Alone with Viktor Krum

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A week had passed since Pansy and everyone had noticed what Viktor's true feeling for Heiro were. No one was pleased as everyone had found out. Including Draco. And so they tried to keep Heiro with them at all times. Even when Draco was at practice and all Heiro wanted to do was read or write to his mother in the library. And he had not asked what they were doing yet so they were ok with them thinking that they were trying to be overly friendly or just try to keep Hermione and Ron away from him. Heiro was now in the library having finally sneaked off  from the other Slytherin's and he was in the hide away cove in the library that Madam Pince had shown him after she noticed that he just wanted peace to study. And he was glad that the place was made and he was able to write his mother without being worried what was to be said and or having someone reading it over his shoulder. He yawned as he stretched and he felt an unfamiliar presence near him and it gave a weird aura that he was too familiar with, lust.

Heiro growled at the familiar aura that he despised so much. And he knew it was not from Draco because the presence was all wrong and the Aura he sent Heiro when he was being lustful fell over Heiro like a stream cleansing his body. Like that of someone who was head over heals for him. But this one gave off an Aura like that of a waterfall pushing a log to stay under. Very uncomfortable and made it hard to breath. And Heiro was not liking this at all. So with a quick look up he came face to crotch with someone tall and with the color of the clothing, it was someone from Bulgaria. And then he looked up to find the famous Bulgarian Seeker and probably going to be the Tri-Wizard tournament Champion for his school. Heiro quirked his eyebrow at the man and waited for him to speak. Viktor only blushed slightly and sat across from Heiro with out an invitation to do so. 

"And what is it that you need, Krum?" Heiro asked in the best monotonous voice as he could get. And  he got nothing. That made him roll his eyes and pack his things. 

"No, Please, no not leave. I just vant to sit vith you and observe you. You are very beautiful and I vish to stay vith you in this silence." Krum said in his thick accent and Heiro snorted at that.

"No, thank you. I am needed elsewhere at the moment. And I am pretty sure that my Fiance is going to start looking for me since practice is going to be over soon. So Good bye." And so Heiro shoved his stuff in his bag. And then got up to leave.  

Before he got two steps away he was grabbed. His arm was wretched backwards and that made him stop. Heiro growled and looked back at the big man with a scowl on his face. He growled a little then the hold on his upper arm tightened and that made Heiro stop. He was slightly afraid and was worried that he had done something wrong by leaving the safety of his house mates and friends. And the grip was starting to hurt . Nothing was said between the two as Heiro was internally screaming and he wished that he knew what to do in order to get away from this bigoted man.

With a big smirk Heiro looked at Krum in the eye and the hold loosened. "And who are you to touch me? I am a Yaxley! Get your filthy hands off of me!" And in his other hand that was hidden Heiro had his wand out. 

"How dare you! I am merely here because I vant you. You have no right to get like dis just because one must put a submissive being like yourself back into its place." Krum snarled.

Heiro growled low and without even using a wand he sent the most intense stinging hex at Krum which made him let go. Heiro sent Draco a patronus, noticing that his patronus was a cute mink that was a cute white color. Then with another spell Krum was upside down and he had his clothes transfigured to that off a muggle tutu. Heiro smirked and with a check to see that Madam Pince was not in he took Krum to the Great hall and added a banner that hung from his arms that said 'I like to dance like a girl and I try to steal other people's fiance's because I find them beautiful.' And Heiro smirked at his magnificent work. 

And just as he got everything just right, Draco and everyone came in with the rest of slytherin and found Heiro in the great hall with Krum in the air upside down in a ballerina pose and suit. With the banner showing and flashing loud colors. Draco, still in his quidditch uniform approached Heiro with an actual smile and dropped his broom before he scooped Heiro up in his arms and swung him in an arc while kissing his Fiance. He was proud that Heiro got his own revenge but he knew that that was not going to be it for the poor sap. And in fact as soon as he got his Heiro away the rest of the Slytherin house would get revenge for his stupidity also. Draco set Heiro down and touched his upper arms making Heiro flinch away and give a small back throated whine, Draco snarled and quickly got Heiro out of the robe and shirt he wore to see his arms to find that on his left arm was a huge bruise that looked like a hand and he knew the others saw what he saw. And now he was going to be a part of the fun. And He knew Pansy was going to make the seeker regret everything he had done to Heiro.

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