get rid of him

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I need to know where she was and who the hell this Marcus is. He put his hand on my daughter and her beautiful mother. It's been a couple of days since she has been back. Her momma said she has been sleeping a lot because of the pain pills the doctor gave her. 

We found out where she lived. Jax told her momma he was going to get her and Sky's stuff. He took a couple of guys with him. He is gonna find the mother fucker and bring him to me.  If the dude makes it here.

Before Jax left yesterday he took Cat's truck to the shop and fixed a couple of things for her. She has had that truck since highschool. We will buy her a new one soon but for now, this will do.

I hear a knock on the door. I just got out of the shower and only had a towel wrapped around me. I opened the door and there she stood I believe I blushed. A hard ass like me blushing.

" Momma told me Jax took my truck and got it fixed ... I wanted to tell him thanks he didn't have to do that." She said in the most angelic voice I have heard since she left.

" I will tell him when he gets back from out of town," I told her watching her facial expression change.

" Oh ok well I gotta get back to Sky... I already feel like shit I ruined her birthday."  She sadly said fixing to walk away.

" Hey Cat... Will you and Sky go to dinner with me tonight... I would love to umm catch up with you and get to know that perfect little girl of ...." I asked cutting myself off because I didn't want to upset her.

" You wanna get to know your daughter... Xavier, you can say it ...I guess I need to let you. Yeah, we will go.. " she said with a slight smile looking up to me.

"Cool see you at 6 we will go early so Sky ain't out late."

" Ok see ya later"

I watched her walk away. Watching her ass giggle caused my towel to make a tent. I rubbed it down... Damn it, woman.

I called around to find the perfect place for a 6-year-old... This shit is all new to me.  Just to think 2 weeks ago I only worried about getting my dick sucked and taking care of business. I now wish I went after her that night.

It's time to take the girls ... My girls to dinner. Damn, I feel like it's my first date ever. I finished getting dressed and grabbed the flowers I got them.  I know so old fashioned I don't care. I have a 6-year-old to show how a man is to treat a woman. I'm gonna show her how I should have treated her mother. The only woman that never wanted anything from me. She just wanted me for me.  Now women only want me for who I am and my money.

I walked over and knocked on the door. Cat's momma answered the door.." Cat Sky you girls ready Xavier's here.  I watched that beautiful 6 years old come around the corner... "Xavier momma said I had to ask you if it was ok if I called you Daddy."  When she asked my eyes filled with tears... I looked up at Cat and she nodded her head with tears falling. " Of course Skylar you can call me what you want." She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered, "my mommy is nervous I think she likes you." Then she giggled. "Oh really" I whisper back to her. She giggled.

" Ladies these are for you"  in handed Sky her flowers and took off running to her grandma..." Look what my daddy got me grammy"

I walked closer to Cat, " I couldn't find any flowers as pretty as you I hope these are ok "
"Xavier you didn't have to get me flowers... This is for Sky, not me." She took them and smelled them and smiled a small smile.

"You ladies ready?"

"Sky, do you want to take the big truck or the car?"
"Can we ride in the big truck please Xav... I mean Daddy?"
"Of course..."
I picked her up and put her in the back seat climbing up to fasten her seat belt. Then I walked around the truck seeing Cat looking at her phone. She was shaking  " what's wrong Catalina?"..... She looked up at me " my ex is coming to get me...will you please just take Sky and keep her safe."

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