the plans

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We have decided that we will be getting married before the baby is born. I will be marrying Xavier and we will be changing Sky's last name also. Then in 6 months me and Xav will get a divorce and then Xav and Jax will marry and Jax will take Xav last name. I know it sounds crazy but we all want to be a family and have the same last name.  I am now  35 weeks so we have maybe 3 weeks to get married. Me and momma have been planning the reception. We are gonna do the cooking and stuff.

I heard the door open and I seen it was Xavier Ryan and Sky. He takes her where he can. He is a wonderful father.


Xavier didn't run out the door tonight. We actually laid in bed talking. He was holding which was weird for him to do with me.
" You ever think about having kids? He asked me
" I'm sure I'll have at least 2 one day."
" What would you do if you got pregnant right now?"
" Well I guess I would become a mother, but that's not gonna happen you are the only one I am having sex with and you wears condoms."
He sighs

" Xavier we need to go get the marriage license soon" I yell from the kitchen.
He walks in and hugs me kissing my cheek. " They are in my office, I wanna get married this weekend"
" Uh ok umm momma I guess we need to get to getting things together we have 4 days" I tell her walking around the counter. Ryan caught me and hugged me. "You look beautiful baby girl " he whispered in my ear.  Damn it fucker I am getting married this weekend don't do this. I felt my panties get wet. I just look at him and say thank you. 
I went to help Sky put her things away and Xavier came behind me and turned me around... " That just turned you on didn't it." I looked him in the eyes and nodded my head. What I heard next turned me on even more. " Words Catalina" I loved when Xavier Dom side came out. "Yes Sir" I look down  "good girl... I will tell Daddy" I look up at him and he has a Sexy ass smile on his face.
I continue helping Sky with her things and my phone goes off. I pulled it from my back pocket. I got a text from Daddy

Daddy J: so you need to tell me something little one?
Me: uh Ryan whispered to me that I looked beautiful and I got turned on I'm sorry Daddy it won't happen again.
Daddy J: yes it will.

I just looked at my phone and wondered what he meant by that.

Me: Are you upset with me Daddy?

He didn't answer right back like he normally does. I hope he ain't mad and think I am cheating on him.

Me: is Daddy J mad at me?
Daddy X: no baby why would he be?
Me: because of Ryan
Daddy X: no he is not mad

I still felt that he was. I didn't even know when he was coming home. God I am so scared right now.
I put my face in my hands and begin to cry. I was so upset I didn't even noticed that Sky left the room.

Xavi POV

Sky came running to me and Ryan in my office. She knocked first like she was asked to just in case.
" Daddy Mommy is sitting in my room crying. She keeps saying she is going to lose him."
I went running to Sky's room and there she sat on the little kids couch crying.  I got on my knees in front of her. " Beautiful what's wrong" she looks at me with her makeup running down her face. " Y'all are gonna end up leaving me . I don't deserve y'all."  I don't understand we was just talking about getting married this weekend what happened. I grabbed her phone and read her text to Jax I didn't see anything except he didn't text her back. " Baby we are not gonna leave you why would we leave you?"
"Come on Xavier look at me I am so not your type I never was you just liked that I gave you what you wanted and Jax he let me know when he broke up with me that I was to fat and then let me know what he really thought of me that night when he called me a whore. You are only with me because of Sky and Jax is only with me because he raped me and feels sorry for me"  she yelled
" He raped you Catalina" I heard her momma yelling behind me. "Is that why you left?"
" Momma please that was 7 years ago I forgave him a long time ago. Momma I love him so much I can't lose him...."

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