Hufflepuff Problems.

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Now that everyone was getting back into the hang of school, Dumbledore or as many people call him in Slytherin "Dumbledork", added another mandatory class that had to be taken in order to graduate Hogwarts. And so Heiro, and all the other upper year students, were placed in said class. Unfortunately, this class was not divided by year and it was a year long course. The class was to be known as "Wizarding Necessities". As Heiro got to his new class they were assigned seats and he was placed next to the Hufflepuff Champion, Cedric Diggory. They didn't really talk to each other though Heiro did notice that Cedric would stare at him for long periods at a time. Heiro snarled slightly to himself for he did not like the fact that he was getting stared at by someone who was almost 4 years older than him and wasn't Draco. He did not like anyone other than Draco looking at him for more than a minute. He allowed Draco to look at him because he could look at Draco at the same time; ah the joys of being betrothed.

He looked at Cedric when he noticed that no one would say anything if he wasn't looking forward and hissed, "Will you stop staring at me? If you don't, I'll hex you blind."

Cedric looked shocked at being caught and blushed as he looked down at his papers and then slowly started to actually take notes from the lecture. Heiro was glad that he got the Hufflepuff to stop looking at him. He knew that he had to tell Draco and his uncle once he had the chance. Since lunch was after this class he would be able to tell Draco sooner than his uncle. He chewed on his thumb nail and waited until they were dismissed by the bell. It seemed to take hours, even though it was only 20 minutes, before they were dismissed. Heiro packed his stuff up quickly so he could get to Draco sooner. He didn't even stop when he heard his name being called by some Gryffindors.

As he nearly ran to the Slytherin table and into Draco's lap he felt as if he was being followed by someone. He tried to brush it off though, feeling that it was a bit absurd considering everyone was going to lunch. He just could not get rid of the feeling though; when he made it into Draco's lap he was shaking.

"What is wrong, my love?" Draco asked him, hugging him tightly.

"I just feel off right now. And it didn't help that Diggory was staring at me for the longest time during class and I had to tell him to stop. I think he is gonna do something. But don't take my word for it yet. Can you just hold me for a little longer?" Heiro asked. He knew that he was still the Harry that he had grown up to be though he never showed it, for he was afraid that he was going to be found out by others, or that the Slytherins would not like him anymore. He knew though that when his gut told him something was going to happen, then something was going to happen; that was how he had survived for so long.

"Yeah I can," Draco said.

And so they sat like that for until Pansy started nagging them to eat, like the mother hen that she was. Heiro slid off of Draco's lap but stayed close; slowly eating a small amount of food. He felt someone looking at him so he looked up slightly and saw that he was being stared at by Cedric which made him shiver and move closer to Draco. Draco followed Heiro's look which seemed to catch Cedric's attention as he looked alarmed and started quickly eating, leaving soon after. Fred and George came up to the group and told them that they had Potions next with Snape and asked Heiro if he would like them to walk him to his uncle's class as he had a free period. Heiro and everyone else agreed. So they finished eating and with a chaste kiss between Draco and Heiro they went their separate ways.

Once in the dungeons, Fred and George then took their seats being the third set of people into the classroom. Heiro ran to the back of the room and through a passageway that not many people knew of and went straight to his uncle.

"Uncle Sev! I need to tell you what had happened in the class that Dumbledore is forcing us to take!." Heiro said in one breath.

"Hiero, calm child. Now breathe and tell me what has happened," Severus said as he led Heiro to a seat.

"Well, the Diggory boy kept staring at me. He didn't even take notes, he was just staring at me! It was very unnerving so I turned to him and told him to stop. I think he was shocked that he was caught because he blushed and started taking notes. And then when the bell chimed and I was leaving, I felt as if someone was following me. And then he was looking at me as I was eating lunch. My gut says something is going to happen," Heiro confessed.

"I see. If you would like I can talk to the boy, I have him right before dinner. I could warn him that you are already spoken for if you would like me to," Severus said.

"It's fine Uncle. You should get to your class. Can I stay here and try to do some homework? After all I have this class next," Heiro said and Severus nodded.

Heiro sighed and got out his work for the day so he could get some of his homework done. He was unsure on some of the things that were on his homework, but he knew that Draco would explain it to him better later. So with that he continued his work until it was time for him to go to the front of the class to begin learning from his Uncle. And to feel safe next to his betrothed. This day may have started out weird. But so long as he had Draco and his friends, along with his uncle, then he would be able to deal with anything that came his way. Heiro smiled at his thought process as he grabbed his stuff and headed to his seat next to his love.

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