The Twins, Moony, And Padfoot.

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It had been a couple hours into the day of the fiasco of slytherin as they had done what they did to the famous Seeker and Durmstrang student. Many a Slytherin had been targeted by the other Durmstrang students for their actions, but they had held their own. Heiro had laughed when he saw what had become of Viktor krum at Dinner. He had laughed so hard that he began to cry and what had made it even more funnier was that Gred had created a spell and decided to test it out on Krum and it made him begin to talk in a very high pitched girly voice. And the Forge had made another and that turned the seekers hair Rainbow to the extreme. Heiro had laughed even harder at that and Draco ended up taking him out of the hall because he was shocking the other tables and the Slytherin's masks were breaking because of his laughter. And they had a reputation to uphold so they could not afford for all of them to laugh just because their Ice Queen was. It was quite cute though. They all internally cooed at the small boy and they just loved that he looked so alive while he was laughing.

Some people though still worried about Heiro. Manily his Uncle and Draco for they knew of what had happened in his past. But they trusted that the small boy would tell them on his own time when he finally felt comfortable enough with them all and so he would be able to tell everyone at the same time without having to keep telling everyone at different times. Severus watched as Draco took his nephew out of the Great hall and into the hallway so that they could get composed. But he had a feeling that Heiro would want to go to his rooms so he got up and left. After all he had a letter to give to him and he had no doubt that he would want to read for it came from people he knew very well and had trusted with his life. As he reached his room through the teachers halls he was greeted by a knock at his students hall door. He hurried over and opened to see Heiro and Draco. Heiro no longer laughing but smiling and Draco smiling at Heiro. He ushered them in quickly and shut the door behind them.

"How are you two today?" Snape asked the boys and in unison they answered with a 'good'.

"Heiro, I have a letter for you. It is from Black and Lupin." Severus said and Heiro looked quite shocked. "It is alright, I have a feeling that what they wrote will also be a surprise but a good one."

And so he was given the letter and he opened the wax sealed envelope and began to read the letter. And so it read:


This will come to as a shock for you. But I hope that this is ok. I, Remus know and have known who you truly are. I have known since the moment on the train. I apologize that I did not tell you. But I was afraid that you would do something drastic. But now you are ok and back with your family and my best friend. I am here with Sirius and he wants you to know that he feels much more relieved that now he no longer had to pretend to be on the light side and he is happy that you are ok and with your actual family. Hew also hopes that you will still allow him in your life and I wish the same. I hope that you will allow us this. You Must be wondering about our roles though, now. So I will tell you now. I am and have been part of what Dumbledore calls the dark side for some unknown reasons. And so has Sirius. He says it was hard to pretend to hate his cousins. Especially Bella for they were the best of friends when they were children and through hogwarts. And now we are able to do as we please now that you are with your mother and Uncle. And your Betrothed. Which we congratulate you on. But back to what we were saying. We just want you to know that you are too important to us as our adoptive cub to not let you know this and we were contacted by Narcissa and were told the truth about what had gone on. So we decided to tell you the truth and soon shall be joining our friends at Riddle Manor and will see you for Christmas with many presents. We are on your side and will always be on your side till the very day we die. Sirius says that he is glad that you are ok and that he hopes that everything goes well and that you talk to them about what had happened to you soon. We will be there for support.

Your Adoptive Uncles/ Dads,

Moony and Padfoot.

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