The invitation

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Skye's POV

It had only been a day and I was already bored out of my mind. I thought being suspended would be a mini vacation and since I hadn't done anything wrong I wasn't being punished by my parents but school was more entertaining than walls.

"SKYE!" My Dad's voice echoes through the halls. I threw my book next to be and flipped off my bed.

I made a swift journey since he hates time wasters and I don't want to take liberties of his patience's.

I opened the doors revealing him, Axel, Blake and to my annoyance, Grayson.

"Ugh, you're like a bad penny" I complain glaring at Grayson as I walked further into the room.

"Hey! without me you don't have eyes or ear at school"

His defence made me smile "Don't flatter yourself handsome, Brooke has that covered" A slight blush rose on his cheeks from his nickname.

"Anyway, why am I here?"

They all looked a little shocked by my interaction with Grayson. "Since you're suspended you have extra time to work" Well I did say I was bored.

He threw a file onto his desk "OHHH, what you got for me this time" I say rubbing my hands together.

I open the file and instantly felt a little disappointed "Marco. What does he want?" by the expression on my Dad's face it looked like the feeling was mutual.

"That is what you're going to be finding out" I flipped through some of the papers and felt a presence next to me.

"You have a history with him?"

I rolled my eyes at Grayson's stupid question "No I just met him" I stare at him "Yes, dumb ass I do" Axel and Blake both chucked a little, they stopped when my Dad glared at them.

"How do we even know he wants something?"

"Because this" He hands me a card "Was slipped into one of my hotels"

'Club Lorenzo'

A promo flyer. Really?

"I'll take it but why isn't dumb and dumber handling this?" I ask regarding my brother and Blake who may as well be my other brother

He raised his eyebrows and then I realised there was probably something on the back, I flipped it over and I was right.


Club Lorenzo, 11pm


He's a man of many words but it I got the point.

"11pm? isn't that a little late to be at a club?" Grayson's asks

How he continues to sound stupid amazes me "Here's an idea" I turn to face him clapping my hands together with a smile "DON'T COME"

He daggers me "All I'm saying is you're underage and this is sketchy as it is"

"I can assure you I get into any place, at any time" my voice had a tiny bit of seduction laced in it, but it shut him up

After all this time he still underestimates me. I may not had strong broad shoulders and chiselled body but it doesn't mean I can't handle myself. It appears he needs to see me in action to understand just how dangerous I can be.

"Actually come to think of it" I turn my head looking at each one of them "none of you are coming"

"Say what now?" Blake says dramatically

"That was addressed to me so he obviously doesn't want any of you, and since I'm taking charge of this one it's my decision" I smile loving the power I have.

They looked at my Dad expecting him to protest and tell me there's no way in hell

"Fine, we do it your way"

Axel groans, two things I love my Dad's approval, and my Brother complaining "Ugh, she gets everything"

I shrug my shoulder and flash him an innocent smile "I am the Mafia princess, get used to it"

"I said we do it your way but you aren't doing it completely alone, we still don't know what you're walking into"

I take a seat on one of his brown leather chairs and rest my feet onto his desk one at a time crossing them "Who said anything about being on my own?"

"You did" Grayson's voice was more annoyed, I have made a mockery of him since I arrived

"No, I said you weren't coming" My Dad's eyes narrowed at my proposal "I fancy a girls night out"


It didn't take long for the boys to agree to my plan, I knew none of them really wanted in. Marco can be tricky to deal with but history shows I deal with him the best. Grayson of course protested and wanted to tag along but my argument was he a liability, I haven't put him through my training I will not be liable for his mistakes.

Brooke came over soon after. Finally, I had some company I actually wanted. She was completely on board with the plan and enjoyed how my sarcasm can get me what I want.

"I don't understand why you give Grayson such a hard time" She said while she types on her laptop.

"Me, give him a hard time?" I asked glaring at her "Oh please he wouldn't know what hit him if I gave him a hard time"

"You know you can admit you like him" she said taking her attention away from her laptop

I groan "First my Mum then Vanessa and now you. Why does everyone seem to think I have a thing for him?"

"Woah, I didn't say have a thing, I said like him as in like him as a person" Her smirk annoyed me but I'm impressed how she outsmarted me.

"Whatever, he's annoying, asks too many question, underestimates me which boils my blood and most of all he's a Mafia boy. I've learned not to mix business with pleasure" I smiled sarcastically but I knew she wouldn't drop it

"So you're telling me you felt nothing when you kissed him?"

It took me back to the spark and feeling that ignited my body when my lips touched him. I thought it would be gross but it was the opposite, I haven't managed to block it out of my mind.

"It was circumstantial and mindless"

She nods her head "Uh huh sure, I'll take the hesitation as the proper answer"


I didn't answer straight away. God damn my brain for being slow, I blame the boring book I was reading and now the whole club situation slowing my brain cells down.

"Shut up, now what did you find on CCTV?"

She pats the space beside her on my bed "You're in lucky it just downloaded. I haven't seen it yet"

I quickly jump next to her eager to see if I was right. She played the footage. It stared normal, quiet halls, nothing suspicious and then the screen lost focus resulting in a black screen.

"WHAT?" I shouted moving closer

She reversed it back but nothing changed. The time frame showed it was around 10 minutes before the fire alarm happened.

The perfect amount of time for them to sneak in, start the fire, plant the evidence in my locker and leave before the fire alarm when off.

"I'm not doubting your ability but, can Taylor find anything?"

"Maybe, I'll text him I know Axel asked him"

Great! So I have no evidence which means I sort of vandalized without a solid reason but Tyler deserved it, his Porsche is lame anyway. At least I have a girls night to look forward to.

Team girls for the win

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