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I thought Xavier was a wonderful father, Jaxson is amazing with Ocean. He has not left our side since we came 4 weeks ago,  They had me stay in the hospital for a couple of days longer because of the 'little scare '. Xavier told me that Jax was so scared that they were going to lose me. I'm glad I am breastfeeding because that's the only time I get to hold Ocean. 

Xavier has gone out of town. He left the day after we got married. I thought it was kind of shitty, but he has no business to take care of.  What was weird he went by himself? I would have thought he would have at least took Ryan. At least he texts me a lot. I am afraid that he really didn't want to marry me. He seems to be distant from me lately. I don't know what I have done. All I Want is for him to be happy. 


ME: Baby we need to talk                                                                                                                                                    Daddy X: What's Wrong my beautiful wifey     BTW I love being able to call you that for real                Me: Are you sure Daddy?                                                                                                                                                    Daddy X: Of course I am sure baby.  I know I have been gone for 2 weeks I will be back soon.          Me: I miss you I miss you holding me.   I feel like we don't spend any time together,
Daddy X:  That will change once I get home, Mrs. Anderson                                                                                  Me: OK Mr. Anderson 

Well I feel a little better now.  Me and Jax have talked a lot He wanted to get to know me again. We spend our evening watching the kids and cartoon after dinner.  

XAVIER POV        

SO this is when I become the bad guy.  I just lied to Catalina big time.  I'm not going home.  They don't need me there. Jax and Ryan can handle the business.  Sky went 6 years without me, she will be OK with Jax.  

" Baby you coming to bed ?"  I hear making me forget about them for a little bit.  Angie is a whore that I brought with me to keep me company. Yeah, she is nothing like Cat, but she will do for now.  I already sent to papers to Cat to end the marriage, she should get them tomorrow.   That life just ain't for me as I thought.  I am not the husband and Father type. That's Jax's role.... 

I am meeting up with a new gang today.  I started talking to the leader when Jax came out of the coma, it has just taken me time to get everything set up for Sky. I may not be there, but she will never do without anything. I already put the house in the Cat's name.  One day she will understand I was never the man she needed, no matter how much I need her. 


It's been 3 weeks since Cat got the papers to end the marriage.  I don't understand why did he do this to her. He just disappeared. The last any of us heard from him, he told Cat he would see her soon. Sky may only be 6, but she knows her father walked away from her.  Me and Ryan try our hardest to make sure she is happy. She asks every once in a while she asks about him.  We tell her that he got another job out of town.  

Cat and I took over the business. Things are going good, a lot better than things were before Xavier left.  Of course, Ryan is my right-hand man with the business and at home.  Ry found out that Xavier joined another gang and well we have a couple of deals with them.  Seeing how Cat changed the gang's name, they think are dealing with new people. She is the badass bitch that really is running the shit. We call her Lina around other people. Her mamma ain't too happy but she knows she will be OK. SO much has changed in just the 5 weeks he has been gone.

He is the one that's gonna miss out not us.


I can't believe I am so close to being with Catalina. Xavier just walked away from his wife and kid like they meant nothing. So all that shit he would tell me at night was bull shit. I'm not even upset he left me too.  I didn't mind holding that curvy ass, a beautiful sex goddess. She has been going hard turning the business around  Xavier ran it to the ground.  

Cat set up a meeting with the gang Xavier joined. Jax is staying home with the girls and me and Cat are going.  We are leaving in about an hour.  It was Jax's idea that I go with her. 

" Baby are you ready?" I yell out to her,  " Coming now, Ry "

" Don't be doing anything I wouldn't do?" Jax tells me as he hands me a couple of guns.              "Man, I ain't  gonna cross you like that, she's not mine to touch."   He just looks at me with that sexy grin of his.

We Drive for about 3 hours before we got to the hotel. She told me about when they all first met.  I wish I moved here before she left. Maybe it would have been me instead of Xavier.  

We get to the meeting place. 

Xavier POV                                                                 

We have a big deal today. I have only been with them for about a month and the leader already trusts me.  I am meeting a chick, she is supposed to be a badass.  I don't care about how bad she is all I know I can't fuck this up.  

I see them pull up, it looks like a female and a dude.  I stay back for a minute just to watch. I can't really see their faces.  When they get out, the dude walks up behind the chick. She has a figure like Cats and a nice ass. Damn, I haven't thought about her in a while.  This dude is all up in her ass.  You can tell they are lovers. I start walking towards them.  

" Hmmm RY RY look who the fuck it is baby... "It's fucking Cat and RY, "What are you doing here, Cat, and what are you doing with him, where's Jax?", " I didn't come here to play catch up with you, Xavier... Are you gonna make the deal or do I need to take somewhere else?"  She spits out before her phone rings.  She takes it out of her pocket and hands it to RY.

" Hey .... yeah, we are here ......... you will never guess who it is we met....."

I hear him tell who I am guessing is Jax as he walks away

"Fucking Xavier...... "   he walks back over and hands her the phone, "Lina Daddy said he has another buyer he is meeting them later. "                                                                                                                   " Ok Ry Ry  ..... Well, guess it's no deal...  you might wanna give your daughter a call and explain why you left her. Jax can only lie for you so much." She tells me as her and Ryan walk away hand in hand.

I can't believe this just happened ... My ex-wife is with my ex-lover and my daughter misses me and bossman is gonna be pissed I did do the deal. 


I can't believe I was able to walk away from him like that.  Like her never mattered, it didn't even hurt seeing the hurt in his eyes. The same look I saw 7 years ago. It's funny 7 years I left pregnant with his child and didn't now and 6 weeks ago he left and again I am pregnant with his child again. But this time I'm not alone I have Jax my girls my mamma and I think Ry.

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