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Hey sorry about not updating sooner. I have been busy with work ad my beautiful beta had finals all week. Picture above is a Potoo, Type of Owl.

As the week had passed by, Heiro noticed that Cedric would steal glances at him and it irked him. He didn't really understand why the older boy would look at him constantly. He even told his friends and Draco about all the times he had caught Cedric staring at him. Pansy had told him that if he didn't like it then he should be confront the Hufflepuff and set him straight. Heiro, Neville and Pansy discussed the best way to make the Hufflepuff understand that Heiro had no interest in him and never would. They decided that the best way to tackle the problem was for Heiro to tell him without any "Slytherin" tactics; after all a flat out rejection often works best.Draco and Blaise had a project to deal with, so they were unable to come along.

The next day, Pansy and Heiro woke up early and got down to the Great Hall so that they could wait for Cedric. They did not have to wait long and he was accompanied by more Hufflepuffs and Cho Chang. Heiro approached Cedric and Cedric's eyes widened.

"Diggory, I would appreciate it if you would keep your eyes to yourself. Your stolen glances and staring causes me unease, and I would appreciate it if you would stop. For my fiancé and his friends may believe that you are trying to tell me you have feelings for me and then you will end up looking like the Krum until graduation." Heiro spoke truthfully.

"Excuse me, but my lover would do no such thing to a Slytherin. So stop before you get ahead of yourself. My Cedric would only look at you in disgust and nothing else." Cho Chang sneered.

Pansy began to cackle and Cho stepped back in fright. No one expected for the Slytherin girl to laugh so... menacingly. That was when Cedric stepped up and pulled Heiro to the side.

"I must apologize. You just remind me a lot of someone that I had been very fond of though he did not know me well. I hope that you understand that I was merely trying to see why I thought that you were that boy," Cedric explained.

"May I ask who you think I remind you of?" Heiro said.

"Since you are betrothed to Malfoy, you make not like to hear this. I was fond of Harry Potter. His way of doing things was so courageous, I loved it. I was supposed to meet him before school started but it never happened. I am disappointed that we were not able to get to know each other better," Cedric explained.

Heiro hid his shock and nodded at what he was told.

"I was told that the Potter's were distant relatives of the Yaxley's. Maybe that is why I remind you of the Potter boy. Or maybe my actions? I am sorry that you were unable to meet the boy you fancied properly. Perhaps maybe one of these days, if he comes back, you'll be able to meet him." Heiro said.

Cedric nodded at what he said and then the two walked back to the group. Pansy was scowling at the group and Cho was looking terrified. Heiro took Pansy's hand and led her into the Great Hall so that they could go eat breakfast. As they sat down, Cedric and his group walked in and sat at their respective tables. Then Draco and Blaise walked in, Draco walked up to Heiro and kissed his cheek. Heiro smiled and everything went back to almost normal.


Riddle Manor:

Tom sat as he ate breakfast with his friends that were currently living with him. He thought of all the things that Remus and Sirius were currently doing to the Dursley's in retaliation for what they had done to his grandson. There was no way that they had not gotten what they deserved for their actions towards the innocent boy. Tom smiled as he heard the screams of the older fat man. The younger man was no longer fat, the spell he had cast on him made him run and not want to eat, so he had lost quite an amount of weight. The horse faced woman was in pain that she had brought upon on herself. She went from a woman that was brainwashed into thinking that magic was wrong to a woman who knew nothing but guilt for the way she had treated both her sister and the boy she had thought was her nephew. Vernon was eternally in the worst pain imaginable. He was unable stop thinking about the deeds he had done to the boy and was always reliving the pain that he had caused Heiro.

Everyone who knew the whole story was more than happy with their punishment. Tom had decided that he would let the woman and the boy go after being obliviated. They would be placed in a muggle village where they would live out new lives. The man would stay though. He would probably die from the pain that he was under since the pain that Heiro went through would have probably killed him if not for his magic saving him. Bella came in with a smile as she had been downstairs. She looked beyond pleased and that was perfectly fine. She sat down at the table and spelled paper, quill, and ink so she could write a letter to Severus. It was both a letter to let him know the goings on and to tell him that she missed him and hoped to see him soon.

Tom smiled as he watched her write the letter and nibble at toast. He knew that she had loved Severus for years and only married Rodolphus out of pity because Severus was a spy and couldn't marry anyone in order to keep to his story about "loving" Lily. Tom also knew that Severus was beyond in love with Bella. When Bella finished the letter she called for her potoo and gave it the letter so that it could deliver the message to Severus.

"I swear that your owl is one of the most terrifying birds ever. And that you brought it here from Venezuela just because you thought that it terrifying looks would scare everyone away." Tom said laughing.

Bella laughed along with him and continued to eat her breakfast.

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