come back soon

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It's been a few days since we have been back from the beach. Sky is now in school. I have been looking for a job but in this small town it's hard to find anything. Xavier's been picking Sky up from school for me . He has actually been spending a lot of time with her. Jax had to go out of town for a week. I don't know what you would consider our relationship between the three of us.

We are having dinner with Xavier tonight and watching a movie Sky wants to watch . Xav made his living room look like a movie theater for her. I told him I would cook whatever he wanted and he choose chicken parmesan and chocolate cheesecake. We sat down to eat dinner and Of course Sky was talking Xavi ear off about he new class and friends. I watch and listen to them and smile. Then Sky asked "Daddy where is Uncle Jax ?" He explained that he had to go out of town for work. "I miss him and so does mommy she was crying last for you and him." Xavier looks at me and sadly smiled " Well Sky I think we all miss him he will be home in a few days."

After we got done with dinner Xav and Sky went to start the movie and i cleaned up the kitchen. Sky was all into the movie with her popcorn and juice her daddy got her. Xav came in to the kitchen.

"Beautiful you don't have to clean the kitchen I would have got it later."

"I know I just wanted you guys to have y'alls time together, I had her for 6 years I don't think 15 mins won't hurt me." He came behind me and turned me around to look at him. 1,2,3 and i jumped he put me on the counter.

"What's this you was crying for me and Jax?"

"Ugh I am gonna kick my daughters butt , I was just all in my feelings it was nothing" He stands in between my legs and rubs my thighs

"Cat can I ask you something?"


"Why haven't you been with anyone since that night?"

" Truthfully and please don't laugh I didn't find anyone that I was sexually attracted to not like I was to you and believe or not Jax."

"ummm why would I laugh .... your basically saying me and my boyfriend made you set high standards for everyone else." he said as he giggled " So you was with Marcus for 3 years and never had sex with him"

"No he had umm a problem down there he couldn't get hard that's why I didn't have a problem with being with him."

"OOHHH now i see"

"By the way are you ever gonna tell me what happened to him?"

" let's just say Jax's exact words to him was this is for Cat and Sky .... that was the last thing that man heard...."


"You know Jax loves you a lot Cat"

"I know we have talked a lot since the beach... Xavi I forgive him I never stopped loving him even though I fell in love with you He will always be my first love and you well you gave me something that means the world to me. I will always love you for that. "

"Cat I knew what I was doing that night I knew I didn't put a condom on ... you was passed out and well I told you that I was falling for you and I wanted more between us."
I looked him his eyes then I pressed my lips to his. He licked my bottom lip demanding entrance.
"Daddy the movie stopped" Sky interrupted us .
"Joys of being a parent" I laughed
" To be continued" he said walking away with our daughter.
I checked my phone and still no message from Jax. I haven't heard from him today. I walk in the living room..." Hey Xavier have you heard from Jaxson today?"
" Actually no I haven't"
"Oh oh Daddy can we call him please I miss uncle Jax "
Xavi grabbed his phone and let Sky call Jax.
Ring Ring
" Daddy it's ringing"
Hello baby girl what are you doing?
Me and mommy came over to Daddy's and mommy cooked the chicken stuff and daddy liked it.
Oh really well mommy will have to make again when I get home
When are you coming home, mommy was crying last night because you was gone.
"Skylar stop telling momma's business" I yell
I will be home hopefully this week. And tell mommy when she is sad Daddy will make her smile too.
I miss you uncle Jax...
Where is Daddy Sky?
He can hear you I have the speaker on ... We all miss you
I miss you guys also give Daddy the phone. Uncle Jax needs to talk to him I'll make him give you the phone back and I'll tell you a bedtime story ok ...
Ok uncle Jax
"Hey Daddy he needs to talk to you but you have to give me the phone back he is gonna tell me a bedtime story"
She cracks me up when it comes to these to big giant bad ass men. She has them wrapped around her little finger.
Xavier walked in to the kitchen.. then I hear him yelling.
" What the fuck do you mean your not coming home?"
My heart sank into my stomach.
" Baby, I still want to be with you.. I spent the past 5 years trying to prove this to you. "
That's when I knew I messed up their relationship. I try to hold the tears back but I already started falling for the both of them again.
" Jax she has forgave you she even to me tonight you are her first love and she never stopped loving you even when she fell in love with me. Please don't do this."
Yep it was me I shouldn't have came here I should have just let Marcus beat me to death.
" Yes she is my daughter but she loves her uncle and you will break her heart baby please"
With tears running down my face hearing him beg Jax to come home. I walk to Xavier he looks at me and sees that I am crying. I take the phone
" Jax I'm sorry I came back and ruined your relationship with Xavier. I will leave you guys alone the only reason I'll have to talk to Xavier is for Sky I'm sorry please don't do this to him he loves you please come back " I didn't let him reply I handed the phone back to him " Will you bring her home after she talks to her uncle Jax please" I go to Sky ... "Daddy will bring you home after you talk to uncle Jax again."
And walk home.

