where it started

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Since I was in my first year of high school, it seemed as if only the students from my middle school were in the class. That was until he walked in. I could not stop staring at how tall and handsome he was. His eyes looked as if they told a long, fearful story that I wanted to know. I already knew that I would never get the chance to even have a small conversation with him. Right behind him was Xavier, my next-door neighbor. I knew he didn't even know that I have lived next door to him for the past 5 years. He has never even looked my way.

"Good Morning Class let us start our new year off by making some new friends. I am going to pair off everyone in groups of two for now." Mr. Mattis, our math teacher said. "OK So Xavier Anderson and Stephanie Mayers
Michael Boyd and Monica Rodriguez"
I sat just waiting for my name to be called. I know people didn't want to be my partner, which was nothing new to me. I have been a loner almost all my of my life. I am an only child and my mother has babied me.
"Jaxson Mason and Catalina Bryan."
Just great how come I get paired with the cute guy.
I sat tapping my finger on my desk, waiting for him to protest being my partner. Instead, he came and sat his fine ass on my desk. "Hey, there sweetheart...." I peeked up at him with a confused look. Saying softly "Hi"  and then the laughing started. Xavier and Stephanie began making pig noises.
"What the fuck is your problem dude... You need to put your mouse-looking whore in check." He shouted causing Xavier to stand and bow up to Jaxson. I didn't think that was a good idea for Xavier at all, Jaxson looked like he could end Xavier with one hit.
"Alright boys settle down, there is no need for any of this, Miss Catalina wouldn't give either one of you a chance." Mr. Mattis said.

That was a lie, I would so love to have a chance with Jaxson.

Over the next few days, Jaxson kept his distance from me, which I had already known was going to happen. He only spoke to me when he needed me for class. I was lost in why he was so quick to take up for me. Xavier and Stephanie left me alone as well. 

It wasn't until the following week when a guy in our class tried to talk to me. I noticed that Jaxson was watching him and I. Honestly I didn't think much of it until Jaxson pinned the guy against the wall. He just stood there staring at him for a minute, then he hissed to him, "You don't fucking touch or speck to what is mine." I was astounded by his words. "His" I wasn't his I was nobody's. Micheal was the first guy that ever really took any interest in me at all. The teacher broke them up and continued with the class. 

When the bell rang, I packed my things into my bag and walked out of class, only to get grabbed and pulled back into Jaxson's chest.  The air was knocked out of me than he sucked my soul out of me with his eyes. He tilted my head back leaning to my ear and  whispered "I want you and I will have you sweetheart." I didn't know what to say or do, and stupid me said "OK" 

Over the next days people gave us the weird look, you know the look why is he with someone like her. It seems to not bother him at all.  Jaxson and Xavier ended up becoming friends, well not just friends, best friends. 

Jaxson treated me like I was a princess. He was always telling me I was beautiful and always had to be touching me. 
"Sweetheart, you trust me." He asked me one day when I was at his house.
"Of course Jax, why wouldn't I ?" I answered him. He has never given me a reason to not to. 
"I want you to start calling me either Sir or Daddy. Is that OK baby?" It was like he read my mind I had been wanting to refer to him as my Daddy 
"Yes Sir Daddy", I said, dropping my head, He placed two fingers under my chin and raising my head up to look at him.
"You are such a good girl, Catalina." He said making melt even more. I was falling in love with him more ever every day.


This shit fucking sucked, I just got out of juvie for shit I didn't even do. My mother moved in with yet another fucking douche bag, but this time it was in another town.  Today is my first day going back to a real school and my first year of high school. 

When I walked down the hallway, all the little high school sluts stare at me whispering to their  friends about me. I find my first class math, I fucking hate math. Well, that was until I walked in and spotted the little sweetheart that was sitting in the back of the class. Now she would be something I wanna get my hands all over.  

The teacher was putting us in pairs. I was hoping that I was going to get paired with her and not some sport freak or a horny slut. 
When he called my name I got nervous for some odd fucking reason. Then he called the sexiest name I had ever heard, Catalina Bryan. I turned and looked at the look on her face. It was like she was scared of something. She watched me walk to her and when I sat on her desk "Hey there sweetheart " She looked at me and said in an soft whisper "Hi" That is when I knew for sure I wanted her. 

Before I could say anything else to her the dude Xavier and his little bitch started making noises at her. That shit pissed me the fuck off. 
"What the fuck is your problem dude... You need to put your mouse-looking whore in check." I yelled to the pretty boy. He thought he was going to be a billy badass and step to me. I don't have a problem going back to jail over the sweetheart sitting behind me now. 
"Alright boys settle down, there is no need for any of this, Miss Catalina wouldn't give either one of you a chance." the teacher yelled .... He was more and likely right about her never giving me a chance. Why would a sweetheart like her give me a  pathetic jailbird a chance. 

I had to keep my distance from her. I did not want to ruin her. 

I ended up hanging out with Xavier, it turns out that he is a pretty cool guy. He introduced me to his boss. It actually is cool, being back in a crew.  
He asked me the other day about Catalina and what was up with her. I played it off that I just thought she was a nice girl. I didn't tell him how I wanted to wrap my hand around her throat and make her choke on my cock. 

I was able to stay away from her until the day I walked in class and watched that fucking horn dog with his hands on her. She was smiling and laughing with him. It was supposed to be me that was touching her, not him.
I snatched his ass up and pinned him against the wall. I was trying to keep my cool but the image of his hands on her. 
"You don't fucking touch or speck to what is mine." 
The teacher came and pulled me off of the motherfucker. I glanced over and seen Xavier laughing at the lanky ass as he ran back to his seat. I wanted to go to her then but it wasn't a good time. 

The bell rang and I watched her walk out of the class. I caught up to her and grabbed her, pulling her back to me. I ran my hand up the back of her neck into her hair, gripping it and tilting her head back.
"I want you and I will have you sweetheart." I whispered in her ear. She stared at me for a second and then whisper "OK".... She was mine.

Over the next few days we hung out a lot. I wanted everyone to know that she was mine. The guys in the crew made their remarks about her. Yeah, I knew she was not the 'skinny pretty little things' they all had at their side. She made me happy. 

One night she came over to hang out at my house. We was making out and I thought it would be the perfect time to see if she would submit to me. Like the perfect little thing she is, She did. Hearing her call me Daddy made my dick twitch in my pants. 
"Sweetheart, I need you to get on your knees for me." 
"Yes Daddy" She said dropping to her knees she looked up to me and smiled 
"Open your mouth and stick your tongue out", She did as I said, but watched my every move. I unbuttoned my pants pulling the zipper down I could see the excitement in her eyes. She wanted to please me.... I pulled my hard cock out, her eyes widened making me smile down at her. I pushed my cock into her mouth .... I began to ruin my sweet little sweetheart inch by inch until her lips touched my pelvic bone. I stood still as she wrapped her lips around me and began moving her head causing my cock to go in and out of her mouth. 
"Baby have you ever done this before?" She shook her head no. It was not long after she swallowed all of what I gave her. 
"Hmmm Thank you Daddy" She said wiping the corner of her mouth. 

Everyone knew us as Jax and Cat......

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