Birthday letter?!

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Harry sat on his small cot called a bed. He didn't want to even think about what today was going to be like. After all he had no friends who would send him presents. And his aunt and uncle would never get him anything. He just couldn't think about how miserable everything seemed to be going. Being of this age was just miserable. He was not going to expect anything. He had received a letter but that was instantly taken from him thanks to Dudley. He wasn't really expecting to receive that back.

A small light flashed in front of him as if it was magic. Then he saw a small folded piece of paper float slowly to the floor. He quickly snatched it. He unfolded it and began to read the letter.

My dearest Heiro,

Today you are the age of 14, and I am finally able to write you with out the light side finding out. Today your magic will increase and your glamours will finally drop and you will finally look like me and your Uncle. I am so very sorry that all this is happening without explanation. But this is all I can do for now. Perhaps as soon as you change completely you can go and look for the right answers in the right places. And most likely your god parents will be the best to go to for safety. Everything will be alright my son. If you go to Knockturn Alley, if you believe what I say, then go to the potions shop and ask for the Half Prince. Say that you are Emilie's boy and then he will ask for your name. You shall reply with Heiro Calen Prince. It is for the best that we do not meet just yet my son. But we will meet soon, my son. I am sorry that you had gone this long without me. It is up to you to tell everyone -who you choose - about you previous identity. Keep this letter on you at all times.


Your Birth mother, Emilie Prince.

Harry thought that all this was weird but he knew deep down that all this seemed to be true. He felt a sharp tug at his heart and then the feeling of a cold water like feeling wash through him. He quickly ran to the bathroom for the mirror. And what he saw in the mirror was a long haired, bright green eyed, 5'0'' tall boy. He took off his glasses and everything became sharper. He had a small pixie like nose and sharp cheek bones. Almost like Severus Snape. But that was impossible. But he would not argue. Not with what was going on and what was to happen. He quietly went down the stairs and got his wand and trunk from the cupboard under the stairs. He quickly shrunk the trunk wandlessly. And out the door he went. It being 3:00 in the morning he figured that he would be able to catch the Knight Bus.

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