I get home and run me a bath. My phone has went off so many times. I am going to let them go again I can't leave I can't take Sky away from Xavier.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the bathroom door open. I don't know how long he had been standing there watching.
" Now are fucking calmed down now?"
I jumped splashing water on the floor.
"Xavier you just need to worry about Jax and Sky. I shouldn't have even bothered you. I fucked up your relationship with Jax. I'm sorry neither of you will have to worry about me anymore." I yell out as I cover myself.
" Jax is scared Cat he is falling in love with you again and he is afraid of hurting you again"
"Well he needs to forget about me .... You both do"
" We are not going to forget you ... You are the mother of our daughter and we love and we need you." He said in a lower voice kneeling next to the bathtub.
" Is he coming home soon ? " He leans and kisses me
" He is actually on his way now... I told him you was crying he told me to give Sky the phone and he would tell her a story about him and her mommy while he got ready. "
"Where's Sky?" "
Your mom is at my house with her she wanted to wait for Jax but fell asleep"
I got out of the bath Xavier got a towel and started drying me off. Which then led to him kissing me going down to my neck." I want to make love to you so bad but I want to wait until you are 100%sure you want us but until then I want to please you. Can I please taste you?"
I was scared and excited at the same time. I just nodded my head. Next thing I knew I was in my bed naked and Xavi kissing and licking every inch of my body. "Ohhh Xavier that's feels so good.... Hummm you have gotten better over the years " I giggled after I said it. " That's not the only thing I have gotten better at... You will find out soon though"
" You are gonna make me cum"
That only made him slide his finger in and out of me faster and suck and lick harder... " God you are so fucking tight baby I can barely get another finger in you..I will have to open you up for Jax he might hurt you baby.."
I moan out loudly when I heard that
" Damn babe she sounds so fucking sexy... I'm so fucking hard."
" He heard the whole time "
" No babe I only heard from he wasn't going to make love to he was just going to please you."
I turn beet red. He kissed his way back up to my lips ... " So hmmm wanna spend the night with me and our daughter? "
" Well first I gotta get dressed but yeah I'll spend the night..."
" Woohoo you will be there when I get there "
" Hmmm I guess so"
" Ok I'll see you guys when I get home"
" Drive safe babe and our little girl is gonna be so happy.. "
"Hey Jax ... I miss you care bear"
I'm glad you live next door... I can just wear my pj.
We walk in to a sleeping little girl have her grammy.
"Sleep over at Daddy's"

It was about 1:45 am when I heard something downstairs so I went down to see. I see his big figure standing over my mom and Sky.
I walked behind him. " Hey care bear.." I giggled watching him jump.
"Aww my big care bear is jumpy huh"
" He only jumps when you say is name" Xav said coming down the stairs grinning.
Jax turns around and hugs me ... "Never say you ruined anything again.. I was just being stupid" I put my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me and whispered to him " still have a problem in your pants?" Then I kissed him slightly parting my lips wanting him to slide his tongue in and he did. He ran his big hand down my back to my ass then the other one around my waist. He picked me up and carried me to their room laying me on the bed.
" Yes I do .... What are you going to about it?" He said crawling on top of me. God this brings back so many memories for when we was kids. "Roll over and I'll show you ... Xav please come here and lay next to Jax" he did as I said. I slowly pulled Jax's shirt off then I went and unbuttoned his pants I needed to run my hands over his hard body before I went any further. I then lean over to Xavi and well he wasn't wearing a shirt just his boxers but I need to touch him also. I then kiss Jax and then I kiss Xavi . "Take your pants and boxers off guys and show me what I should put in my mouth." Jax pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear putting his hand on the back of my neck pulling me to him and whispers "let's just lay together the three of us... " And that's what we did... I laid in between 2 naked fine as fuck sex gods holding me all night.

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