She's back

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We were getting ready for our party tonight and I see a familiar SUV pull into Cat's momma's house. Jax whispered, "it's Cat Xav". We just stood there and watched as the SUV came to a stop. The driver's door opened, It was Cat. She fell to the ground. I take off running to her when a little girl got out of the truck crying for her momma to wake up. Jax grabs Cat holding her. I try to talk to the little girl asking her what her name was and who hurt her momma. She told me her name was Skylar and she was 5 and her birthday was this weekend. She said she heard her momma and Marcus was fighting. I stared at this beautiful little girl .... Then I started doing the math in my head. She is either mine or Jax little girl. Holly shit one of us is a father. Jax is trying to wake Cat up.


Damn Cat looks fucking hot tonight...

"Xav can I lay down in your room I"m not feeling too good," Cat asked me.

"yeah we will walk you up "

We get to my room and she lays down and pulls my pillow close to her. I stood there for a minute watching her fall asleep.

"Dude your fucking her aren't you"

"Nah man she is just a really good friend "

A little while later I couldn't get the sleeping beauty in my room out of my mind so I waited until I saw Jax with the little redhead he has been talking to. I went up to my room and laid next to her I couldn't help but touch her. She started moaning she was enjoying it. "Cat I am falling in love with you... I know I said I didn't want to mess up what we had... I don't I want to make it better." I began to kiss her and undressing her she was helping me by taking her bra off releasing her beautiful breast...I love her breast I love everything about her. I'm just not man enough to admit to her and the world .... After I realized she was passed out it was too late I was already inside of her tight pussy fixing to cum. After I came I pulled out of her and looked down at my bare cock. I have never had sex with her without a condom.... fuck oh well. I got up and got dressed and went back down to the party. Jax was still with the redhead. I think he noticed I was gone. I went and got a drink and ran into a hot little thing that I wasn't really into. I went to go find Jax and he was gone probably off fucking the redhead. I heard someone yell get off of me. I just brushed it off bitches always yelling something. A few minutes later Jax came from upstairs. He was grinning from ear to ear at me .... yep he got laid. I went to go back upstairs and here come Cat running. She ran right into me her face was bruised and her lip was bleeding "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS CAT? " She just looked at Jax and ran out. That's when I knew what he did.

I should have gone after her but I didn't and she left because of him. We fought over what he did to her. He told me how he was jealous and how he shouldnot have never broken up with her. He said he watched me go into the room and He watched me make love to her and he heard her call my name. He knew I didn't use a condom also. I thought it was a little weird. He said after I came back down he went up to the room. I know he regrets what he did.

Flashback over

"Cat sweetheart please wake up." Jax begged her "Mommy please wake up mommy please ..." Her little princess cried out I guess hear her she started waking up.

" Put her down don't touch my baby," she yelled out as she went to get up. She just fell back down into Jax arms " Get off of me let me go"

I lean down with Skylar holding on to me laying her head on my shoulder " Cat sweetheart we aren't going to hurt you... What happened baby who did this to you?"

Jax stood up and picked Cat up and carried her to the house. He went to lay her in his room. I stayed with this amazing little girl. She has my eyes. One of the guys walks up to us and says " Is that your kid man? She looks just like you."

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