Skye's POV
Grayson wasn't so much of a hassle then I expected he actually came in handy in math although, the girls staring at him made it more painful.
They radiated fear but attraction, so predictable. A lot of them took caution in staring however, it didn't stop majority of them drawling. As you would expect he enjoyed it but like me he soon grew bored of it.
"A volunteer to come to the board" Our teacher called. Everyone avoided eye contact and sunk in their seats but I raised my hand only to be challenged by the new hot shot himself.
"Our new comer, the board it yours Mr. Riley" She might as well rolled out the red carpet at the same time, I've never seen her so excited.
"I'll show you how it's done" He whispers in my ear as he slides out of his chair, my breath hitched and his smirk grew. I roll my eyes at his smugness.
His scribble on the board confused most and they really didn't care but I was more interested than ever before.
He turned around clearly pleased with himself, practically gliding back but when I got a clear look at the board I laugh to myself.
"Why are you laughing?" He asks clearly bothered
I raise my arm without giving him an explanation. The teacher calls upon me "Excuse me Miss but shouldn't that 6 be a 7?" She squinted at the board then turned back
"You're right Skye, would you like to come and correct it?" She clearly wasn't paying attention but this is just what I wanted. I felt Grayson's body shift in frustration.
"I'd love to" I smile leaning over to his desk "I'll show you how it's really done" I whisper in his ear as seductively as I can. What's a little harmless flirting? He matched my previous reaction but his hands turned into fist. Payback is sweet.
I corrected his work with such pleasure. I turn back to the front and winked at him. He shook his head while chuckling lightly.
"You can't outsmart me"
"Challenge accepted" He winks. My stomach flips a little but I don't let it show. How does a single wink make him hotter?
Something tells me my grades are going to be the higher than ever before, I now have a motive. He might as well get used to being behind me.
Brooke found the entire situation funny, claiming I'm the biggest flirt. It was harmless fun plus, putting someone in their place when they're over confident pleases lots of people. Keeping people on their toes is what makes them smarter.
She started talking but my eyes landed on a group of guys, one in particular. The person I never wanted to see again but against my wishes I have in fact seen.
He clocks me so I do the only thing I could think of. I search for a diversion.
For the first time, I actually needed him. He was about it put in his locker pin when I strode up to him.
"Hey..." He says when he senses my presence but I cut him off but connecting my lips with his.
He hesitate to kiss me back but he did when I didn't pull away. I felt him place his large hand inside my jacket on the exposed skin of my crop top. Our lips moved in perfect sync as if we've kissed before but my heart was pounding out of my chest.
"Real classy, X" I hear a deep voice interrupt as they walk pass. It sent shivers down my spine, the bad type of shivers.
I break apart, taking my hand away from Grayson's neck. His confused expression didn't stop me from storming out. Brooke looked stunned but let me go. Most eyes were on me but I strut to the front doors like it was London fashion week.
"WAIT!" I hear behind me.
I choose to ignore it and storm down the entrance steps. "Woah" Grayson's voice said again this time he was in front of me blocking my path.
"What just happened?"
I take a deep breath restraining myself from slicing him to pieces "Don't worry about it" I try to walk around him but his arm pushes me back
"You just kissed me, I think I have the right to know"
I groan "Fine, it was the best way of keeping a situation non- violent"
"Why did he call you X? is he your ex?"
I shove his arm letting me progress "It has a double meaning"
"Skye, where the hell are you going?"
I spin around shouting back "To find out why that just happened"
"You'll get there a lot quicker by a car" He says swinging his keys around his finger. I roll my eyes but reply "Okay"
I don't understand how I pretty much jumped him without any explanation and he's still giving me a lift. Either way I'm about to cause hell on earth.
"Why are we at your house?" He inquires pulling into my drive.
I step out the car feeling the fire burning in my stomach "You'll see"
I storm into the house with anger taking over, with the office in sight I take a fast stride towards it. I use my heavy boot and brutal force to kick the solid double doors open. The deafening noise of the assault on the wood caused my Dad and Brother turn to the entrance facing a raging Skye.
"When the fuck were you going to tell me Tyler was back in town?"
My Father remained cool "Watch your tone Skye" he warns
"Sis, calm down"
I glare at Axel making it known I wasn't messing around "You do not want to push me Brother"
"First, you stick the new guy on me and now you expect me to act normal with Tyler walking around" I cross my arms scowling at my Dad.
"So, what the fuck is going on?" I look between Axel and him wanting some sort of answer
Axel glares back at me "Don't ask me, I don't know anything about it" I know he wouldn't lie to me, not about this.
My Dad rests both his palms on the desk leaning over it "His Dad asked to transfer back, I allowed it on the condition that Tyler is no longer involved"
"And you didn't think to mention it to me?"
"What did I miss?" Blake's voice joins the room he walks passed me and he frowns "Ohh, this doesn't look good, someone's given Skye a thunder storm" his clever word play causes a snigger behind me.
I peered behind me finding the culprit "Read the room" I say calmer than before, after all he's got nothing to do with this, he rolls his eyes and remains quiet.
"Tyler's back in town" I inform Blake
He was taken aback "He's brave, he was hardly alive after we got hold of him"
"I'm with Skye on this one, he shouldn't be here" Axel replied.
My Dad wasn't happy when people had conflicted opinions especially when it was us.
"He hasn't caused an issue yet and if he does you are fully capable of handling him"
I decide to leave before I really do something I'll regret. There's no footsteps or shadows following me so I turn back dragging Grayson by his arm. They all shoot a look between each other before I fully pull him out.
"Where are we going?"
"I don't care"
He reaches his keys and I let go of his arm "Perfect, I know just where to go"
Skye really went from not liking him to kissing him

The X in Skye
Teen FictionSkye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a girl to mess with, she's fiery, flirty and most of all fierce. She handles anything that is thrown at her until someone new comes into her...