First Class And The Weasel.

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Harry awoke in the bed that he was given and had Draco wrapped around him like a cling bear. Harry smiled and began to untangle himself so that he could go take a shower for the first day of school for their fourth year of school. He also heard through the crowds last night that the other magical schools in their area of the world were coming to Hogwarts for a tournament of sorts. Draco awoke and blinked softly. He smiled at Harry and they both got up and they began to get ready for school, Draco brushed Harry's hair for him and Harry put Draco's tie on him with a beautiful design. They gave a small kiss as their way of saying Good Morning. 

They got completely ready and then they went off to the Great Hall in order for them to eat breakfast and get their time tables for class. They ate and then Harry saw his uncle come up to him and they got their times tables. They found that the first class was potions with the Gryffindors. As they read through the classes they would have for the year and the schedule they would use for the rest of the year, in came Ron and Hermione. Harry looked at his old friends and a couple other people that he would have called friends but never did. 

Ron and Hermione wore new robes and they even held their nose up like they were far more superior then anyone else in the school. But then Pansy came in and glared at them. And with a loud voice she said:

"I am glad that Potter finally got rid of you. He doesn't need fake friends and I am glad that he realized that you are filth and a disgrace to wizard and witch kind. Going so far as to sell him out. Your brothers are far better then you. And Granger, I have no words for you. I thought you were smart. I guess I was wrong." And then she walked over and sat next to Harry. All the slytherins looked at her like she was a new species or even a goddess. then in a small whisper towards Harry and Draco she said, "I'll protect you even if I die. I may seem mean and an utter Prat but I know that you were Harry but the glamour has finally fell. And you wont worry about Blaise anymore. He was imperio-ed to do that to you and doesn't remember what he did to you."

Draco and Harry nodded in shock and then they heard footsteps. Draco looked up and Harry looked back behind him. There stood Ron and Hermione. Hermione had on her sweet smile that had originally won him over but now seemed creepy. And Ron was sneering at him. He quirked his eyebrow up at the boy he once called a friend. 

"So the Yaxley boy is actually a Slytherin. No surprise there. I hope that maybe we could become friends." Ron said

"Highly unlikely red-head. I have no wants to be your friend. Not after what my dear friend Pansy has said. No one wants a friend who is after money and fame. And that will probably all you want to be when you are friends with me.  But I have all the friends I need. So please refrain from trying again. Thanks." And Harry got up no longer able to eat. 

Draco got up along with Pansy and a couple other kids and they walked to the potions class. Draco gave Harry a golden apple and he ate it as Draco ate his green apple. Harry laughed and they had the apple core banished and their fingers clean before they got to the classroom. Harry sat with Draco and then noticed that the slytherins were all the first ones in class as fourth years. Then finally the Gryffindors were in. Snape walked in with his cloak billowing behind him. He glared at all the Gryffindors and then the class began. They didn't even make a potion in the class and they all made notes and read the chapters assigned to them. And somehow Seamus found a way to blow up a book and lost 50 points. Harry giggled at that and the slytherins smiled at such an adorable sound coming from the new kid. Draco blushed and Snape smirked. 

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