Home and The Choice?!?!

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Lights_Off_Attic: Hey y'all, I thought that I should update sooner instead and wait to the hopeful results I get Later on. And I found the original journal that has the outline for the fic The Truth Behind Us. Si I should have the next chapter up by this time tomorrow. (8:21 California time.) and finally since she made me blush with her comment this is dedicated to her so here is to you @ConnieJoao

As they landed at the place that Snape had apparated them to Harry came face to face with a huge mansion that only slightly looked foreboding due to the Gothic architecture and the storm that was rolling in above them. But it was beautiful all the same. Harry stood there half because he was amazed at the beauty of the home and half because he was slightly unsteady form the weird sensation of the pull.

"Uncle Sev.... Is this Place where you live?" Harry asked as he jogged to catch up with his uncle.

"This is where we live from now on. And you should be meeting your mother when she gets back from the errand she is doing in Bulgaria at the moment. So you should see her sometime during the school year. In about a month. But we have much to discuss. But we shall do that tomorrow since your glamours have fallen and we will need to get you new clothes and it'll be easier to discuss with Draco and his Parents with you getting you new things." Severus said as he felt Harry take his hand and he held it. He led Harry to the dining hall and past to the kitchens where there was a small table set for them with dinner.

"Wow! Is that Mince Meat Pie! Wow! And Stovies!" Harry said letting go of Severus' hand.

Severus smiled and let the small boy sit where he wanted and watched as he looked at the food and patiently waited for Severus to sit with him and begin to eat. Harry had a huge smile on his face and Severus sat and they ate.

Once they were done they sat and read for 2 hours before Harry began to fall asleep and Severus picked him up and took him to his bedroom. He laid the boy on his own personal bed and transfigured his clothes into sleepwear, then proceeded to tuck the boy in. He transfigured his own clothes and got into bed with the boy and fell asleep instantly.


They had gotten up by 8:30 and they had ate a nice breakfast and began to get ready for the day. Draco had floo'd through as they ate and had a set of his own clothes and a pair of his shoes for Harry to wear for the day. Harry smiled at Draco slightly and blushed. He quickly ate and ran upstairs to where his uncle had shown him was the room and bathroom that was to be his from this day forward. Draco had walked slowly behind him and saw him go through a door. He left the clothes on the bed that had no gryffindor colors on it what so ever. And he knew from experience that the rooms were designed to go with the roomies favorite colors.

And to his surprise the room was a Mercury silver color and a deep emerald color and black. He have a sigh as the bed comforter was a green with a silver dragon on it.

An hour passed since Harry had gone and ran to get ready and now they were ready to leave. Harry took Draco's hand and they, with Severus, left for Diagon Alley to get clothes and new school supplies. They met with Draco's parents.

"Now, my little Raven we need to discuss what we shall do about how you are going to look and the story behind you when you go back to School. Do you wish to return as Harry Potter, Or do you wish to go as a new student with a name close to the one you have now?" Severus said as they walked through a empty section of the Alley.

"I wish to stay where I am loved and not as someone I am not. We can stick to some of the truth if need be if someone asks about me. But I rather have Dumbledore say a lie about where I actually am and how he truthfully doesn't really know where I am. And I don't look a lot like you and mom. But I also look nothing like Harry Potter except the eyes and well, I could just say that i am Draco's fiance and that i have come to live with You because my parents named you Godfather and they died and on their will I was to be placed with someone close to my betrothed." Harry said softly as Draco smiled at the small boy he would soon call his own.

"Well, wonderful!" Narcissa said and they went on their way and began to shop.

Many of Harry's clothes were skinny jeans and plain black shirts and black sweaters. Draco bought Harry a ring and a necklace.

"Every person who is as beautiful as you deserves to be shown off. And with this it shows that you are already with someone and the necklace helps with people to not become too suspicious of us." Draco explained making Harry blush deep red.

"Thank you" Harry said softly.

All three adults smiled and they began to go on with their business once again. Draco and Harry got new cloaks and they both matched. Their winter cloaks also matched. The outer cloth was black with a silver fur lining and the inside was a rich emerald green that went well with the style. Harry bought 3 winter cloaks and 7 school robes.

All of them went about the day shopping for everything and they had began to stir up some commotion and had people talking as they walked by. everything was going well until Harry decided to run ahead to the ice cream shop and ran right into The Weasley brood. Harry fell back easily and cried out as he landed harshly. Draco ran to Harry as Ron sneered down at the boy that had fallen after running into him.

"Watch where you walk Freak! You could have gotten my new robes messed up!" Ron growled.

"Shove it Weasel. Make sure you know who you speak to before you say unwise words." Draco snarled.

"He looks like an orphan to me, no one special." Ginny said.

"Perhaps. But You wouldn't Know who he is unless you asked him right?" Narcissa asked sweeping the boy to his feet.

Lucius gave them all a quick look that seemed to have read as 'say nothing till after I say it' "Heiro let me introduce you to these people to you. these are one of my coworkers family. Weasley Family meet Heiro Calen Yaxley, Draco's betrothed."

The Weasley's became pale at the last name and bowed low. "We apologize for our attitude My Lord. We express our deepest apologies." Molly said

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