Strobes to strike

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Skye's POV

Lorenzo's alive!

There's always a possibility of doppelgangers but this was too big a coincidence. Lorenzo was clean but he had a dark side like the rest of us.

Grayson exited the building tall and proud, even for my standards it was hot "Congratulations" I grinned when he joined us.

His smug smile made an appearance "Maybe you'll have a bit more faith in me next time"

I tilted my head sarcastically "That's wishful thinking" the glare from my Dad made it obvious he wanted to leave "We better get in before Father dearest shoots us"

I feared Grayson would be like every other man I worked with, vague. Sometimes it's like getting blood out of a stone but I take after them in a way, tight lipped.

"Your plan worked out way smoother than I thought beautiful"

I smirked from the seat next to him, no doubt leaving my Dad feeling like a chauffeur "Maybe you'll have more faith in my plans"

He nudged me playfully amused by my mockery of his previous statement.


The return to the dark and gloomy office. Strangely I found comfort in my Dad's office. It seems intimidating but, I've grown up with it. I was never allowed to be left alone in the office and everything was always out of reach, now I understand why. The fire in the corner made it more welcoming, it used to keep me entertained, there was something about the flames and how they flicker like they were dancing.

"You were there for a reason so, what have you got for us?" It appears my Dad wanted answers too.

We approached the desk, Déjà vu striking "Easy running on table 6 but the back room was way more intense"

The paranoia of the lack of detail was washed way with the oversharing. The irrelevant details aren't exactly appreciated. He soon caught onto that.

He cleared his throat and begun again "I recognised a few from the club" Even the simple mention of the club make my blood pressure rise.

"One had a snake tattoo running up his arm starting on his hand. I assumed he was a viper"

I nodded my head reassuring him "The three mafia's were there leaving us with even more work" I sighed turning to walk to the fire

"I could tell they were suspicious of me obviously, as far as they're concerned I'm passing through town with a good ability of poker and freakishly good at math"

"There was something a little odd though"

Grayson's voice enticed me back "They started talking about the fire at Marco's"

"It makes sense, Marco's not exactly on the down low"

He cocked his head "Not the weird part" He's getting good at perking my interest but teasing me too much, not in the way I like.

"The other guy was so quiet I barely noticed him, he wasn't like the rest, he was more professional"

"When the Gunner mentioned the fire his body language became more fractious. He knows something"

Suspicion was mutual. There was always a risk the fires are coming for the rest of us but Mafia's fear much more, this should amuse them if anything.

"Did you get his name?"

He looked straight into my eyes "Enzo" I searched for my Dad's face, it didn't shift from the stone cold expression but he definitely caught my wave length.

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