Rumors, A Resort, And The Plan.

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Hello my Lovely Readers, My apologies on not updating any sooner. I really don't have an excuse on why I didn't update sooner. I'm just really lazy and busy with work.

As the day passed more and more rumors spread around the school about what Hermione had said to Dumbledore. No one was able to get these rumors under control. The Professors gave many detentions that day for all the conversations occurring in class though Snape only seemed to be ignoring them and many thought he believed what the students were saying. Of course, it was also probably that he just rather not get into what was going on. Draco had decided that since things were getting weird he was going to stay with Heiro for the rest of the day. Even though he might have to miss Ancient Runes since Heiro had that period off. Hopefully Heiro would follow him to his class so he wouldn't have to skip.

As classes continued things slowly began to calm down, though the rumors were still being whispered to open ears behind covered mouths. The Slytherin group had just sat back and watched as chaos set about once again at dinner. Draco and Heiro watched as Hermione and Ron glared at each other and the other Gryffindors besides the twins and Neville seemed to be split between Ron and Hermione though they did not know which one of them was right. Pansy and Neville sat in front of Heiro and Draco; then out of nowhere Luna stood up from she was seated with her house and seemed to dejectedly walk to the Slytherin group. She was covered in food and was softly sniffling.

Draco seemed mad about her situation and Heiro was beyond furious; he was close to just standing up and confronting anyone and everyone who thought that it was ok to bully someone from their own house. Then Heiro looked to his uncle and then got the perfect idea; he was going to call for a resort. If his house and Luna's house agreed with his actions then Dumbledore could not deny the resort. So Heiro stood pulling Draco with him,then cast a charm to quiet everyone before speaking.

"I, Heiro Yaxley of the House Of Slytherin, call for a Resorting for Luna Lovegood of the House Of Ravenclaw. I ask that Ravenclaw agrees and I have my housemates agreement to my call." Heiro said as he recited what he had read while he was in Draco's Ancient Runes class.

Dumbledore looked shocked along with many of the professors. The Ravenclaws sat in silence for a couple of seconds before they agreed to the resort Luna. Luna looked shocked that Heiro had called for the resort so soon and then began to smile with tears in her eyes. She sniffled as Blaise hugged her close. Just as Dumbledore was about to protest the resorting, Fawkes came flying in with the sorting hat in his talons. The resort began with Snape himself taking Luna's hand in his and walking her up to the Head Table and placed the sorting hat on her head once again.

The sorting took longer than expected until the hat finally called out the house that would help Luna flourish; Slytherin. Luna got up after gently giving the hat to Snape and ran to the Slytherin table as he cast the color changing charm on her robes, along with a cleaning charm making it known that she truly belonged in Slytherin and was welcome there. The Slytherin's all cheered, setting aside propriety to give her a proper welcome. Draco high fived Blaise and smiled at Luna as she wiped her happy tears away. Dinner then came to a close with many students heading to detention and the Slytherin group escorting Luna to the dungeons and showing her how to get into the dorms. She seemed to make herself comfortable quickly.

#### Riddle Manor ####

Remus and Bella were shocked that the pain that Petunia had gone through for so long did not end up killing her; though she did seem completely insane. And so they followed the plan to obliviate her and leaving her in a mixed village of muggles and wizards. As for the boy, he was in better shape and seemed to have improved his health under the charm that Remus and Sirius had placed him on. He seemed like he was remorseful for what he had done to his cousin. Sirius had even witnessed the remorse as the child slept. He would call out Heiro's previous name in his sleep. Though sometimes the calls seemed to be more of a moan of pleasure, not of remorse so Sirius had decided that they needed to keep the boy longer to make sure he truly felt sorry for his actions. Vernon seemed to be completely dead on the inside, nothing seemed to get to him. He was a shell of what he used to be.

But they were going to keep him a little longer to make sure that he wasn't somehow faking. Bella took Petunia to just outside the village they decided to leave her in and let her wander into the village through the forest to make it seem like she had gotten lost or was an escapee from a mental institution. She returned quickly because she wanted to help her cousin and his lover make sure the boy was truly sorry about what he had done to Heiro. When she made it back to the house she saw that her potoo had returned with a note tied to its leg; she took it and fed the bird some raw meat.

The note was from Severus; he agreed to the plan and apologised for taking so long to reply. He also wrote that he was going to come by soon because he had news to tell Tom. And that he loved Bella to the ends of the world and back and missed her horribly. Bella smiled at that and went down to the dungeons and to the reason she had returned so quickly.

#### Hogwarts ####

Heiro and Draco lay in the same bed lazily watching as the mermaids swam by their window. Luna had found her stuff in the room that Pansy had all to herself and Pansy accepted Luna's presence in her room like they had always been best friends. And then they went about making everyone Luna's friend right away so that way she would never be bullied again. Draco held Heiro close and watched as he slowly fell asleep next to him.

Draco sighed in happiness while thinking of all that he had. A beautiful fiance that made him beyond happy, a loving (and large) family, and amazing friends. Even if some of those friends were not part of his house; he finally realized that not all the people he was friends with had be from the same house. Heiro had taught him that. Heiro always made friends with anyone he wanted to just like he had when he was Harry; the only difference was Heiro's friends were more real than Harry's, excluding Neville, Luna, and the Twins. Those four were always the truest of friends when Heiro was Harry and they are still his friends.

Draco was proud to acknowledge that he has these people in his life and felt that he couldn't ask for anything better; he already had the best the world could give him. 

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