To be Truthful Or Lie?!?!

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Quick Rant By Me: So today, I placed my opinion on something, my friend posted on Facebook and some dude told me that my opinion was a negative opinion and that i was less than human because I was gay and a female. I just don't know how people can be like that. 

As the spell fell to the end and the parchment finally ended Severus plucked the paper from the air fearing on what it was being said on the parchment. He was afraid and hoped he didn't feel the need to go in and exact his revenge on the filthy Muggles and the disturbed Headmaster that had dealt with Harry as he grew up. Severus, Lucius, and Narcissa all looked at the parchment and began to read what had happened to the boy. Draco bit his lip wanting to know what was going on for his mother had gasped and sniffled as tears rolled down her porcelain cheeks. And his father was scowling at all he was reading. Severus was straight and rigid. More so then he was used to for his Godfather. 

Draco waited afraid. He needed to know what had happened to this small boy that he was engaged to. He wanted to know but was afraid that he was going to far on knowing what had happened and would ruin their small trust they had built in such a short time together.  But then he was given the parchment to read. 

"You will need to read this. He will eventually tell you and us. But it is unfair to have us know and not you when you seem to be closer to him then us." Severus said and so Draco began to read all that was on the paper.

Patient: Heiro Calen Prince

Age: 14

Blood Type: Pure Blood

Damages and Hurts:

Age 1: Forced Glamour

Age 2: Small bruising and Mental Abuse (Malnutrition)

Age 3: Near suffocation and damage to the voice box (Malnutrition)

Age 4: Permanent Eye Damage (Malnutrition)

Age 5: Broken Fingers to His Left hand (Malnutrition)

Age 6: Fractured wrist and elbow (Malnutrition)

Age 7: Back lacerations and thigh lacerations (Malnutrition)

Age 8: Rape and A Broken Left arm (Malnutrition)

Age 9: Rape and Broken Jaw (Malnutrition)

Age 10: Rape and Broken Right Leg (Malnutrition)

Age 11: Rape, 4th and 5th rib broken, Punctured lung, fractured cheek bone, starvation, Multiple lacerations (Malnutrition)

Age 12: Rape and Starvation (Malnutrition)

Age 13: Starvation and Lacerations and forced abuse and mental scarring  (Malnutrition)

Age 14: Magic Helping to fully recover Patient. Magically induced A Coma is a must. Highly requested for patient to fully heal. All Problem to deal with Height will not be able to be fixed.

Draco was shocked at what he had read for his fiance. There was more in depth words about what had happened but Draco had only read what was written in bold. He was unable to read the words that went into detail. He wasn't sure that if he would be able to hold in his anger if he did. He looked at the boy and then at Severus and nodded. His mother then cast the spell that put Harry in the a coma for the healing. Severus was ready to go and deal with the filthy muggles and the insane headmaster. He thought about what needed to be done. He knew that everyone who knew the boy as he was born and Not Harry Potter would all want to know about what happened to their last Yaxley lord.

Severus was unsure about that though. He was unsure on if he wanted to tell the people the truth or lie to them and that the boy was perfectly fine. But he decided that he needed to at least tell the dark lord what really was going on. He chuckled thinking how everyone thought that the "Dark Lord" was dead and trying to come back in order to hurt the wizarding world. When in truth he wanted to better it by not letting Muggles not worthy of knowing about their kind get through. But all those who were on the "Light side" just didn't see that and seemed to be imperious-ed into believing that. 

He looked at the Malfoy's and took a deep breath. "I believe that it is time that we tell Tom what has come of his Honorary grandson. He at least has the right to know while my sister is off on her own mission. He will be able to tell us when it is ok to avenge what had been done to my nephew."

Both elders nodded and Draco was laying next to his fiance wishing that they were talking instead of Harry being in this a coma. But he rather have a healthy love then one that had a high risk of dieing without the proper rest. 

"You guys should go and make sure all is well also. It wont be long until the headmaster calls you in asking about Harry, Uncle Sev. try to be convincing though. Rumor is that the werewolf professor is part of that group that supposedly watches Harry during the Summer. And he will be able to smell a lie." Draco said.

The adults nodded and all walked out of the room leaving the two boys so they could check in and report. They walked to the apparition point and apparated away. They apparated straight to Tom in the meeting hall that he usually had a group of his followers in planning good and helpful homes for magical orphans.

"Tom! We have great news! But we have bad news that follows" Severus said addressing his Adoptive father. 

"What is it my son?" Tom asked standing suddenly needing to know what brought Both Malfoy's and his adoptive son to him at the same time.

"Heiro has found us! We have my nephew." Severus said. Tom smiled knowing that his grandson was now in their arms and was safe.

"The bad news?"

"Heiro was forcefully glamoured to look as if he was the Potters dead son. And....  he has grown up to think he is Harry Potter. And also this!" Lucius said taking the parchment that had all that had happened to Harry as he grew up. he had took it without anyone noticing but he knew Severus knew he had it. 

Tom took it and rad through it. He scowled at all that had happened to the poor boy. "He is in this a coma?" 

"Yes Tom. And he is at Malfoy Manor. He is with Draco and seems to only allow the Weasley twins, and Draco and obviously us to touch him. He is deathly afraid of the Zabini boy. He had harmed him last year." Severus replied. 

Tom nodded and he motioned for them to go home. "I will contact you when I have an idea about avenging the boy. No child should ever have to deal with such pains" 

And so they left. Off back to The poor boy who needed good and love in his life more than anything in his life. 

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