Mama And School?!?!

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Alright so I made a fix to a chapter and Harion will be changed to Heiro. And he is going as his own cousin that had taken on that name in honor for the "dead" child. Also Emilie is transgendered. 

It had been a week and they were all waiting at Snape Manor. Harry had gone home with Severus three days after waking up. He wanted to get used to the Manor because he would be spending time there on holidays if his mother was alright with it. Harry also had heard about the fact that Dumbledore was finally looking for him. And he had bet that the Dursley's were not happy that they could no longer get paid for watching Harry as he grew up. Harry sat on a big black fur like couch and was happily sitting next to his uncle as Severus read to him about certain potions and their effect that they had on people. 

Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius were to be showing up soon to help Harry and accepting all that happens. Harry was glad that all the people that his magic seemed to register as good was going to be there for him and he was going to finally meet his mom. He was ready for this. He needed that person in his life and he didn't think he could have gone on thinking that his parents were dead because of Tom. Tom was a nice man. He was a good grandfather. He treated Severus like he mattered and he had told Harry all about what Dumbledore had done using many people's pensieve memories so he knew them to be true. At first he was unsure of what to actually do. But then everything had clicked.  

And now he was glad about where he was in life. He loved his uncle, his grandfather, his aunts and uncles. He loved his godparents and he loved Draco. All these people where there for him and he was glad about it. The fire place flared green and in walked Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius. Harry smiled up at the three Malfoys as Severus turned a page and a picture of a drawn flower that slightly reminded Harry of Severus and stopped his uncle from changing the page. 

"What is that Uncle Sev?" Harry asked amazed at the flower. 

"That is a Black Bat Flower. Mine and your mothers favorite flower. Used in many potions that are now illegal today because they are very powerful." Severus admitted. 

"And we have a whole garden of them both at the Malfoy Manor and here at Snape Manor." Narcissa said. 

Harry looked up wide eyed and was amazed about the flower. "Are the flowers easy to find in the garden?" Harry asked and Severus nodded and Harry was up and running out to look at the amazing flower. 

Nobody said anything due to the fact that as Harry was out the door the floo flared again and in came Tom with Emilie. Severus stood and hugged his elder sister. She smiled at the boy and they figured that now would be the best time to tell her about all that Harry had gone through while he was out looking at the flower that he was so attracted to. And so they sat her down and told her all that had gone on as he stayed with the strangers he was taught to call his aunt and uncle. 

She was livid and beyond words. Her little boy was set to deal with as she was unable to get him before that. She was so beyond the correct mind that she hadn't heard a sniffling child as he walked back into the Manor. Emilie only noticed when Harry called for his uncle in a wobbly voice. She stopped her magic from braking out and getting out of control. And in walked a boy the size of an 9-11 year old. He looked as if he had fallen and he was rubbing at his eyes like a child far younger then 14. 

"Un-un-uncle Se-se--Sev! I-I-I Fe-fe-fell and lan-landed on one o-of th-the flo-flow-flower you-you and Mama Li-like!" The child snuffled walking towards Severus with a small limp. 

Severus stooped down to be eye to eye with Harry and hugged the boy as he tried to explain how he had tried to save the flower but his magic wasn't letting him. Severus gave a small chuckle and patted Harry on the back and explained that, that specific flower was garnered so that magic was unable to do anything to it. Harry sniffed and apologized for the flower he had hurt and Emilie watched on as Severus held the child and everyone looked on with affection for her son. 

"Heiro, Do you wanna meet someone who's been waiting for a long time to meet you?" Asked Tom and Harry wiped his nose with a handkerchief Draco conjured in Harry's hand as he pulled from his uncle. He looked up at the new lady in the room and she was tall. slightly taller then Uncle Severus. She had Black Hair and emerald green eyes. She was beautiful and Harry knew instantly that that woman was his mom.

"Mama?" Harry asked shyly as Severus picked him up and went to Emilie.

She smiled at her little boy and took him from her brother. She was so happy to have her little boy back. Whether he be 14 or 1 She saw him all the same and she hugged him tight and cried.She was so happy for the child in her arms right now. The magical live child of a Snape and an Yaxley. She sat down with her boy in her arms and Harry glowed with a renewed parental bond forming between hos mother and his self. Then he noticed that his mama was in truth born a man but this was his mama and if his mama wanted to be a girl and called herself a girl he was fine with it all the same. For he was happy and content with the world. 

"So my son? Are you well?" She asked her voice soft whisper.

"I'm ok Mama. I just got to excited cause the flower reminded me of Uncle Sev and I wanted to see it for real/ The I saw it and ran faster and I fell cause of a rock. I think I scraped my knee. But this is nothing. In second year Professor Lockhart cast a spell and it made the bones in one arm disappear. Skelegrow is so painful." Harry admitted as he hugged his mama tighter. 


Emilie had gotten Harry everything ready for Harry as he slept in a little more for the first day of his 4th year at Hogwarts. She had both Draco and Harry to get up after she got their stuff ready. She was amazed at the boys closeness but she knew that it slightly had to do with their betrothal. Severus showed up and  had cast a feather light charm on the chests. 

Emilie went to her sons room and awoke the two boys that were curled around each other. Harry groaned about getting up as Draco left the bed and finally got up from the bed. Emilie set a spell that had a brush start brushing his hair as he got ready and Draco was at his own mirror and was getting ready. They had set clothes to where they would match as they went to school and they even got Harry a beautiful cloak for the cold weather that was sure to come this time of the year. Harry wore an emerald green shirt with a silver cashmere cardigan. As for Draco he wore a emerald green cashmere cardigan over a silver shirt. Harry wore black skinny jeans as Draco wore black dress pants. 

Harry had his hair free and did nothing with it as Draco combed his back on the sides and left alone on top. They put on black shoes and then they brushed their teeth and got ready to go with The Snape's. Harry watched in awe as his mum changed her appearance to that of the "missing" Yaxley brother that was not put away to die. 

Harry was shocked and slightly  out that his mum had turned to look like his dad. But he saw under the glamour as well and saw his mum under it all. They apparated to the train station  they got their luggage on the train and Harry and Draco hugged their parents as they were getting ready to go. They were one on the last kids to board and they had already a compartment for just them. And maybe their own friends. Narcissa had showed up as they did and hugged her son and his betrothed. The train whistled and Hagrid called everyone aboard. Harry and Draco boarded with good byes and then they were off. Draco escorted Harry to the compartment. They sat peaceful and only once were they interrupted by Draco's friend Theo that asked if he could sit with them for Blaise was "being a total prat and didn't know what no meant".  

And from there on they were silent till they had to get ready for the stop at the school. They got ready. Draco merely put on his school robe and Harry did the same. He didn't care if he was to get in trouble. They were  done getting ready and they finally were off to the school. Once in the school everyone went to their respective places and Harry sat with Draco till it was his turn to go. All the first years were called and now it was Harry's turn. His true name was called and he approached the hat and sat down as the hat descended on his head. 

"Ah! So I see that I am now able to call you by your true name and no longer worry about your false future. Do you wish to be placed where you are truly to be?" The hat asked and Harry said yes. "Then you shall be placed in...... SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled and Harry gently placed the hat down and ran to Draco and gave him a small kiss on the cheek happily. 

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