Skye's POV
My mind ticks thinking of the quickest way I can get there. I spring from my stool.
"Woah, where are you going?" Baxter asks blocking me from walking further.
"Bax, I don't have time"
"I need to know"
I groan "Arthur has Grayson. And I'm about to kill him"
His face soon turns intense "Let's go"
I grip his arm bringing him back "You aren't coming" he glares at me
"If I'm not alone he'll kill Grayson. It's me he wants"
"Yeah and he's going to get you" he shouts
"Don't you get it? Grayson's the leverage to get to me. If he dies it's because of me" "I'm going. And nobody is stopping me" I step aside from him.
I take one final look back "And Baxter, if you dare call my family. I'll never forgive you" his eyes are conflicted and troubled, he's in a tough position but he needs to trust me.
My car has definitely been used to its full ability, I know the route like the back of my hand. I ease on the acceleration as I pull into the last lane. I never imagined I would return here.
I slam my door making my presence known, this is no stealth mission, this is personal and set up. With blades ready and kill mode higher than ever I make movement.
I kick the old wooden door open. A man runs towards me, it takes two seconds for him to regret his poor decision, I could do my nails and take him out at the same time. His rather cowardly scream makes me roll my eyes as I push his limp body on the floor.
I progress to the crocked stairs; this place really has aged. Of course, another beta comes for me, obeying their alpha is not working in their favour. He aims his pistol at me but I slice across his leg making him scream in agony, he drops to his knees. I jump over him and unload his gun making the bullets hit the floor one by one, I pick him up and throw him over the banister, the sudden drop will put the moron out of his misery.
Just like sniffing out pray I find Arthur. More importantly Grayson. He's tied to a chair; the gasoline is chocking especially for him as he's drenched in it. His clothes stuck to him and his hair is a wet mess. I know where this is heading.
Arthurs sick smile is enough to make anyone uncomfortable but for me it makes me murderous. He's dressed in all black with a shabby leather jacket, for his death day he hasn't made an effort.
"Skylar, so nice of you to join us"
I narrow my eyes "Skylar? Really Arthur?"
Skylar is what Tyler's parent's used to call me seeing as it rhymed with Tyler, it got under my skin then and continues to do so.
"That's right, you go by X now" his voice is assertive it's cute that he thinks he's in charge. He may have set this whole thing up but he wasn't one to execute anything perfectly.
"And what do you go by? Traitor? spineless fool?" I tilt my head "How about deceased?"
His poisonous laugh makes my skin crawl "I really don't think you're in a position to insult me. I am after all the only thing standing in the way of your lost love" he pouts "And what a fighter he is"
My jaw tightens as he mentions Grayson, the sight of him so vulnerable makes me nervous "This is clearly between you and me. I highly suggest you let him go"
He chuckles "But then my story wouldn't have the same effect now would it"
"Skye, you need to go" Grayson says, his voice sounds so drained but his eyes haven't lost that same spark I once saw.
"Can it lover boy. You'll get your chance" Arthur kicks his chair making him jolt forward, Grayson groans from his restraints biting into his skin.
"It all started when my useless son decided to run" that sounds familiar, another link with him and Lorenzo "I needed a replacement. And young Grayson just so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time" Grayson sighs, disappointed in himself "Actually, I planned it very carefully, he was mine anyway"
"The more soldiers I lost the more I realised it was hardly fair" "So, I decided who to take that would hurt you most" he paces around the small gasoline circle he's surrounded them in "Now Wolfie and Red were out of the question. Blake was on my list but, that would only trigger Red and as you said this is between me and you," he waves his dirty finger between us "The bar monkey was next but, when I saw how cosy you two were" He bends down hovering his head on Grayson's shoulder "Grayson was the obvious choice"
"What is your problem with me?"
"SSSHHH" he hushes with his finger on his lips "You'll ruin the story" I scowl at him, at least I'll get the full picture from the devil himself "After he refused to my terms I had to make a point. It was either I destroy everything you own and kill everyone you've ever laid your eyes on or he does the next best thing, turn his back on you" "And like the insecure and weak girl you are, it destroyed you just the way I hoped"
I hiss "Well considering I'm still standing I'd beg to differ" I stand tall and calm "You see, I never had to kill to make a point. You call me insecure yet you're the middle age man who's keeping a teenage boy hostage and a well respected teenage girl under threat. If you kill us you'll achieve very little, if I die you'll be close after, the Wolves aren't the strongest Mafia for no reason"
His angry is clearly rising "You are far from an innocent child"
I shrug "I never said innocent. So I'll ask, Why? What's all this about?"
Steam is close to coming out his ears and nose "You don't even see it. You stole everything from me" now I'm lost "I was cut out when you arrived, Wolfie didn't need me. My son couldn't even follow simple orders, you poisoned his mind. You are the bane of my existence"
"SKYE!" Grayson shouts
I was already on it before. Two men ran behind me, one each side. Meaning a blade to the chest each. My eyes didn't leave Arthur, my intense stare stirs panic in him but he ultimately laughs. The two men choke and hold the blades, I pull them out and they collapse to the cold floor. "So much for soldiers" I bluntly say
"You may not be as weak as I thought" he says with a smirk, it's almost like he wanted to test me.
"I've changed since I was a child, but even then I could kick your ass" "As for using Grayson as a pawn, all I can say is well done. It's clear you couldn't achieve this yourself. Using Lorenzo was a divine move, except the fact he sold you out just like you did" his face drains
"So, why don't you step out of your little bubble and fight like the man you think you are"
He smirks "Oh little Skylar, you didn't seriously bring a knife to a gun fight, did you?"
"Some of us don't need to pull a trigger to win" his smug grin doesn't last for long "But now you mention it" I pull out the pistol I've kept with me since Grayson disappeared.
"WAIT!" Grayson yells, I lower my eyes but only my eyes "Skye, you need to go. We'll both die if you don't. Just go, I can accept dying but they can't lose you"
"No can do Handsome"
"How romantic" Arthur smiles "I was going to make you watch him burn before your eyes but it looks like the running order has changed. You'll bleed out first. I do love a plot twist" he smirks "It's like Romeo and Juliet. With the added extra, but who doesn't love a Villain?"
I narrow my eyes "Except in all good tales Villains have a cause for their evil, you Arthur ARE the cause to all your demons"
We both raise our guns, his hand is no where near as stable as mine. Nothing was holding me back before he pulls out a zippo "How about going out at the same time?" his dirty voice is something the world can do without. "No one to save you now Skye"

The X in Skye
Teen FictionSkye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a girl to mess with, she's fiery, flirty and most of all fierce. She handles anything that is thrown at her until someone new comes into her...