Skye's POV
I made my feelings known in my house hold, but I continued my normal routine just moodier, blame it on teenage hormones or a pissed off Mafia princess, you decide.
Brooke was blabbering on about some new software Taylor put her on but my body tensed when I saw what was in front of us.
Grayson stood over a tall blonde, barbie wanna be. None other than Jessica Mace. She may be the school's it girl but she's so much darker than anyone would believe.
Grayson has been pretty scarce after the whole kiss thing. I probably didn't handle the situation as tactical as I could but I was desperate.
Brooke soon caught onto my eye line "What are you going to do?"
I rolled my eyes and swiftly pulled Grayson by the top of his bag. He let out a confused groan but walked into my pull.
"If this is a part of the whole kiss scandal at least tell me before you embarrass me"
I chuckle opening my locker "Oh please, you would have embarrassed yourself"
He leaned on the lockers clearly confused "She's a Mace"
"They really haven't taught you anything" I groan
I turn giving him my full attention consider he really needs to take in the information "The Mace's are also a Mafia. As far as I'm aware she doesn't know much about it, she believes her Father gets him money through his companies and investment and not by shady deals and killing people"
He looked stunned but less confused "So what's the issue?"
"If you get involved with another Mafia it never ends well, especially with ours. I'm saving you from yourself"
A smirk grew on his face when he leaned closer, deducting the space between us "Or were you slightly jealous?"
I hesitate causing the tension to rise "When you say it like that" I lean closer whispering in his ear "Absolutely not" he sighs in defeat, I laugh as his eyes rolled
"There's plenty of girls roaming the halls gawking at you, take your pick" I lightly slap his cheek leaving him blushed.
Brooke grinned following me to our class. She slapped my arm "You encouraged him to get a girlfriend?"
I turn to her desk slightly pissed "Why shouldn't I? we aren't a thing"
"Oh please. You two always flirt, the sexual tension is suffocating. You also kissed him, what's Tyler going to think?"
I glare at her "First off, we mock each other and flirting is a personality trait, second, I can handle Tyler. Grayson's already asking too many questions about him"
"You can't blame him, you did kiss him in front of a lot of people" Our teacher walked in and she whispered one more before class started "Grayson isn't Tyler, you should give him a chance"
She was right. Of course she was, Brooke's always right. We're wired to solve each-others problems when we're too blind.
I actually enjoy Media class, I pass all my classes but it doesn't mean I like them I just don't want to fail. My teacher Miss. Blossom is the best. She's the coolest teacher this school has to offer, why she's here I have no idea but I'm glad she is.
Everything was normal until the fire alarm started going off. The whole class flinched except me and Brooke, unless it's gunshots it doesn't alarm us.
We excited the classroom with the teachers telling us to remain calm. The fresh air hit me when we stepped out.
"Ugh, fire drills are so annoying" I complain crossing my arms
Brooke hits my shoulder "I don't think this is a drill Skye" I quickly look to her view point and see multiple firemen entering the building. They don't normally do that.
Ten minutes had passed and it was clear teenagers are impatient although, we are missing lesson time, if only it was a boring lesson.
The principal shouted above the chatter we had commenced "THERE HAS BEEN A FIRE IN ONE OF THE LABS. WE DO NOT KNOW WHO IS RESPONSIBLE SO, WE ARE CONDUCTING LOCKER SEARCHES" the whole school boos. Seems as if a lot of people have things to hide. "YOU MAY RETURN TO YOUR CLASSROOMS"
Everyone split quickly, I saw some run of campus probably trying to avoid whatever contraband they have.
It was pointless going back to class since there was only 10 minutes left. We scurried to the halls to see where they had got up to in the locker search.
"Is this even legal?" I recognise the deep voice as Grayson.
"Seems so, if it's on school property they can do whatever"
I chucked lightly, he glared at me "Danny is bricking it, biggest drug dealer in the school and he still hasn't learned to hide them"
The humour soon wore off when my brain sparked and I turned to him, whispering in a hushed voice "Please tell me you don't have anything Mafia related in your locker"
He stared at me like I was the dumbest person in the world "You have such little faith" I scowl at him for his patronising manner.
Grayson's locker was clean, he claimed he wasn't nervous but the heavy exhale and that I could hear his heart rise when they unlocked it begged to differ.
"Locker 203. Skye Red" Principal Jones shouts, stirring the attention onto me.
A path was created for me. Grayson and Brooke followed along behind me. The stares were intense but like usual I blocked them out.
"What can I do for you?" I asked politely
He pointed inside my locker. I peered inside and my heart stopped.
He pulled two things out "Care to explain why you have gasoline and matches in your locker?"
I stared at the small box of matches and hand sized bottle of gasoline. I remained calm even though I'm going crazy "I have no idea how they got there"
By my weak defence he replied "I suggest you follow me, to my office"
The halls erupted with 'ohhs' if I wasn't in so much shit and there were less witnesses they would all be begging for mercy.
I followed him down the hall when I'm met with a smug looking Jessica, this bitch thrives off of my despair to add to it, Tyler was leaning against the wall and gave me a cocky wave and winked. I wanted to throw a star right through his head, he knows I'm fully capable of that.
I felt someone push past but I catch their arm knowing it was Grayson. He shouldn't let Tyler get the better of him, he doesn't even know him. Sparks shot through me at my simple touch. His dark eyes stared at me almost mad that I held him back.
"Don't do something dumb, I'll be out soon" He nods and watches me walk into the office.
How the hell am I going to get out of this?

The X in Skye
Teen FictionSkye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a girl to mess with, she's fiery, flirty and most of all fierce. She handles anything that is thrown at her until someone new comes into her...