beach with my girl

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"Skylar baby it's time to wake up my sleepy princess." I softly say laying next to her. My mom and Jax went to get some breakfast and things for her today at the beach.
" Mommy ...yawn... Did daddy come ?"  She asked tracing my face with her fingers
I tell her to roll over and look. Xavier was laying on the other side of her. I have never seen my baby so happy. " Daddy you came ... I thought you was going to lie like Nia's daddy does."  She said as she sits up to hug him.
" Sky I will never lie to you " Xav tells her hugging her back.
" Daddy I have to go do my thing in restroom... Do not leave " she told him in a very bosses 6 year old voice.
I just lay there and smile holding back stupid tears because I love that my daughter is happy. I feel 2 big arms pull me into a hard chest. I shyly look you to Xav. "Thank you Catalina... " He whispers to me kissing my forehead. I haven't felt like this in a very long time. My baby's happy I seem to be happy... I guess time does heal wounds " why are you telling me Thank you... I am the one who needs to tell you Thank you for making my baby happy and hmmm making her momma smile again."
"Momma hello that's my Daddy get off of him NOW"  she yell climbing back in bed.
" I think there is enough of me to share Skylar baby... Beside I like making momma smile." He giggled to her.
My mom and Jax came back with a lot of stuff...
" Who are you ?"  Sky stood at Jax feet. She looked like she was a toddler compared to Jax very tall and big body. " I'm your Uncle Jax" he tells her as he looks at me and Xav laying in the bed together and gets a sexy ass grin on his face.

We all ate breakfast and got Sky ready for the beach. " Hey Mom can you watch Sky I wanna take Cat to get a change of clothes... Even though she looks good she is over dressed for the beach." Xavier asked my mom and she laughed and said yeah.

Me Xav and Jax went the mall nearby and I got a pair of shorts and 2 tank tops and an pair of flip flops.  " You didn't need to do this I was fine" I told Xav.. "
" How are we gonna play with our daughter in at the beach in pants beautiful...?" He said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

We get back to the room so we could change. I went to go to the bathroom to change and I was stopped. I had a very tall and strong man behind me and in front of me. I felt 2 sets of lips kissing my neck.
"Guys unless you want a very mad 6 year old I suggest you get dressed and get down to the beach with her. I was released and we got dressed and went to find my Sky.

I sat and watched my baby play with her daddy and uncle as we are gonna call him..
" She loves him so much already Cat" my momma tells me
"I know momma .. guess we are staying now, I can't take her away from them now." I smile
" Are you sure it's just for her?" I blush.. my momma caught me.


I don't believe I have ever been this happy.  I am love this little angel that Cat brought home to us. I really believed that Cat was going to stay away from me. I know what I did hurt her well not what I did , what I said. I will never hurt her again and I will make sure no one will either.
When I walked in and seen them in bed together I wanted to join them . Maybe soon I really don't want to push things too fast. I needed her to know about me and Xav before we went any further.

Cat looks like she is having a serious conversation with her mother. Although she keeps smiling  when she looks at Xavier and Sky.
" Mommy come play with us..." I hear Sky yell.
I watch Cat get up and walk to Sky. I don't know what it is but I could stare at her all day and night. 
" What ya looking at uncle Jax " Sky ran to me asking
" I'm looking at how happy you make your momma."
" No it's not me it's Daddy .... He makes her smile, are you going to make her smile to uncle Jax?" I look down and pick her up.." I am gonna try to make her smile princess"
" You already make me smile Jax" I hear Cat say making me jump as she wrapped her arms around me and Sky.  I leaned and kissed her forehead.

Xavier and I went to get lunch for the ladies.
" I loved seeing you hold my daughter and Cat Jax..."
" if you would have told me last week that I was gonna be back in Cats life I would have called you a liar, that woman truly is amazing..."
" I think she is ours..."


When we got back with lunch the girls was back at the room. Sky and Cats mom was watching TV. I heard the shower running so I quietly opened the door and stood there watching her shower. The soap running down her body , I never thought soap could be so sexy. Then I felt Jax behind me.
" Hmm I love that I am giving you 2 a show... I expect one when we get back home." She doesn't even look at us and continues to wash her hair. My cock is throbbing it is so hard.
" Oh you'll get one and much more if you want" Jax said behind me as pressed himself to me.
" Hey can we head back soon I need to get Sky in school tomorrow and look for a job" Cat asked as she turned the water off and opening the shower door. " Will you hand me a towel please and put your eyes back in your head" 
I handed her the towel ..." I'll go get Sky ready to head home, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you get ready." I grinned at the both of them and walked out get my princess ready.

" Sky baby we need to get ready to go home ... So finish up your lunch and we will get you ready. "
"Yes sir Daddy... Can I ride home with you? "
"Of course baby , you and grammy can ride with me and momma can ride with uncle Jax to keep him company."
" Ok Daddy"
I wonder what they are doing in the bathroom... I go and peak.  Jax has her on the counter naked .... They are just talking. Which is wonderful they need to talk. " Hmm what's going on in here ?" I say walking in. Cat looks at me " Jax won't let me get dressed "
"Sky and your mom are riding with me and Cats riding with you babe.. Sky's orders..." I tell them closing the door behind me.

A few hours later we home. Cat was gonna get Sky ready for bed and might come over later. I really hope she does.  I'm falling hard for her.

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