Waking Up And Tom?!?!

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Harry had been asleep for a week and everyone was beginning to worry truthfully. So they had gotten a hold of Tom and told them about what was going on and he had a feeling of what was taking the boy so long to heal. He decided that he was to come to the Malfoy manor and check to see if his theory was true. He really didn't want to have the boy wake up and be freaked out by him so he decided that he would make it quick if possible, so long as his theory was correct. Tom apparated into the manor and was taken to the room in which Harry was sleeping in. He was unnaturally still laying on the bed and his scar was bright red. Tom scowled at that and approached the sleeping child and flared his magic to detect what was going on with the boy. And with that his theory was proved correct.

The child had a piece of Tom lodged into the scar and was not allowing his magic to function correctly in healing him. He quickly touched the scar with the tip of his wand and called forth his strongest magics and spoke. "REDIT BONIS!" And with a flash of silver light the soul was retrieved and it seemed that his appearance improved and Harry's magic was finally working properly. Snape had walked in after the light and sighed in relief as he saw that the emerald green and soft gold color of Harry's young magic created as it finally healed his nephew. Harry groaned softly and Tom froze wide eyed. Not expecting the boy to awake so quickly. Draco came running into the room as if he was being chased by a werewolf and crashed into Harry as he began to sit up. He kissed the boys face and had him smiling and laughing.

Harry quickly looked around and found that his room full of what he was told to be "Dark" but he felt as if they were his family and he heard their names in his head as he looked at each one. He smiled and addressed them from left to right.

"Dray, Uncle Sev, Aunt Cissa, Uncle Luc, Aunt Bella, Uncle Rod, Grandpa." Harry said with a smile as Draco crawled onto the bed and Harry moved so he could sit behind Harry and Harry leaned back resting in Draco's embrace.

Tom was shocked at what he was called but smiled softly. He was happy that the boy had been given the knowledge of everyone who was here.

"Hello, Heir. Do you wanna know something happy?" Tom said as he watched as Harry was squirming to get comfortable and watched him nod 'yes'

"Your mom is going to be here soon. In one weeks time in order for you to get taken to the train station for the first day of school as Heiro. Unless the Malfoy's gave you a new name for the time being for the schooling." Tom said and Harry nodded with a yawn and a grumble of his stomach.

And with a pop a house elf showed up with easy foods for Harry to eat and everyone left except for Draco who just snuggled closer to Harry as he slowly ate and fed Draco some as well.

"So how long have I been asleep? I can tell I was put under to heal cause I don't hurt anymore." Harry asked Draco softly.

"A week. We worried. Magic will only allow the hurt person to be under at a max of 4 days unless something was wrong or denying the magic to heal. So we had your grandpa see what it was and applied his techniques to make you better. And it worked. So now I need not worry so badly now." Draco answered truthfully.

Harry nodded and placed the finished food tray on the side table so he could turn into Draco and cuddle more. "I always feel safer in your presence like you are the only thing holding me together. I like this feeling though I admit it was very awkward feeling like that after we had the tiffs at school. And truthfully, I hated those."

Draco knew what Harry meant for he felt the same about the raven haired boy so he kissed Harry's nose and they snuggled closer. Harry sighed in happiness and fell into a small sleep to help replenish his core. Draco fell asleep also finally being able to sleep in 2 days. No one even went up to check on them knowing that they were sleeping and restoring their magics.

(REDIT BONIS= soul return)

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