The Yule Ball.

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Professor Mcgonagall announced that soon the Yule ball was to approach and that all students must find a date. Heiro and Pansy were sitting together because Severus had held Draco back due to a small mishap in Potions. Heiro and Pansy had decided that since they were finally alone they could talk about who it was that she liked and how they were going to get the two together. Pansy was shy to even think about telling Heiro who she had feelings for. After all not many people saw the boy as the cutest boy out there and he was in a different house than them. Heiro smiled at her. He wasn't going to judge her, so with a silent flick of his wand Heiro set up a bubble around them so others could not hear them. He did not want his friend, that had taken over the spot he once held for Hermione in his heart, to feel ashamed or awkward. And if it was who he thought it was he was going to support her more than anyone else because he knew that the boy was a nice boy and he truly had no meanness in him. 

"So who is it that you like?" Heiro asked her one the announcement from the transfiguration professor was one.

"Um.... I kinda... I like Neville...." Pansy said as she blushed brightly. 

Heiro smiled brightly and he nodded. "I knew it!"

"H-H-How? I wasn't that obvious!" She said shocked. 

"Well, He is the only one that you have talked to. And I have this weird feeling that you always know if a person is gay or not. And so I knew it wasn't Seamus. And Dean is with Ginny.... You wouldn't date Ron because he is a foul git that only deserves the worst. And plus Neville may be the only one who knows me more than anyone and We've talked and technically is the only Gryffindor that I know." Heiro explained to Pansy. 

Pansy sighed in relief and nodded her head. "You are right. I was just so worried that I was noticable." 

"No worries you weren't. But I have an Idea, Since today is the day before Yule Ball and McGonagall was late announcing it, why don't you go visit Neville tonight in the green house number 4 and ask him. He is sure to say yes." Heiro said softly and she nodded in agreement just as Draco walked in. Heiro dropped the bubble around them as Draco neared and before anything was said Draco walked up to Heiro got on one knee in front of him with a big box and flowers.

"I ask you, Heiro Yaxley, To be my partner for the Yule Ball." Draco announced and Heiro being shocked just nodded... And to their surprise Neville got up from his seat and approached Pansy with Strelitzia flowers in a small bouquet.

"I ask you, Pansy Parkinson, To be my partner for the Yule Ball," And Pansy nodded. The Slytherin's clapped their congratulations to the two couples and Gryffindor just sat shocked at Neville's actions. 


The next day approached quickly and Heiro finally opened the box from Draco. Inside was a silk robe that was silver and green. Heiro thought it beautiful and so he continued to look through the box. There was more to the robes and there was a few letters from his mother in there as well. And one from Draco himself. Draco was still in bed because he was tired after the homework that he had to do and decided to sleep in was best. Heiro decided that he was just going to get dressed and ready for the Yule Ball as their parents were going to be there during the ball so they all would be able to go home with them afterwards. Heiro spelled his and Draco's stuff that were not their robes for the ball that they were taking home into their trunks. And then he went to the showers and began to get ready. He felt lucky though because Slytherin dorms had a bathroom for each room. And so he only shared the showers with Draco. 

He showered for a while and let the hot water beat at his tense muscles and then finally washed his hair and body. His hair had grown longer and he hated that he had to use so much shampoo but he loved the length. He got out and dried off as best as he could without a spell. But finally he needed to use the spell for his hair and he was ok with that. After all he was just going to put it up in a high ponytail and then let Draco mess with it later on. He brushed his teeth then pulled the clothes he needed to wear out of the box and began to dress. 

He had a soft silver, tight, silk shirt that was high collared he needed to wear underneath. And then a pair of silver tight pants made of cotton that he also needed to wear. He put them on then the emerald socks that no one would see. He slipped on the Robe and noticed that it was tight around his chest then flared out. the sleeves flared out as well. But it was well made and the robe had slits down the sides and not one in the front like the usual robes. He thought he looked nice and since he had such full and thick lashes it looked as if he was wearing eyeliner like muggle women. He smiled at his reflection. And then Draco walked in bare chested. He ended showering and dressing as well and once he was done with his process he fixed Heiro's hair so that it looked more formal for the ball while still being in the ponytail. They checked the time and noticed it was time that they had to go down and help Pansy. So they did and saw that she wore a furred dress that seemed to fit her so well they didn't think anyone else could have pulled it off as well as she did

They had merely helped her with her short hair and made it have soft waves and Heiro transfigured a piece of string into a beautiful gold and ruby necklace and two more pieces into a matching pair of earrings. Pansy put them on just as  the clock rang the hour and the Slytherins gathered to go out and meet with their partners. Draco, Heiro, and Pansy all met Neville at the doors of the Ball room and they went their own ways to dance. Krum had not shown up though Hermione had asked him to be her date and so she sat alone. Ron sat next to her looking sullen and Heiro paid no attention to them. Draco had danced with Heiro the whole time until Narcissa, who was one of the chaperone families that had come, decided to cut in and dance with Heiro. Draco laughed it off and watched as Narcissa led Heiro around the floor. 

Finally the ball ended around midnight and Dumbledore had called for the beginning of winter holiday. And that the kids going home may as well go. Draco accio'd their trunks to them and so Heiro left with the Malfoy family. And then when they had apparated home when they got into hogsmeade. Then Lucius apparated them to Riddle Manor. Drao and Heiro went straight to Heiro's room and they undressed and fell into bed for the night. They would talk to everyone in the morning. 

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