leaving home

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Jax .....

I am holding one of the first Dom training classes. Cat thought that it would be a good move for future Doms and the club. I have a buddy of mine coming from out of town to help organize it for me.

I met him when I was getting ready to open up the club. Him and his partner have open their own club in his town. He is well know for his ability to not only please him self but also his subs. His sub now is also known well in the community. He would have came also but he and my buddy Cayden.... Sky's boyfriend's brother are getting everything ready for this weekend. They are going to ask their girlfriend to marry them.

Cat has been acting a little weird here lately. I don't know if it has to do with us, me and her or something else. I try not to push her some much but if things don't change soon I will have to.

"Daddy...." Sky called out as she walked into my office. I looked up at her, I can not believe that my princess is a grown woman now.

I remember the first time I ever seen her. She was so scared running around Cat's truck.

"Daddy I'm gonna go with Cole this weekend...." She told me as she sat in my desk. Looking so much like her mother.

"I can't believe Cayden is gonna get married..... Can you daddy?"

I laughed cause no I couldn't believe he is getting married.... Sky had a big crush on him for a little minute.

"Actually no babygirl I can't. But the guy Gabe I was telling you about last week.... He is in a relationship with Cayden." No sooner did I tell her that he was walking in the door.

"Jaxson my man..... And who is this pretty little thing?" He asked making Sky blush. A good thing he prefers men.

"This is my daughter Sky.... Cayden's brother's girlfriend.."

"Well I hope to see you this weekend...at dinner and if it is ok with daddy here at my club for the engagement party..."

"So it's true huh you and Cayden got the same girl?" My baby is so curious.

Gabe looked down and laughed....

"Well.... I'm with Daryl and he is with Bella and Bella is with Cayden."

"Oh wow well ok but oh nevermind I will just confuse myself more.... Daddy I am leaving I'll see you tonight."

After she left Gabe and I talked about shit for a while.
It was cool catching up with him.

I watched the door open slowly and the only one that opens it like that was my Catalina.

Then I heard her sweet voice.

"Daddy....." She came right to me and sat on my lap. Gabe watched her and I could tell he was amused by how she was with me.

"How long has she been your sub.... "

"Scene we was 13... Minus a few years she was gone." Cat cuddled into my chest and moaned. She is proud to be mine. Even though I know I still do not deserve her.

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