Dumbledore's Explanation!

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<So I think from now I will call Harry by Heiro because then I will start getting confused>

Everyone was on their way to the Great Hall from lunch. They all trickled in slowly. A letter sent to all the classes to let everyone know they all had to come to lunch for an announcement. Heiro had a feeling that he already knew what was going to be said and really didn't want to be there but he had to so he followed behind Theo and Pansy as they walked ahead and held Draco's hand as they entered the Great Hall. Heiro saw that they sat in the middle of the long table and it made it seem as if Heiro had completely melted in with the whole of the Slytherin House. The only ones who saw him were those around him and his Uncle. Dumbledore's eyes roamed around the hall in total tallying all those who had come and checked the magical signature of everyone to see that all of them were there. And then the food appeared on the table. Heiro watched as everyone waited for Dumbledore to begin his speech.

"Everyone, As you all see here Harry Potter is not with us and has chosen to go ahead with his training elsewhere so he could get further knowledge on how to defeat Voldemort." At that name Many Gryffindors cringed and a couple Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuff's as well.   "He will not be joining us for the rest of the year and if he finds that the training is going well he will have the choice to continue the classes until it is time for him to defeat Voldemort. So there is no need to worry." 

Some of the kids didn't look to be reassured and all of Slytherin who were apart of the supposed Death Eaters were unfazed having already known of Heiro being in the guise of Harry and now being whom he was to actually be. 

"Now that you all Know what is going on I must Also tell you that all Fifth Years will be able to attend the Triwizard Tournament that Hogwarts will be hosting this year and we will be inviting the schools Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. They will be arriving at 6 o'clock on the 30th of October. But more of this when that day comes. Now eat and be merry!"

And with that everyone began to eat. Heiro witnessed as Pansy filled his plate for him before she began to fill hers. She had placed foods on his plate that he actually really liked and no one even batted an eye when she did this. Heiro had just sat and stared shocked with a bright blush. Draco smiled at the look Heiro had and Pansy gave the softest chuckle that made her seem like an actual girl. 

"Its alright. I paid attention through the years. You always ate these even if there was something more high class on the table. But you never got a lot. So i filled your plate before anyone else got it." She said softly. 

Heiro smiled at her and gave a small nod to her as he finally began to eat as he listened to everyone talk. Some of the people in Slytherin were glaring at all those who seemed to actually peek through them and see Heiro. Draco whispered in his ear that those who glared were the ones who had parents that already knew about him. And they had felt that they had no right to look at Heiro as if he was an all new thing to gawk at like they did when he was Harry. Heiro nodded in understanding. He didn't really care for everyone except those who seemed to be nice. And then he saw the twins. George looked and winked and Fred flashed a smirk and Heiro nodded. It was their own personal sign to let each other know that they were all ok and were doing good. 

As they ate Heiro heard people talk about Harry and if what Dumbledore had said was actually true. And there was no way to actually tell if he was to the others. But those who knew had internally snorted at such a stupid excuse. 

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