Choosing Of The Champions.

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The days had passed on and Krum still looked as though he was a girl and he had gone so far as not even talking for he did not want to hear his own female voice. And He scowled at everyone that so much as looked him longer than 3 seconds and whispered to their friends around him. Draco oftenly whispered into Heiro's ear when Krum was around though what was being said was an answer to a question on the homework that they had. Or him telling his Fiance what his mother had said in a letter. Or merely how he thought Heiro was adorable or cute and that he was Draco's and many other various things. And Heiro would laugh or giggle at it all. He was also into making Krum thing he was being made fun of. And then it was time to choose the schools Champions for who would partake in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. And Everyone was hoping that they Hogwarts Champion would be chosen from their house. And they all sat at the tables and waited to see who had one and let Dumbledore call the names of the champions. The wait was very Intense. 

As they sat and waited for Dumbledore to begin the Goblet was pulled up and they watched in awe. The goblet was amazing to see no matter how many times it was seen. Draco smirked as he saw all the people cheer and the Slytherin's all sat in place  with a dignified air around them. Dumbledore began his speech and Heiro kinda drowned out his voice with other thoughts and waited till the old coot was actually calling the champions for the tournament. He did not have to wait long till he had Draco touch his neck slightly to gain his attention again so he could hear who it was that would be the champions. And so he listened into what was being said. 

"...And now for the naming of our three lucky champions!" Dumbledore said and with a quick flash of light a piece of paper flew into the air and Dumbledore called the name written on it. "The Beauxbatons Champion is Fleur Delacour!" Everyone clapped for her and then another flash "Durmstrangs Champion; Viktor Krum!" That was an awkward clapping and then the final flash of light. "Finally the Hogwarts champion; Cedric Diggory!" and then it was wild. 

The Slytherin's scoffed and so they all got up and left without another thought and everyone seemed to think that they were upset that they had not had the champion from their house and the Slytherin's rolled their eyes as they heard such stupid notions. There was no way they would be mad about such a thing. And they were quite glad that they did not have a housemate and friend go into the sure death trap of a tournament. Afterall in the history of all Tri-Wizard Tournaments there had many people who had died while playing their games. And they had rather have all their friends alive together with them and safe. Not somewhere where they could get really hurt. Heiro yawned and stretched as he walked and slowly began to slow down and Draco picked up Heiro like a princess and with that Heiro slowly began to fall asleep in Draco's arms and the Slytherin's all left to their common room. They were going to talk about the champions and see what the tasks were that the champions would take part in. And thanks to the twins there was a rumor going around that the first task was going to be something with Dragons. 

Draco placed Heiro in his bed and then he transfigured his clothes into pajamas and took off his loves shoes and socks. Heiro curled around Draco's pillow and he fell into a deeper sleep and then Draco left so that he could talk to the others about all that was going on. 

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