while to acknowledge it, but I want you. Need you. Will you be my old lady?" I asked nervously.

Her beautiful green eyes stared at me, and her arms snaked around my neck, pulling me closer. "Yes, I will be your Old Lady, but," she paused, forcing the air out of my lungs. "Only if you promise to be my Old Man," she smirked.

Picking her up, her lips crashed into mine, hands tugging my hair, pulling me closer, and I couldn't get enough. Kaitlyn isn't physical, but something in her snap. Her lips moved against mine hungrily as her body grinds against mine, igniting a fire in me.

Angel pulled away breathlessly, resting her forehead against mine, and we stood, ignoring those around us. I will promise her the world if it means she is this strong, sassy woman who isn't afraid of showing me every day.

Mine. Angel is mine. I don't deserve her, and my Hellhound will come for her, but I will protect her. Keep her from his grasp.

A roar of cheers erupted, pulling us back to reality, and Angel buried her reddened face in my neck. I put her down, and Killer immediately wrapped her in a tight hug, but there was a sense of fear behind his eyes. Fear that Kaitlyn is safe and where she belongs, but she's not going anywhere. Not if I can help it.

We party as only Riders know how to do. Hard and into the early morning hours. Watching Kaitlyn sing at the top of her lungs and grinding against me sent my body into overdrive. My hands gripped her hips, pulling her flush against me. Angel threw her head back and arms around my neck. I ran kisses along her neck, causing a small moan to escape her beautiful lips.

We share the same bed every night, but nothing physical ever happens, but tonight has me thinking that might change. My mind raced with images of her skin on mine, showing her what kind of power her body held. We danced body-to-body until she needed a rest and sat by the fire while I got her water.

"Hi, Angel," I whispered.

"Hi, you," she giggled. Sitting down, I pulled her onto my lap, laying gentle kisses over her face. She laughed, grabbing my face between her hands.

"I think you missed a spot," she smirked, teasing me.

Don't stop now, Angel. Show me what you want.

"Why don't you show me where?" I whispered, trailing kisses along her jawline. A small moan escaped her lips, her body stiffened, and her core tightened as I kissed her collarbone.

Fuck. Angel is testing my limits, and if I'm not careful, she may get more than she bargains for tonight.

Her hands aimlessly traced my name on the front of my cut, biting her bottom lip, overthinking. Breathe, Ace. Breathe. I pulled her bottom lip from her teeth, and she placed a gentle and deep kiss on my lips.

"There," she whispered against my lips before taking my bottom lip between her teeth.

You're mine now, Angel. Two can play this game.

I stood with Angel wrapped around me and carried her through the party and into the house. The guys whistled and cheered, causing Angel to bury her reddened face in my neck. I, however, don't care who hears how much I love this woman. I refuse to hold back anymore.

Once upstairs, I closed the door to our room and set her down, trapping her against the door. My eyes wandered over her perfect body, wanting to take her against the door and hear my name fall from her perfect lips, asking for more. I wanted to show her what that body of hers does to me, as the erection in my pants reminded me, but I didn't want to force her to do anything she didn't want.

Angel seemed to space out, overthinking again. "Stop thinking," I instructed, resting my forehead against mine. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She needs a distraction.

Stepping back, I instructed, "Keep your eyes closed. I have one last gift for you, Angel." 

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