The First Task

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The month of October and November had passed and by November 24th came it was time for the first Task. Heiro was getting nervous because soon he would be going home to Riddle Manor in less than a month and he would be telling everyone about what had happened when he had lived with the Dursleys. He knew he was worrying his housemates and mainly Draco and Pansy. But he told them that it was just nerves and it calmed them slightly. Draco had called the quidditch practice off till the last task was done and so he had more time for Heiro now and that calmed Heiro more than he led on. Everyone was now on their way to the quidditch grounds and saw that the grounds were transformed to look like a barren land and as they listened Draco heard Weasel say that the grounds look like what the grounds in the Dragon preserve, that his brother Charlie worked at, looked like. And with that it was a confirmation for what they had as the first task and the twins were discussing the fact that they were going to be rooting for the Dragons because they doubted that Krum or Cedric would distract the dragon properly but said nothing about the Fleur girl. 

Draco rolled his eyes at the twins and saw Heiro look in awe at the place and then the Dragon and the Champions. Cedric Diggory had chosen the Swedish Short-Snout, Fleur had chosen the Common Welsh Green, And Krum ended receiving the Chinese Fireball. Draco snorted at it all. 

"This is ridiculous. They could die. And they wouldn't have a single minute to think that they would have a chance to survive or cast a shielding harm that would be strong enough to keep them safe." Blaise said and many of the Slytherin's agreed to what he had said. 

Heiro nodded as well and Draco hugged the boy closer as the Dragon for Cedric Diggory was coaxed out by Charlie Weasley to the grounds and chained up to a sturdy boulder half the size of the dragon. Heiro marveled at the DRagon and held close to Draco as he was amazed at the giant creature. Cedric was then announced when the Dragon was settled and out he came. The dragon flicked its snake like tongue out and tasted the air and then looked straight at Cedric and Cedric froze and quickly hid behind a boulder. 

He took a deep breath and with a quick flick of his wrist and a silently whispered spell a smaller lose boulder was transfigured into a labrador dog and that quickly caught the attention of the dragon and he ended up grabbing whatever it was that the Dragon had been guarding. He quickly ran out of site and cancelled the spell and Dragon left to go back to where it was before. As everyone watched in surprise and awe the points were tallied and Diggory ended up with 38 points. And then Heiro was approached by Weasley and Granger. 

The Short-Snout  was convinced back into its cage and then the next one which was the Green Welsh was coaxed out. Heiro ignoring the Golden duo payed attention to the next Dragon and smiled at it.

"Dray, look! That one was so cute! Its so green. And look it breaths fire with almost every breath." He said as he looked up at DRaco and Draco smiled at him then scowled at the unwanted guests. 

"What is it that you want?" Pansy asked the two gryffindors. 

"We merely wanted to see if Heiro here would like to come hang out with us. Its good to have inter-house friendships, and we wish to be his friend!" Granger said as if she had the right to be Heiro's friend. 

"And if he doesn't want to be?" Pansy asked.

Before Hermione could answer Fleur was called out and the girl looked totally confident and with a shouted  spell the dragon fell into a trance and fell asleep. And as she approached the Dragon it breathed out catching her robes alight and it was a quick catch. She had the fire put out fast as one of the judges cast Aguamenti and she was rushed to Madam Pomphrey. And she wasn't rewarded Right away. And then they coaxed it back into its cage. As The last Dragon came out and Heiro was paying attention to the process and not the other Two. But hermione had answered the question that Pansy had asked. 

"If Heiro doesn't wish to be our friend then he will have to give us a good excuse as to why he doesn't want to be." Granger said.

"And who wouldn't want to be our friend? We were best friends with The Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. Famous and Rich for being the one who saved the wizarding world when he was just a child." Weasley said. 

"Oh? That's all you saw him as?" Theo Nott said. 

"Well, yes and no. He was a friend, He helped us and we helped him. The perk was getting to be famous along with him." Granger said. 

And with that Heiro scoffed. "Tell me, Why do you wish to be my friend? Is it because I have the same eyes as your supposed savior? Is it because you were told to do by the headmaster? Tell me. I wanna know. Why do you wish to be my friend? Is it because I am to marry the richest wizard and if you become my friend I will give and share the money?Is it because You think I will give you information about my family and such?" Heiro asked and glared at the two. 

As Krum was called out both Granger and Weasley were speechless. And then the Slytherin's ignored the two in order to quietly laugh as the girly looking seeker do what ohe had done with the blood red Dragon. He tried the Conjunctivitus spell but the Dragon went into a rage and was damaging eggs and then he was chased around the pitch and almost caught on fire many times before he finally caught an egg and so they got the Dragon calmed and Krum hurried away. Heiro smirked at the show and finally turned his full attention to the two that seemed to still be there. 

"I wish to be left alone and the only Gryffindors I will speak to know who they are and I will not name them. Leave now." 

And with that Draco took Heiro's hand and they left with the rest of their house. And they spoke in whispers and made sure that Heiro was ok and that they had not upset him. Heiro had just smiled at him and said he was ok. And told them that he would be able to hold his own against those two. And they left it at that. They went back to the Great Hall and Dumbledore was there already and had a feast ready for everyone when they all trickled in and began to eat. Draco and Heiro ate small foods and a lot of fruits and vegetables. Until Pansy became a mother and filled their plates with proper foods in the right quantity. Heiro giggled, leaned over the table and kissed her cheek. 

"Such a mother Pansy. You need to get a person to dote on so we aren't the only ones to get this attention " Heiro said and everyone laughed and Pansy blushed. 

"Maybe you can help with that. After all you know the person I like." Pansy said.

Everyone looked at Pansy shocked and Heiro gave her the 'We're gonna talk later, when everyone is asleep.' Look. And she have a small nod in agreement.  

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