Girls night out II

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Skye's POV

I nodded at his message and started standing up.

"One for luck?" Baxter asks pouring a shot for me

I nod with a smirk "Hit me" he slid the tequila filled glass down the bar. The liquor burned my throat but, it made me feel slightly more courageous. It's a love hate relationship. The girls told me to be safe. My Mum's face read worried but we both knew I would be fine.

"I'm going in boys" I said to the wire since I didn't have to whisper; it was way too loud, even the floor was vibrating, I fear the glass may shatter under all the heels jumping on it.

I strode towards the man who was sent for me. Another man was standing on the other side of the entrance, they looked like twins with one just slightly taller.

The one I hadn't yet had an encounter with reached to grab my arm but soon retracted when I glared at him so intense he had to look to his brother for comfort. I smiled at the other one who obviously knew who he was dealing with a bit better.

"Shall we?" I asked as if nothing had happened. They began to escort me to one of the back rooms that every club has, and this one was no exception, there was actually more and they looked bigger.

"Sir" The clueless one projected in a cautious tone.

Sure as ever the man known as Marco turned around with a smile glowing on his face. The last time I saw him was over a year ago but he hasn't aged. He's still well dressed in a designer suit, mostly likely apart of his Armani collection. His beard was more stubble now but it was maintained to perfection not that I expect anything less, he's very particular when it comes to image.

"What a pleasant surprise, Skye" His maintained his smile the same way I maintained my innocent expression although, I was slightly confused at him addressing it as a 'surprise' "Please, take a seat" He instructed moving towards one of the leather chairs.

I follow his move but sit on the sofa directly opposite. I cringe at the thought of what activities have taken place on this but I shook it away, I'll just have to scrub my whole body later.

He shoos his said 'guards' away with a simple hand gesture, he had trained them to be obedient but they still look like a joke to me.

"It's hardly a surprise if you sent me an invite" he cocked his head to the side agreeing

"I see you didn't bring the muscle"

I glare at him but slightly chucked at his attempt to wind me up "We both know I can handle myself" I leaned back "Plus, this is a ladies night and as far as I'm aware they don't quite qualify"

He chuckled to himself "I wouldn't put it past them, but I must admit you look a hell of a better than them" Gross! He's lucky I didn't punch him.

"Are you going to tell me why I'm here or shall I just leave?" I narrowed my eyes. He continued to ignore my question and instead stood up going to the small bar in the private room. He grabbed two crystal glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

He puts all three on the table between us and returned to his previous position. "Drink?"

I shook my head declining his offer. I don't trust Marco as far as I can throw him but he shouldn't take it too personal. "Suit yourself" He smirked pouring himself a shots worth.

"I don't have all day Marco" I rolled my eyes moving slightly forward threatening to leave, he bit the bait.

"Wait!" He said suddenly. I smiled and sat back down. He sighed and continued "I need you" Either he wants to catch a case or he's in trouble.

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