The God Parents and Being Shy?!?!

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LIghts_Off_Attic: This is to @saberhybrid, and @PanicAtTheFandon.Thank you for the wait. Sorry for it being nearly 2 weeks since the lat update. Love ya <3

Harry thought about his choices on what he should do. Should he meet with his God parents, or should he stay with his Uncle? He chewed on his lip slightly, thinking.

"Will they be ok with me coming to visit them?" Harry asked shyly.

"I dare say that they will actually be delighted. After all Lucius dotted on you like you were his own, and for some other reasons also. Narcissa loved you as well and you and my God Son were the best of friends, even if they only had seen you for a week and then a month later you were taken to the Potters." Severus said truthfully.

"I want to meet them then, If that is ok, Uncle Sev." Harry said as he looked up at the older man.

Severus smiled at the boy and Harry gave a shocked look but quickly recovered with a smile.

"I shall take you to see them then. but first lets get you some clothes. You cant go about wearing those clothes.... why do you wear those clothes?" Severus asked as he took Harry's hand and they walked out of Knockturn Alley and towards Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

"Petunia thought that I didn't deserve the clothes and such. I have always worn her sons hand me downs. Though they are always so big." Harry said not wanting to lie, though if anyone asked about his scars and bruises, he was going to lie about those. No one needed to know about those. No one should ever have to know about those.

Severus grunted and they walked into the shop. Instantly Harry was swept up and was being measured for clothing. Severus conversed with Madam Malkin. They spoke of what he needed and what they should be made out of. Harry paid no attention to what was being sad and waited for the clothes to be chosen. A tall ethereal like woman walked over to Harry and she giggled slightly.

"Ze clothes zat you are to wear are ze ones in ze clothes room. Your Uncle has chosen ze clothes himself and has already paid for ze clothes." The girl said with a slight french accent. Harry nodded and waited for the last measurements and then left to the clothes room to change.

In the room the clothes and robe hung on the wall. he quickly took his things out of his pockets and stripped and found that everything needed was provided. He put on the black boxer briefs, then the tight silver pull on. He found tight legged emerald jeans and matching socks. He quickly dressed in them and found the robe to be a very dark black. He put the robe on and found it to be in a different style then many robes. It went down to his feet and was slightly less tight then the pull over shirt he wore. the shirt was tucked into his pants and the robe had slits up the sides on both sides.

The robe buttoned in the back and buttoned by themselves. it was a high collared robe and was incredibly soft. The shoes he wore were plain black muggle converse. and Harry was able to move without any problems. He shifted about and finally got the whole outfit situated the way he thought looked good. He picked up his things and ran out of the room without doing anything with his hair. Severus caught him and looked Harry over.

"Very good. You look a lot better in this attire. Now we must do something with your hair. Excelsum Redintegro." Severus said and Harry's hair turned into an elegant bun that somehow suited him perfectly.

"Alright let us go. You shall be living with me at Snape Manor until school. Your clothes and other things will be delivered to the manor. Do you have anything you would like me to hold for you?" Severus asked.

"No, I got it." And Harry put his things in the robes pockets. "Can we go now?"

"Yes. Let's go now." And with that they apparated away and Harry clung to Severus.

When they popped into their destination a tall blonde fellow came running towards them and Harry quickly hid behind Severus, shaking in trepidation. Severus chuckled softly and Harry hid his face in Severus's clothes.

"Hello, Draco. Are your Parents in?" Severus asked

"Yes, sir. Father is in the office and Mom is in the Parlor with the house elves trying to come up with a new theme... who is that?" Draco said

"Someone who is very important to me and my sister. Your Aunt Emilie. ANd your Parents will be happy to see him again. especially now since you are going to be 15 soon." Severus said. " Come Heiro, let us go and see your God father first since the office is closer."

Harry followed Severus with Draco Malfoy right beside him. Every now and then he would look over at Harry and quirk his left eyebrow up like he was trying to place something. Harry stayed shy and wouldnt look at Draco at all. Too afraid they would figure out who he was before the change, and it scared Harry.

They got to a door and Draco opened the door, "Father, Uncle Sev is here. He has brought a small someone."

"Severus? With A small...... Severus, is it true?" Lucius asked looking at Severus and so He brought Harry out from behind him.

"He looks like her so much. You are sure he is him?" Lucius asked.

" He had a letter and everything. and the potion said so."

Lucius slowly walked up to Harry and so Harry looked at the floor. Not looking into the mans eyes. Even if they knew not why he did it. Harry bit his lip and stepped till his back touched Severus.

"So, Heiro, who were you before this?" Lucius asked.

Harry shook his head "no" too afraid of what might happen.

"If we tell you then we also have to tell him the truth. and Draco cannot be mad at the boy. Even if they have a stupid school rivalry." Severus said.

Draco looked confused and understanding then snapped into his facial expression. He quickly walked up to Harry and took his hand. harry flinched really hard at the touch and the 3 older men were shocked at the reaction.

"Sorry." Harry said softly. He took a deep breath...."I was raised and was told that I am Harry James Potter. Until Last night, When I recieved my Mothers.... Moms... Letter hat stated otherwise. And the potion proved the letter to be true."

"Than that means Lord Voldemort was right about all that was going on. He was just trying to get you back. Everything will be better now!" Lucius said

Draco still held Harry's hand, having not dropped it even though he had flinched really hard. "Harry, I want to apologize, for all the things I have done to you. I have no excuse for what I have done. Can we be friends?"

Harry bit his lip, not knowing what was really going on. He took another deep breath and nodded, "If you are not afraid of me being homosexual." Harry said in a soft voice. Draco squeezed his hand softly.

"Oh, my boy, It was the Weasley family, wasn't it? Except the twins. They always did hate people who didn't do things the way the muggles did. But you have no worry, what so ever my dear." said a female voice from the door.

Everyone looked over to find Narcissa walking in. "In fact it may also help with things. Maybe you can fall in love with my Draco, too"

Harry blushed deep and Draco meerily smiled softly at the red faced boy.

"You are betrothed to him, my Heiro. Your Aunty Cissy missed you soo much!" Narcissa said.

"Maybe we should have waited till he is more comfortable with us all and has finally seen his mom to actually tell him all of this." Severus said.

"Agreed." Draco said "Plus he looks tired. I am betting he hasn't had much sleep so I will take him to my room to rest. Since I am sure Sev has some errands to run."

Draco took Harry to his room so that he could rest as the Adults talked for a little longer. " I shall be by to pick him up just a little before dinner." Draco heard before they were completely out of hearing. He was going to get Harry to like him. And have him be comfortable. No one should flinch so hard from a small hand touch.

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