Daddy's Lil Girl

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"Hey daddy, can we talk for a minute?" I asked daddy Ryan. When I have a problem, I go to him first. He somehow understands me more. 
"Sure Baby, what's wrong?" He said, hugging me.
"I want to break up with Eddie, but I don't want Daddy Jax or Daddy Xavier mad at him. I mean he has done nothing wrong, it's just I have kind of met someone else."I tell him crawling in his lap.  I love Ryan as my father. He has been amazing with my baby sisters. My first memory of Ryan is when my Daddy Jax was in the hospital when he got shot. He took me and Grammy to the hotel and bought me ice cream. He wasn't with my parents yet. I remember the way he would look at my mommy and Daddy Xavier. Wow, that was like 13 years ago. 

"Well baby, maybe you need to talk to your Dad's first, so they understand." he kisses my forehead "So who is this new guy? Do I know him?" 
"You know Cayden, the head Dom at the club?" I asked him 
"Oh, no Sky, he has a sub well, he has a girlfriend baby." He said with worry in his voice. Cayden is a professional Dom at My Daddy club. He is in his 20s and oh he is so cute. His sub/ girlfriend, Bella, or as Cayden calls her Precious, has 2 Doms Cayden and a guy named Daryl, he is an older man but hot. When they come to the club everyone goes crazy. She is a very lucky lady.

"Daddy no not Cayden, his little brother Coltain. He brought him to the club last week and daddy, he is a sweetheart. I met his best friend, also Nicolas." 

"Hey baby girl, how are you this morning?" My Daddy Xavier comes into the kitchen. He leaned and kissed my head then gave daddy Ryan a kiss. Daddy Jax and Daddy Xavi have been together for all of my life, but Daddy Ryan really makes my dad happy.  

"So Sky needs to talk to you guys babe." Ryan blurts out 
"Daddy gosh", I laugh as I hit his chest  "Mommy and Daddy up yet daddy?"  
"I am not sure I slept with the Ocean and Stormi, they were having a bad night," Xavi said as he made coffee 
"I had to lay with Rayin and River, It must have been something in the air last night," 
"I miss being little, I miss crawling in bed with you, mommy and daddy," I say as I crawl off of Ry's lap.  "I'm gonna go see."


I snuggled into Jax's chest more not wanting to get up but I knew soon one of the girls would come in. "Cat, what are you doing?" He whispered "Shhh, I am still sleeping", I giggle he started tickling me. I climbed on top of him and lay down. He wrapped his huge arms around me.  

Here lately, It has been only Me and Jax. Xavi and Ry have been spending a lot of time together. It hasn't really bothered me and Jax, we know that Ry and Xavi are happy together. 

"Mommy " I hear my baby girl call outside of the door. 
"Come in Princess" Jax calls out.
"Really mamma when are you gonna learn that you squash daddy when you lay on him." Sky said as she crawled in bed with us "Daddy, you better have some shorts on... I see enough of you at the club.." 
"Well, it is true mamma Daddy is always doing scenes with you and daddy." She whines
"OK, Well maybe you shouldn't come to the club anymore," I say

"Daddy you know Cayden right?" She asked Jax
"Yes, baby I know who he is... Why?" 
"How about his little brother Coltain?" 
"I met him last night why again?" HE asked 
"I wanna break up with Eddie and see if how things go between Me and Cole," she said 
I sat up on Jax and looked at her. "Little girl, you are too much like me ugh."  
I sometimes wish she was like Xavi and not me, but as Jax always says she is my twin.  Over the years she has grown closer to Jax than her own father. It is not that she doesn't love Xavier but when he left for 5 years Jax was there to wipe the tears away and to hold her when she needed it. Now she works at the club with Jax I would have thought she was going to be a Domme like her Daddy, but she is not.  Jax has a hard time at the club with the newer Dom's wanting her as a sub. We thought Eddie was going to be a good Dom for her, but he is not a strong Dom, and she walks all over him. She needs a Dom like Jax or Cayden. Maybe his little brother is Strong like him.


Fuck man I don't know what to say. My baby girl wants to leave Eddie. I mean I know why. He is not strict with her. I think it was the thrill of being with a younger girl. 

I climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen. I was shocked by what I walked in on. Xavier had Ry pushed up against the frig, kissing him and rocking his hips into him. 
"Fuck guys... " I say as I  scare the shit out of them. Xavier turned around to me "Good morning sexy" He said giving me a kiss. Ryan just stayed against the frig staring at me. There is something he wants to say or do, but he hasn't yet. Momma will get it out of him soon I hope.

Ocean comes running to me and right before she got to me she fell and busted her head open. at the same time Cat is walking down the stairs and saw it happen. Before I knew it there was blood all over the floor. The other girls heard my Ocean crying and came running. Xavier and Ryan ran and got the girls before they saw Ocean. 

Sky ran and got my truck, "Daddy, I will drive just make sure my sissy is OK." We sat in the back seat and Cat And Sky upfront. Cat was crying and Sky was trying to drive and keep her mother calm. "Mommy Oh will be OK she is strong like you, remember when you had to make sure me and Oh were protected remember how strong you was?" Cat nodded "MOmmy I need you to be that strong now." 

We got to the hospital and Ocean and Cat went into the room. 
"SO you are breaking up with Eddie?" I asked 
"Yeah daddy He is well he is nothing like you....I need a man that knows how to tell me no. I have watched you and Mommy and I want a relationship like yours. I know that you have not had the perfect relationship and I know what happened the night mommy got pregnant with me. But Daddy no matter what I know you love her and she loves you." She hugged me and whispered I will always be you lil girl Daddy.

She looked up and her new friend Coltain was standing there. She went to him "You didn't have to come Cole" He grabbed her and pulled her to him " baby girl I will be her for you no matter what. remember I told you I wanted to take care of you." I smiled because I know that if he is anything like Cayden Wilson my lil girl is in good hands.

"Daddy this is Coltain" Sky said with a smile on her face 
"Mr. Mason, how are you doing?" Cole asked 
"Call me Jax and besides that fact that my Ocean is getting stitches in her head I am good." 

"Jaxson Baby" Ryan called out walking to us. He came to me an hugged me and gave me a kiss, "How is OH?" 

"How many Dads do you have baby girl?" Cole asked making me and Ry laugh 
"I have 3 Why?" Sky said 
"Oh well I have 4" I had already known that because I know one of his dads Damien that works at the Tattoo shop with RY.
"You know that your Dad works with Ry at the tat shop", Sky turned and laughed, "Damien is your dad....He did my tat on my ass." Then her face changed 
"YOU HAVE A TATTOO ON YOUR BUTT" I yelled in a loud whisper 

Cat came out "She got 6 stitches, and they gave her pain meds, and she is passed out, so we can't leave until she wakes up." 

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