wish it was...

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I woke up and Cat was already up and getting the girls ready for school. I laid in bed for a while. Memories flooded my mind.

I watched her as she stood up to get dressed. I saw it in her face, the pain I have been causing her. I know she wants more between us and I want to give it to her. I want to just pull her back in to my bed and tell her the truth. I want to tell her that I think I am falling in love with her.

I don't know how Jaxson let her go so easily. She is so perfect. She is the kind of woman I need by my side. I know once she learns about me taking over the crew, she will never want anything to do with me again.

Somebody is knocking on the door, and she turned and said "I will go out the back door" . I wanted to say "No stay with me, I don't care who see you here." But I didn't, I just let her leave once again.

I opened the door to face Jax. The guy that hurt her. I am glad he did, not to sound mean, but he only pushed her in to my arms and now my heart.

"Hey man, I just went over to Cats, and her momma said she was here?" He said as he walked in looking around.

"Nah man, I ain't seen her and why the fuck would she be here." I told him. I watched out the window and seen Cat walk to her door.
"Why you looking for her anyway? I thought you didn't want anything to do with her?"

"I wanted to talk to her, I am kind of missing her, but you're right I done with her. It was good while it lasted." He said walking in to the kitchen.

I looked on the counter and her purse was sitting there. I grabbed it and put it under the counter before he seen it.

We hung out for a while playing the Xbox and listen to music. When I heard the knock, I knew it was her she needed her purse.
I opened the door, and she looked like she just got out of the shower. She looked down when I opened the door and whispered.
"I left my purse." I ran and got it. As she took it, Jax came out.

"Hey bro, who's here?" He asked as his eyes landed on Cat.
"What are you doing here?"

"My momma told me you came looking for me, and I thought I would find you here." She said dropping her head back down.
I noticed that she acts differently around him. It's like she is afraid of him or something.

"I just wanted to see how you were, but as I see you are okay.... Who's your new boyfriend?" Jax asked her. She looked up with tears in her eyes at me, then back to him.

"Jaxson, I don't have a new boyfriend, I was at a friend's house." She said wiping the tears away

He walked to her, and they walked outside together. I went to the window and watched as they talked, only hearing what Jax was saying.

"Cat, don't fucking lie to me, I don't give a fuck who you are fucking."
She looked down, I could see the pain, and I could tell she missed him.

"I want to know who would fuck a fat bitch like you." He yelled. She looked up at him and turned to walk away.
"Do not walk away from me, Catalina." She stopped in her tracks. I read her lips "I'm sorry"
He towers over her, and she looks like a little girl in front of him. He grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her to him. He leaned and whispered something, causing her to look up at him. She then took off .

When he came back in, he seemed pissed off.
"Let's go find some chicks to fuck.... That fat whore just pissed me off."

I didn't want a chick, I wanted Catalina.

I looked up when the door opened .
"Hey baby, you okay?" Cat asked as she climbed back into bed with me. I held my arm out for her to come lay next to me.

"I was just thinking about when we were kids, baby." I tell her. "So you ever wonder what would have been if I had told you how I really felt about you before you left?" I asked as I kissed the top of her head.

"Sometimes I do.... I think we would have got together, but then we would not have had Sky...." She said rubbing her hand on my chest. "And you and Jax wouldn't have gotten together."

Maybe she is right. I do not regret for a moment Jax and I relationship at all. I love him just as much as I love Cat.

"Hey sleepy head.... I'm heading to the club, we have the show tonight. I got to make sure everything is ready." Jax said as he walked in.

"Ok babe ... Wanna meet for lunch maybe?" I asked sitting up to give him a kiss.

"Yeah, Ryan is going with me so you two can meet us at Adam and Bella's restaurant," he said, leaning over me, kissing Cat. He let a moan as their lips touched.

"Bye Daddy, see you later." Cat moaned

After Jax left, I pulled Cat on top of me. She has been the only woman I have ever loved. She has been the only woman that has ever made me happy.

"Xavi baby, what is bothering you today baby?" She asked

"I just wished I would have done some things differently when we were younger. I wish I would have stopped you from leaving the day you left."

"Baby, we can't change the past. I am glad you didn't stop me. I have had an amazing journey with you and Jax. If you had stopped me.... I would have hated Jax and never forgave him. We would have probably never made it baby."

My phone rang....
"It's Jax baby"

"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I answered the phone
"I forgot to tell you both that I love you guys..... Happy anniversary." Jax said

I looked over at Cat.... She was smiling. Today makes 13 years since my Cat came home.

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