The Other Schools Arrive!

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Yo! Sorry that it has been a long while since I updated. But I finally have time to update..... I am listening to horror stories while writing this. R.F.A. Lights_Off_Attic: I listen to horror stories and watch scary movies just so I can fall asleep. Its really weird. Ain't it?

A couple months have passed and no one had made the connection between Heiro and Harry yet. Not even Hermione, which Pansy and Blaise had placed a bet on. Heiro had laughed when the date that the bet was placed on came and went and they had both lost to Theo. Theo had said that it would take her till Christmas or the end of the year. What had Heiro tickled to no end was when Crabbe and Goyle both bet that it would never happen and if it did it would be too late for them to even think about changing Heiro back to Harry. Draco and Harry didn't even place a bet on the things that the other slytherins that knew of Heiro and such. Draco preferred to just be by Heiro's side and Heiro preferred to be by Draco's side. They were never apart and when they were it was because of a detention. But even that was rare.  

They were eating their dinner. Harry was eating a simple chicken and ham sandwich with pumpkin juice as a drink. Draco was next to Heiro and he was eating the same thing Heiro was. They were whispering amongst their friends and wondered what the tasks were to be and who was going to be the champion for their own school. That was when Dumbledore stood up and casted a "Sonorous" and began to introduce the schools as they proceeded in.

"Hogwarts has been chosen this year to host a legendary event, the TriWizard Tournament. Now for those who do not know, The TriWizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. Three school single students selected to compete. Now net me be clear, If chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. And now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beausxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress, Madam Maxim,"

At this the girls from Beauxbatons came in with sighs and  butterflies as if they were the most beautiful creatures on earth. Draco had snorted at their display. The Dumbledore continued

"And now our friends from the north, Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their High Master Igor Karkoroff." 

And then they came in with staffs that they beat against the floor causing sparks to fly and then they switched between hands at great speed. They did some fancy things with the staffs that Heiro didn't really care for. In fact the only thing that slightly interested Heiro was the one student that blew at the tip of his wand and fire spouted from it in the shape of a snake and then fell to a phoenix. He even heard Ron get all excited that he saw Viktor Krum and it made Heiro giggle because he found it rather ridiculous. Draco smirked at Heiro's giggle.

Beauxbatons was seated with the Ravenclaw House and Durmstrang was seated with Slytherin. And it just so happened that Viktor Krum sat across from Heiro and Draco. But neither paid any attention as they once again began to eat their meal in silence whispering only to each other. The Durmstrang students looked at the Slytherin's as if they were a whole new species and Viktor wouldn't stop looking at Heiro so he looked at the  quidditch star and sneered at him as if he was not but a speck of dirt. And that just made the older man laugh. Draco gave a small growl of displeasure. He and Heiro got up at the same time sneered and left the hall with their group of people. They headed back home to the dungeons and they sat in front of the fire. They all watched Draco go off about "the nerve of that pitiful quidditch player. Staring at my love as if He wanted Heiro for his own!" Heiro merely sat there and let Draco vent out what he needed till he sat next to him and so crawled in Draco's lap and simply fell asleep. Many gave a chuckle at the sight and the rest just smiled and left them be. 

No one really liked the way that Viktor had looked at Heiro. They all saw that the man was thinking of something for him and they did not appreciate the fact that he may have thought that he would probably try to ask their Slytherin Princess. It would not bode well with any of the Slytherin Students. And they knew that Draco would ask if they would keep an eye his Fiance through the whole year when they weren't around each other in those rare occasions. And they were resolute that they would be there for them when the two needed them.  As the night wore on Theo and Blaise both levitated their Slytherin royalty into their room so that they could sleep in a far more comfortable position. They placed them on Draco's bed and then they went back to the common room so that they could get a plan started for their protection of their Heiro. 

Little did they know that on the Durmstrang  Ship Viktor was with his friends plotting a plan in order to get the small beauty he sat across from to get alone time together and then he would ask the boy out. After all such beauty should not be wasted on such a place like Hogwarts. Viktor was set to get the boy alone and with him. He would go against every rule placed on them in order to get the boy for himself. He was going to get him and he was going to do everything he had in him to get to the boy. And no one was going to stop him. Or they would be hurt if they tried. 

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