Liking The Malfoys?!?!

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As he was taken to the room that Draco Malfoy was taking to him he internally berated himself for flinching at something so small and trivial. But he guessed that due to all the things that had happened for the past 13 years was the cause of it. He hoped that no one was going to say anything about it, or ask about the cause of why he had flinched so hard. He knew that Severus was sure to ask. He just hoped greatly that Draco nor his godparents would say something. Draco opened a door on the side of the 3rd floor.

The room was nothing like what Harry thought a room belonging to Draco Malfoy to look like. It was a huge room with 3 windows. Each led to a connected balcony. The color scheme was emerald green and black. The bed was placed in the middle of the room taking up the whole section. There was a fire place at the foot of the bed at a distance of about 10 feet. The walls were Emerald green and they had little Nargles and forest trees enchanted into the painting. The furniture was all black and on the farthest was there 2 more doors.

Before Harry could get the guts to walk over and explore Draco spelled his shoes off and helped him up onto the bed after noticing that the bed was placed to reach his belly button area. Harry snuggled down into the silken sheets. He held still as Draco laid next to him above the covers and waited for Harry to get comfortable with his surroundings. It didn't take Harry long to get comfortable with Draco's presence next to him. It was an odd feeling but soon he fell asleep and followed the comfortable feeling unconscionably. Which turned out to be Harry cuddling up to Draco's side.

Draco smiled and noticed the slowly healing bruises. He bit his lip and oddly felt repulsed that someone was able to do that to someone so small. It shouldn't have happened. And all at once he felt all the guilt of all things he had done wrong to the small boy. He now though had a better reason to make sure that no one would hurt Harry any longer. As he sat there as he traced the lightening bolt scar that had showed through his bangs, he thought that they would need to find a way to figure out what to do with him as soon as school starts again in a month. He knew that the choices where going to be weird or difficult. But they were plans that needed to be planned, and soon.

Slowly through his thoughts Draco began to fall asleep. Harry then ended up using Draco's arm as a pillow and they cuddled as they slept.


Harry awoke and saw that the sky said it was somewhere near four in the afternoon. Draco had an arm slung around his waist. Harry blushed slightly and tried to wake Draco up.

"Malfoy.... Malfoy.... Malfoy..... Draco!" As Harry called Draco by his first name he awoke.

Draco sat up with a slight confused smile.

"Afternoon. We should probably do something now that we have slept almost all day...." Harry suggested.

Draco nodded. and got up slowly from his position. "Your hair is a mess." Draco stated

"I don't know what to d with it" Harry admitted.

Draco smiled wide and ran to one of the doors and disappeared for a couple seconds before he came back out and held a silver box. He took Harry's hand and and took Harry down 2 floors and then to a parlor. There sat Narcissa Malfoy sipping tea looking through a picture album.

"Mom.... Do you want to brush and fix Harry's hair?" He asked after he got her attention.

She looked over at them and noticed that Harry's hair was quite a mess and summoned him over. Harry walked over to her and Draco gave her the box. Narcissa made Harry sit on her lap and out from the box came a brush. She slowly began to work the brush through his hair. Draco left and Narcissa hummed a soft song that Harry found soothing. Minutes later Draco came back with Lucius. They all sat in the Parlor as she brushed his hair and for some reason Harry felt more safe then he had ever felt anywhere else in his life. He smiled softly.

Draco and Lucius witnessed the peaceful look that Harry was displaying to them and they gave each other a knowing smile. Narcissa finally got his hair tame and begun to braid his hair in a pure-blood fashion that was only used for the purest of pure-bloods. They all were in a companionable silence as Narcissa finished and just held Harry in her arms. He rested his face in the crook of her neck.

"Thank you. For everything. I know we haven't had the best of relationship since the day i thought i knew who I was. But today all of you and Uncle Sev all make me feel so safe. I like you all." Harry said feeling a tightness in his heart.

"Oh Darling. We have always loved you. No matter what. We have always hoped you were the boy that we had lost. You are and always be our little boy. And your mothers baby. Your the apple of your uncles eye. He was just so hurt all these days. Your mother was always so sickly. And you and Severus were always together, And then you were taken and had been given a false name. We are all so happy you are back and with family." Narcissa said.

A pop was heard and Severus came into view. He smiled at Harry and walked over to the boy and Narcissa.

"Hello Heiro, how was your day?" Severus asked.

" I slept for a long time. And Aunt Cissy redid my hair for like 10 minutes..." Harry replied.

Lucius chuckled. "My dear Heiro, Cissa has been doing your hair for an hour and then you sat there in her lap for another 30 minutes."

Harry blushed softy."oh".

They all gave a smile. And Severus took Harry's hand and Harry got up to go with him.

"Bye-Bye. See you again later on." Harry said and they apperated away.

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