His love

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If you would have told me 6 years ago after that night my life would be this wonderful i would have laughed in your face and called you a fucking liar.  I am a 24 year old with a amazing boyfriend , perfect woman and a beautiful little girl. Yeah she ain't mine biologically but she is mine and yes I have killed for her. I won't bat an eye if I had to do it again.  I am not gonna lie that night that I hurt my sweetheart pops in my head a lot. 

Flashback to 6 years ago  

"Xavier dude I have something to tell you man." I looked at him knowing he was going to hate me.  " what is it man?" he said   " I raped Catalina and hit her and said some shitty things to her last night" I told him seeing the anger in his eyes   " You motherfucker I knew you fucking did something to her. Man I love her and I thought you did to Why?" he said right before he punched me in my face.  " Why Jaxson, Why would you do that to her?"  I looked at him with tears in my eyes " I love her man more than I thought I did and seeing you with her killed me I wanted to hurt her like I was hurting"  He started walking away " Jax you should have came to me man... I love her too I would have walked away from her for you. "

2 days later....

"Let's go I feel like fucking some shit up!"  Xavier said grabbing his keys and walking out the door.  I looked over and watched her put a box in her already packed SUV.  Xavier ran over to her he said something and she looked at me. I seen the tears that I caused.  She got in her truck and left. Xavier stood there watching her drive off. I am on fucked up person I hurt the girl I love and my best friend.  

a week later

"Jax man I think that's enough man  you're fucking drunk" Ryan yelled in my face. I looked over at Xavier he sat at the bar just staring at his drink. I fucking did that to him. " man why are you doing this shit this ain't you Jax " he yelled again "YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHO I AM ....I FUCKING RAPED THE WOMAN I LOVE AND MADE HER LEAVE.  I FUCKING HURT MY BEST FRIEND COME ON RYAN LOOK AT HIM HE CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT ME !"  I grabbed my keys and jumped in my car and took off. I couldn't really tell where I was going I didn't care I wanted to end it all. Cat kept popping in my head and what i told her "Oh I see you wanna push me off of you but you let Xavier have his way with you huh ..... You fucking whore"   She cried I was hurting her    " at least I used a condom unlike your little fuck boy. You ain't gonna ruin my life bitch"  I ruined her life.  I pulled our picture out of the glove box and held it as I drove straight into the big oak tree.

6 months later

"why are you here Xavier?" I open my eyes and see him sitting there in the chair looking like shit.  He looked at me and smiled  " your awake thank god" he said  "I should be dead I should have died when I hit the tree"  I looked away from him " you need to leave " I yell to him. " Jax I'm not leaving I have been here everyday for the past 6 months waiting on you to come back to me  I lost Cat I can't lose you to" tear flood my eyes  " She didn't come back?"  he just shook his head no. 

a few days later

"I'm glad you came home Jax, I have missed you more than you think i did" Xav said sitting next to me on the couch leaning forward looking back at me. " I don't see why I hurt you" he put his hand on my leg  and looked at me. I seen something different in his eyes he leaned towards me I couldn't believe that I wanted his lips on mine. What the hell .... I pressed my lips to his he grabbed the back of my head pulling me more into him.  I had feelings for Xav more than just best friends feelings and he did to. 

Flashback over

"Hey babe what you thinking about?" I hear her sweet voice pulling me out of my thoughts. " I was thinking how lucky am to have you Sky and Xavi in my life .... I don't deserve none of you." I tell her pulling her to my lap.  "Jaxson Mason baby don't ever let me hear you say that again. We love you and need you. " looking at me all sexy and shit . I rub my hands all over her fat ass grabbing it making her move her hips into me. " where is Sky" I asked you looking up at her biting her lip.  " my momma took her to the park then to the store."  She keeps rocking her hips making me hard she must feel it she let out a moan.  She leaned down to my ear " Daddy will you please fill me up I feel empty"  Oh my pleasure I will give her anything she wants for the rest of her life. I took off her shirt revealing she had no bra on.  "Hmmm Momma damn" she unbuttoned her shorts lifting up off of me to take them off pulling her panties down also.  She stood in front of me moving her hips to the song on the radio " Say you'll never let me go " she sings damn.  She undid my pants making me stand up to pull them down. She pushed me back down on the couch.  She climbed back on top of me straddling.  

"I know its gonna hurt a little but i need you in me now " she said as she lowered  herself down on my hard cock. She Hissed in pain but her eyes never left mine.  " This feels so good Catalina " I whispered putting my arms under her pulling her down by her shoulders  lifting my hips into hers.  She starts moving them faster " Oh god Daddy ohh fuck your so big..."   she yells out as she throws herself back. I hear the front door open I look up and it was only Xav. The look on his face priceless. " Oh Daddy fuck me harder"  the slapping of our skin is so fucking hot  " I wish Xavi was her Daddy hmmm god I'm gonna cum"   Xav walk up behind her " It's not god fucking you .... My boyfriend is"  she turns to him and pulls him down to her and kisses him " Oh Xavi I want you in me too please I want both of you at the same time"  I look at him and smile " She's fucking perfect baby ain't she?"  I said as I pull her to my chest and spreading her ass cheeks for him.  I watched him take his shirt off .. man he is ripped.  He looks at me with that sexy ass grin while he is unbuttoning his pants letting them fall. " Oh Daddy it's not fair you get to watch him undress  I feel you getting hard inside of me" she turns and pulls him closer to us... " Oh hurry baby I want to feel you now..."  he lowered himself  licked his hand and stroked his cock "oh baby just ram it in my please "  she yelled  "he don't want to hurt you baby " i tell her    He started pushing in to her.   " I am going to explode all over you daddy"  He was in her completely I stopped moving and nodded to him and we started moving at the same time.  5 seconds later she came so hard  she fell back on Xav she had sweat running down her breast and stomach . Go she is so fucking sexy and amazing.  " Oh Catalina please marry us .... make us the happiest men in the world"  I yell out " I can't hold it anymore baby I'm gonna cum so deep in you"  I look at Xav " she so tight I am gonna nut all in this ass "   I think we both came at the same time.  " Oh I'm so full, I want to spend the rest of my life like this."  

We heard Cats mom yell at Sky to grab something. I have never seen the 3 of us move so fast to get dressed.  It felt like we was teenagers again. Her momma walks in and laughed " you have been caught" I get up and take the bags from her "We was watching tv"  Cat said laughing  ' yeah ok then why is the tv off..... I may be old little girl but I'm not dumb"   

"Momma why are you guys all sweaty ?" Sky asked  making a funny face.  " we was working out " Xav told her and went to pick her up "yuke daddy go take a shower you are yukie all of you gross guys"   We all laugh 

"Yall go clean up and i will get dinner done crazy kids "  Momma yells 

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