Finding Harry Potter?!?!

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It hasn't even been a full day since Harry was put under to heal properly and Severus was feeding Harry potions to replenish his magical core and keep up with the nutritional intake he needed. He was making sure that his nephew was getting well as the Malfoy's ate in the dining room with Bellatrix and her husband. They had come to check in in Harry since Bella had more medical experience then Severus did. As he gave Harry the last potion he felt one of his wards go off to let him know that one of the "Light" was with in his lands and was approaching his home. He went down to the dining room and told everyone that he would be back later and that it was most likely Dumbledore that was making his way to hos home. So he quickly floo'd home and waited for the knock on his front door.  

He didn't have to wait long as he has sat for at least a minute till when the knock came. He got up and patted off the floo powder and answered his door silently. He was right about who it was that was at his door. 

"What can I do for you Headmaster?" Severus asked with his usual sneer. 

"My boy. You need not call me Headmaster any longer. After all you are a teacher now." Dumbledore said as he walked into Severus' home. 

"So what do I owe the pleasure of you coming to my home directly?" Snape sneered

"It has come to everyone's attention that we have a Missing Wizard. But not just any wizard but Harry Potter." Dumbledore said not sounding concerned,

"Well perhaps he ran away. Something didn't go the way he wanted and ran. Wasn't being treated like the little king he thinks he is. What do you want me to do about this?" Severus said without ant hesitance. 

On the inside he cringed and knew that his words were far from the truth. And that he wished that he didn't have to act as if he didn't care. But he needed Dumbledore to believe his words of cold hate. 

"Well, My Boy, perhaps you could join the search team when you have the chance, to look for the boy. After all he is the worlds last and only hope against the return of Voldemort. He is important for the lights cause!" Dumbledore said.

"I make no promises to look for the boy, for I am researching new potions that need to be looked on with out a stasis spell. So I shall only join if there is time. But if I do not have time. Then I shall not be there." Severus snarled at the Headmaster.

"Oh also, I was told that you were in company with the Malfoy's and they had a new face that was told to look slightly like you. Your Nephew or son by Chance?" Dumbledore asked.

Severus snorted and held back a fake condescending  laugh at the Headmasters words. "No none of those at all. I couldn't have had a child. The boy you were told about was another Yaxley boy that has taken my nephews name on in honor and Draco's betrothed. The boy also will not be anything to you. Heiro is merely a boy who gets in trouble if he is not with Draco. So do Not get any ideas old man."

Dumbledore had just laughed and walked away. Severus sneered at the old man and felt him finally leave his wards. With a quick snap of his fingers he had took out Dumbledore's signature so he was no longer able to get passed his wards. He would not be having the manipulative old man close to Harry now that they were together and he knew the truth about Harry. And when his Mother would find out everyone wold leave the old man for her to dispose of him. It would be so much better and Harry would have a Mother in his life and a family and a soon to be husband to love him for always. 

Severus took a deep breath and floo'd back to his nephew and the Malfoy's. He needed to be with his nephew and to tell the others of what he had been told by Dumbledore. They had the right to know about what was to happen just in case. And plus family was told things when it came to family. He stepped through the fire place and walked up to the room in which Harry was resting in and found that Draco was asleep next to him and that Bella was sitting next to Harry asleep with her fingers through his hair. He softly chuckled at the scene and walked to the lounge and found Lucius and Narcissa looking out at their huge yards full of life and beauty. 

He sat down and stayed in silence for a little while before telling them what he was told and everything that had transpired. Narcissa was furious. And Lucius snarled. He was not for all that was going on in this poor boys life. Luckily he was fire called earlier and was told that in 2 days time they were to meet with Tom and they would discuss what they were going to do to the Dursley's for their treatment to Harry. And Hopefully Emilie would be home by then so she could meet her son and they could build a relationship. After all it was much needed for Harry. 

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