You feel it too!

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Skye's POV

Driving at night always feels better than day light. The bright street lights and the silence through the tunnels. I would drive all through the night if I could, I've been known to do it before. It's a stress relief. Not to mention the quiet roads everything about it makes me feel free.

I was lost in the feeling that I stopped paying attention to where we were exactly "I can cope with your driving but your direction is out, we should have turned left back there"

Grayson side glanced me with a smile.

"I figured you were hungry and there's a McDonalds drive thru up here"

That just added to the best night. It's a common fact that food is a key to a woman's heart and I am no exception.

"I like your thinking handsome" he shot me a wink and returned his eyes to the road

Grayson came to the genius idea if we drove to his house it would be way quicker and in the best interest of our food being warm. The food is the main priority.

The first and last time I came here wasn't exactly the happiest memory. I stormed off with intentions to never return, I was wrong.

He unlocked the front door, turning the lights on while I followed. It was a nice house, way homier than I expected but then again, our house isn't exactly conventional.

"It's not as glamourous as what you're used to but it works" I roll my eyes and hit his chest. he really plays on the whole princess label.

"You're so original" I mock to which he grins

He handed me the food "The living rooms down there I'll be back" I nodded with suspicion but started my journey.

I got everything out the bag when he finally returned this time in joggers and a loose t-shirt.

"Very casual, that's new" he rolled his eyes and jumped on the sofa making me bounce with the impact.

"I put some of my clothes on my bed for you" It's not the first time I've had take-out in a fancy dress but I felt slight out of place with him so dressed down. I could be stubborn and decline but it would be nice to be comfortable.

"I will be back" I smile and pecked his cheek quicker than he can process. It's fun being somewhat of a tease.

"Take a left and second on the right by the way" he shouts leaning back so he could see me. I laughed as I climbed the stairs.

I admire the walls and ornaments throughout the hallways. The attention to detail is immaculate, beautiful grey and cream with hints of silver wallpaper evenly matched. The plain grey walls broke it up perfectly.

I followed Grayson's directions although, a part of me wondered if this was a stich up. I can promise if I walk into something that is anything other than his bedroom he's going to deal with X rather than Skye.

I opened the door with caution but true to his word it is in fact his room. I never gave a thought to what his room would look like but it wasn't fully how I imagined. It looked like every average room, which is strange considering he isn't average.

His walls were grey similar to his eyes but they lacked the sparkle. A simple layout even a desk full of books, classic high school boy except I can spot a round of bullets in his top draw that is peering open, I laugh closing the draw.

I turned to the bed which had a pile of clothes like he had said. To be exact a t-shirt, hoodie and another pair of joggers. The hoodie had a school team and his name and number on the back, I never knew he play football, he certainly doesn't play for our school. Either way it was big, baggy and warm so it worked for me.

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