Skye's POV
Jessica really has the audacity to rip my dress make a fire reference and then bid me fair well with innocence. Sooner or later that girls going to get in real trouble but for now I need to figure out a solution.
I could crumble and ask for help but that isn't my style. Instead an idea popped up in my head, it's risky but what have I got to lose?
I took one of my blades and made a slash from my mid-thigh, incorporating her bitchy action and running it all the way to the bottom. The perfectly straight slit exposed my left leg, it may be a little higher than what I would have chosen but it works and to my relief it looks good. Even Jessica can't one up me even with a petty sabotage plan.
I took a breath to compose myself and once again headed to the ball room, except this time I strutted making my confidence clear. Many heads turned to me and even more when they nudged who they were standing with. I smiled finding the attention amusing.
Grayson was included in the mass number of eyes, which now were continuing their boring conversations. He didn't move or even blink but he did wear a smirk. Who knew a simple dress alteration would cause such a stir?
"I spent all night admiring you in this dress and I don't remember seeing this"
"It's a new addition, I had a run in with a certain bitter Barbie" I almost feel bad for Barbie dolls for putting them with Jessica, they deserve better.
"Well, maybe I should be thanking her" his smirk tells me there's somethings running through his head that I don't want to know about.
"But you might want to move your blades a little higher" I roll my eyes taking his advice and adjusting it. It's not as if nobody didn't now I would be carrying them but I'll comply with the social expectations.
"I recall you asking for a dance Mr. Riley" this time it was me offering a hand to which he took with a smile. I've called Grayson a lot of things and I mean A LOT but his last name is rare.
He has a certain grace about him. Grayson's gentle yet leads us, I'm convinced he's been practicing probably in fear of me making fun of him. "So, how was your first ball?"
"Considering I'm dancing with the most beautiful woman here, I would say it's pretty good" I'll admit his charm never wears off.
"I'm glad" I whisper as he spins me around. I never want this moment to end. I have a feeling none other will match it.
We laugh about the little things like Blake and Mia annoying Axel with their usual antics and Vanessa trying to calm the whole situation. Yet all perfect things sadly come to an end and we of all people should know.
Tyler and Jessica catch my eye. Jessica is all over Tyler although, he doesn't look so into her, I know from experience he has a short attention span it was both frustrating and entertaining when he was around.
"If you're going to start a fight at least let me punch Tyler" he whispered into my ear, somehow, he managed to make me giggle. We walked off the floor when the song finished, leaving while it was still a good memory "No chance Handsome, but I am getting bored"
"Let's go then"
"You shouldn't go just because I want to" he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language
"Like I'd have any fun without you"
I guess that answered my question. The others hadn't moved from our area, they seemed to be over the polite chitchat.
"I'm going home" they looked up confused.
"What was the point of me giving you the pent house if you aren't going to use it?" Axel complained.
He did have a valid point "Because I'll get no peace with all of you in the building" they can become animals in his hotels since they don't pay and anything they break is Axel's. By them, I mean Blake.
"You'll miss the late night pizza tradition" Mia complained
I groaned with my sarcastic smile "What a shame. I'll miss the pizza that probably shouldn't be legal it's so bad"
"Don't you disrespect the pizza" Brooke scowled pointed at me "You know it tastes heavenly when it's 3am" I did take that into consideration. It takes a while for everyone to clear off so we have to wait to order food. Everything tastes amazing when you haven't eaten since noon.
"You can take the Batmobile" I caught the keys Blake threw. I can never tell if it's too much liquor or just his ADHD that makes him loopy.
Axel started laughing at him "More like Shit mobile"
I threw them back to him "No thanks, I'd rather not break down" Blake refuses to get rid of his car even though he has three other ones that are way better. He claims it's a 'classic' and if we weren't such erratic drivers it wouldn't be a problem. "Besides, Grayson's driving" Axel looked suspicious most likely trying to freak him out but he was unsuccessful. "Tell Dad to donate and I'll pay him for it later" after all this is a charity event. I hugged the girls goodbye and of course, Blake had to be included.
Grayson found it all entertaining but we finally managed to make tracks out the room when another surprise arrived.
Baxter in a faintly checked navy suit looking way better than I imagined. The ladies are going to eat him up, unlucky for him.
His eyes locked with mine and I walked over "Don't tell me you're leaving" he said as we hugged
"Yeah, we're on our way out"
I noticed the slight disappointment in his face "We?" just on time Grayson came beside me.
"I thought balls weren't your thing" he chuckled at how I worded it as did I.
"They aren't but I thought it might beat a night of Netflix" I nodded "I was hoping to catch a dance with my favourite Wolf"
"Well, Vanessa might get a bit jealous but if you ask nicely I'm sure she'll let you have Axel for a quick spin" his sparkling smile shone even brighter. I felt the slight tension rising between Grayson and Baxter. Maybe because this could be classed as flirting, I don't really notice when I do it, it's natural to me but Brooke did tell me I should tone it down.
"I'm going but I bet Brooke would love a dance, she's getting bored of Taylor he's in annoying cousin mode" he knew what that meant and nodded.
"Scrub up nice man. Make sure our girl gets back safe" I know he means well but I can imagine from Grayson's point of view it's probably not as friendly. He walked passed, letting us go.
I chose to go home but in reality, I chose Grayson over Baxter.

The X in Skye
Teen FictionSkye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a girl to mess with, she's fiery, flirty and most of all fierce. She handles anything that is thrown at her until someone new comes into her...