Afraid To Tell The Truth?!?!

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Severus took his small nephew back to hid home. He needed the young boy to feel safe and cared for when he was with his uncle. And he needed to Have Harry feel love from everyone around him and not feel as if he had to be afraid of everyone around him. Like he had when the Zabini boy came near their group. Harry sniffed and tried not to think about all that had gone on. He was afraid that Severus was going to demand him on why he acted to childish with so many people around the group and etc. He was afraid that he was to be punished, like when he had been when he lived with the Dursley's. 

Harry bit his lip in an anxious way and stood nest to the door after it had closed and waited to be scolded for his actions and then punished for his childish behavior.  Harry was not ready for what was to come what so ever. Severus turned to the boy that seemed nowhere near the age of 14 and more of the age of 10. He got to is knees in front of the boy to be on Harry's level and hugged the boy. Harry gasped slightly and all his worries washed away instantly and he began to cry once more. He clung to his uncle and cried into the mans shoulder as if he was his only life line. 

Severus held the boy close and thought about all the times he was rude to this boy in his arms. He felt guilt and realized that he was just as bad as everyone else that was cruel to their children. this was his Nephew. A boy that was so very easily impression-ed. And was told that he had to save the wizarding world all because he was the one that defeated Lord Voldemort. Which by this new news was all a lie.Harry clung to him and he just knew that he would never be able to hurt this boy. Even if he tried. He no longer saw him as Lily's son Nor a mini James Potter. He saw his beloved sister and her once love that had died saving her in this boy. He saw what no one else probably could ever see the most though. A child who was lost to a new world only knowing the path of pain and hate inflicted upon him. So much Severus himself as his sister was always gone and a little more.

Harry cried afraid that he would never have this love ever again in his life. He held onto his uncle as if he were to let go then he would drown in his own pain. And he was terrified that, that may be a possibility. He just didn't want that to ever be a possibility. He didn't know how to stop himself as he slipped into the thought process he was going through as of right now. He felt his uncle pick him up and move to the couch so that they would not be an achy mess on the floor. He wanted to tell his uncle everything and why he was crying like he was. But he couldn't. Whether he be with his uncle or not, If he told the truth then those who have told him that if he did he would sorely regret it came to mind. And Harry was more afraid that the people would go after his Uncle and those he told rather than him and have Harry watch it so he had to suffer more. 

Severus wanted to ask his small nephew why he cried so, but he knew that the boy would most likely deny everything and would make up an excuse. And he would not allow it. Not like this. Severus was thinking and thinking and came to the conclusion that the month of silence last year was deeper then just a mental assault on his nephew and ward. And he got the sick feeling that he knew what it was too. And he didn't think he could keep it to himself. And so he thought that he would by chance set up a monitor spell on Harry and a diagnoses one as well. Needing a full history of what all had gone on through the short 13 years of this boys life. He just needed the boy to fall asleep before he could set everything up and then he would go about things once he had everything he needed from the spells.

Harry finally, after at least half an hour of crying, fell asleep. His head was in the crook of his Uncles neck and shoulder. Severus then got up and went to the fire place in order to floo to Malfoy Manor. He needed Draco to be there for Harry when he awoke. For he knew if he was right with his thought process then he would not be there when Harry awoke from his exhaustion slumber. When he was through all that had happened was Harry shifting to get comfortable though he was being held was almost impossible. Lucius was the first to see them through and he called for Narcissa and Draco. 

"I merely need to cast some spells and once I have all I need then we shall see what was going on." Severus said as he went to what he knew as Draco's room. 

Draco ran ahead and opened the door and pulled the blankets away from the bed so that Severus could lay the boy down in his bed. Then the spells were cast. Draco bit his lip. He had talked to his friend after everyone had gone their own way. He was afraid of what Blaise wold say to him. But the boy would not say what he had done. All he had said was that "The Potter Boy got what was coming to him" And Draco had gotten beyond fierce with his best friend. Draco watched the diagnoses spell as it jotted down all that Harry had gone through for the past 13 years of his life. He held the boys hand and wished he knew what was going on. As he watched the spell he noticed that the parchment grew and grew. As if the boy went through more then any one in the whole school. 

All the Adults went beyond pale as the parchment continued to lengthen till it was almost 22 inches long.

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