A Weird Day

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Weeks had passed, and the first month of the new year was trying for both Heiro and Draco. Heiro had begun to think that he may be ready for the next step in their relationship but he was unsure on what to do. And Draco just wanted to make sure that Heiro was comfortable with him. As the days passed, they came to the conclusion that they would talk later and then decided they would wait until they both were comfortable.

They went about their days as they usually did, that is until they walked into a huge fight amongst the Gryffindors. As Draco was walking Heiro to class, they ran into Hermione and Ron, some of of the other Gryffindors were holding them away from each other and Lavender Brown was holding their wands as if they had pulled them on each other. Heiro had never seen something so rash from the Gryffindors before, not even when he was Harry.

"You are such a foul person Ron Weasley! You should be ashamed that you are even related to such good people! What would your mother say about this?! How can you even say that you had once been friends with Harry?! I know better now. I learned! You strut around like all that matters is the money we received for being Harry's friend. But you are wrong! We are both wrong! We have always been wrong! We used him and he trusted us. We are horrible people. And if I could I would hex you so hard right now to make you actually understand!" Hermione yelled.

Draco and Heiro watched in shock for no one had noticed them as of yet.

"So what Hermione! Bloody hell, like I want to listen to your nagging! It's not like I am the only one in the wrong here. After all, you agreed to it before i even thought about it! So don't go blaming me." Ron said.

Heiro and Draco heard the bell toll and began to walk to their respective classes, even though they wanted to listen in order to learn more about the situation. Heiro thought about the small part of the conversation they had heard and wondered what they meant. Maybe Dumbledore had done something to them like he had with Blaise... He just didn't know what to think about it. As he got into class, the professor told him that next time he was late he was going to receive detention for the professor only gave one warning. Heiro nodded and sat in his assigned seat next to Cedric.

"Do you know what the last challenge is going to be for the tournament?" Cedric asked.

"Why would you ask me? I wouldn't know what it is." Heiro said.

"Well, I just thought that you might know, since you know, you are a Slytherin." Cedric said.

"Wow, that was not what I thought you were going to say but thanks. And no, just because I am a Slytherin, does not mean that I sneak around just to figure things out. Please do not assume things about me." Heiro said as he looked Cedric in the eye with a completely straight face.

Cedric looked shocked at the tone that Heiro used with him. He was not expecting that much hostility after the talk that they had. But then again, no one could expect them to become friends after one talk. So Cedric faced forward and began to take notes as the teacher began his lesson. Heiro wrote his own notes and noted the day of the upcoming test.

When the bell rang Heiro went straight to the Great Hall so that he could find Draco and tell him about his class. Heiro did not really think that he needed the class but he did as he was told in order to prevent being put in the spotlight for any reason. That could lead to people thinking he was someone other than Heiro Yaxley. Nephew to Severus Snape and son to Emilie Snape-Yaxley. When he spotted Draco, he smiled and nearly ran up to him glad that he could have an hour to just relax with him. Draco wrapped his arm around Heiro and brought him closer to his side.

"Today has been so weird. First the fight between Hermione and Ron and then Cedric asked me about the last task. And then he assumed that since I am a Slytherin that I sneak around to get information. How rude is that?! I might have Pansy or the twins cast their best jinx's on him to show him what's what." Heiro said. Draco chuckled as Pansy made Heiro his plate.

"Oh? You don't want me to do it for you?" Draco asked.

"I'd rather you stay with me all the time truthfully," Heiro confessed and blushed. Hearing that, Draco kissed Heiro full on the lips not caring who saw them making Heiro gasp in surprise then let out a small moan of delight.

When Draco had heard the moan from his love he felt his pride swell for he was responsible for his love making such an erotic noise. He also made a mental note to himself to make sure that he would be the only one to ever hear a noise like that from Heiro. Pansy looked shocked at the noise but was distracted by Neville sitting next to her and Luna on her other side. The couple was slightly shocked that Luna was sitting with them until they noticed that she had on one of Pansy's ties and Neville's sweater vest.

"Thank you again for letting me borrow your clothes. It seems that all of mine have been taken again. Do you think that they have an option of resorting for people who feel like they have changed." Luna asked in her wispy voice.

Everyone was thinking about what they had heard and wondered if it was possible. They all wished that they knew the rules better so that they could answer her question and then Heiro got an idea. He could ask Uncle Sev if there was a way to do so. But right now it was time for friends and to eat. Pansy had to make Luna's plate for Luna had tried to eat pudding and no other food. They sat and planned what they were going to try to do to solve Luna's predicament. After all everyone needed to be surrounded by people that cared for them, not people who bullied them and stole their things.

All of a sudden they heard yelling from the hallway and everyone looked to the doors in wonder. In came Ron and Hermione with Dumbledore behind them.

Hermione was screaming at Dumbledore about how he cast a spell on his lemon drops that he gave out to people which had a potion on them that made people do as he wanted. She screamed that he had used them to make her rat out Harry so many times and a lot of other things that seemed to make no sense.

Luna looked at Heiro and smiled softly. "It has been a weird day for you hasn't it?"

Heiro smiled and nodded at her words. Heiro knew that Luna knew that he was never really Harry in the first place, but he also knew that she knew when not to say anything. Plus, Luna was like the sister he never got to have. And he would rather have her noticing his weird day than anyone else. As everyone else watched the fight Heiro and Luna ate paying no attention to anyone else outside their group. 

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