Skye's POV
The past few days got more and more tense. My Dad decided we couldn't take chances on just having Baxter's cousin helping us to get where we needed to be in the casino which meant it was poker boot camp Grayson.
It wouldn't of been so bad if it wasn't for Baxter being involved throughout. He kept wiping the floor with Grayson and it wasn't washing well with him.
"Where'd you find this guy?" Baxter chuckled once again sliding the poker chips to his side. Grayson was just about keeping up but the insults don't exactly help even in his playful manner.
I decided I wanted in on this round. It was getting boring seeing the same turn out. Blake was more focused on the drama between the two and Axel looked equal as done with the whole thing as me.
My Dad dealt me in and boy it's a good one. Poker faces are always important and I've certainly mastered mine. There was only one hand that could beat mine and I doubt anyone had it.
My luck was in.
"Four of a kind" I proudly presented my card.
I can see why people gamble, the rush that goes through your veins but I also know how one dodgy hand can ruin lives. It's commonly done and casinos are so rigged nowadays it's never fair.
"Glad to know you remember what I taught you" Baxter applauded "I knew I was a good teacher" His wink didn't go unnoticed, I found it funny but the chair that was occupied by Grayson screeched across the floor. Just like that he was gone.
Just what I needed, run away Grayson. I slid out of my chair but my Dad blocked my path.
"He better starts controlling himself otherwise he's out X"
I know when he calls me X he's serious and I never take his threats lightly. I would understand if I had done something but this wasn't even my fault. He has a point Grayson can't just run off when he's annoyed but it wasn't exactly unprovoked.
I had to chase after him. We all knew we needed him. He's the only one the Mafias don't know. Any of us could do it but he can go undetected.
"How you doing?"
He huffed as I joined him on the patio stairs "Don't give me that patronising crap"
"It was a question Gray, clam down"
My eyes trailed to ash bushing along the stone steps from the wind. I looked up to see what's known as a death riddled stick between Grayson's lips.
"I didn't know you smoked" he grumbled in response which got on my nerves.
"So, you aren't going to offer me one?"
He puffed out his previous drag into the air leaning his head back. It's the most relaxed I've seen him all day.
"I may not know a lot about you but I know you don't smoke Skye"
"You know more than most"
"Not according to that prick inside" his voice was cold and threatening, something I hadn't seen in him before.
His rude language took me by surprise but something tells me that's not the worst thing he's called him.
"UGH, THAT'S ENOUGH!" I shouted slapping my hands on my thighs. "I get it you don't get along with him but for the sake of me will you just drop it?"
I had little faith in my plea but when his face softened a small light shone through.
"You really are going to be the death of me" he said it like a complaint but I didn't care.
I took the cigarette from between his lips "I'll take that" stubbing the cigarette but out, he rolled his eyes but I really didn't care. Instead my hand made its way to the back of his neck.
"Do you want to know what you can do that Baxter can't?"
The gorgeous grey orbs he has as eyes poured into mine like the very first time we were together. He nodded his head giving me just what I wanted.
I connected my lips with his but unlike our other kissing this one was more tender. It wasn't just us craving each other it was the feeling we needed each other. The comfort I found with him being close is something that scares me but I've come to terms with that happening when we're together.
A moan came from him when I pull back biting his lower lip. He pulls me closer by my waist giving me one last peck. We stayed for a minute forehead to forehead, no words being exchanged just silence but it was still perfect.
"I'm guessing you're going home?"
He shook his head with a smirk "Nope. Suddenly I am motivated to play some poker"
He really is a dork and a cheesy one at that.
The atmosphere was suffocating the moment we stepped foot back into the office. Nobody had left but us and they certainly looked surprised of our return.
"And Grayson takes it all" Blake cheers.
No frickin way! I moved off my chair and hopped onto the arm of his. I have to admit the whole game face was sexy on him.
"Congrats handsome" I praised when the other gave us peace.
His fingertip slid up my legs making my skin rise. He rested his hand on my thigh "Thanks to my good luck charm"
I don't know about me being a good luck charm but he certainly was a charmer.
The smile taking over Grayson's face when he won was something I wanted to see a thousand times over.

The X in Skye
JugendliteraturSkye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a girl to mess with, she's fiery, flirty and most of all fierce. She handles anything that is thrown at her until someone new comes into her...