She bad....

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We got to the park a little early so everyone could get in place. Jax ended up coming also. Cat is hurting over the shit we have heard in the past couple of hours. I can't believe that he did this. To be honest it is hurting me. I have gave him 5 years of my life being honest with him. I never hide anything from him. Hell I wouldn't even have sex with Cat when he was in the coma.

Watching Cat walk to the bench with her skinny jeans and my shirt on is giving me a fucking hard on from hell. There is a part of me that wants Jax to walk away from her. I know that would hurt her so bad. I see the love in her eyes for him. It's always been there no matter how much he hurt her. No matter what I will be here to hold her when she cries over him.

Here comes the motherfucker. He is older than I thought although I never paid attention to how old Marcus was. She sits there so fucking brave. I listen to her, she is wearing a wire so we can hear. Ryan and I are wearing earpieces. " He is walking to me Daddy" she said putting her face in her hands. "I see him Baby we got our eyes on you. I'm right behind you ryan is by the swings and the joggers over then they are watching also beautiful" I reinsure her. He comes closer. "boss he has a gun on his side" Ryan tells me "Beautiful my love just move your hair if you hear me " she moved her hair behind her ear " He has a gun on his right side play with your hair" she moved her hair again. Damn she is hot.
" You Robert?"
"I take it that you are Catalina... You're pretty then he told me."
"I haven't seen him I don't know what you want with me."
"I already know what happened to Marcus you little minx... That tall motherfucker you call your boyfriend killed him. Speaking of what's his name Jax... Where is he?"
"I don't know"
" Oh yeah that's right he is with my baby sister Amber..."

Amber is his sister FUCK

ME: AMBER IS THIS MOTHERFUCKERS SISTER Jax: I know i just fucking heard him.

"Catalina I'm gonna walk up to you and him and act like we are old friends from school he don't know me baby." Ryan told her over the earpiece " Sexy momma rub you thigh for me if you hear me" She rubbed the inside of thigh

I know he is only playing but if Jax can hear he is pissed i bet.


This asshole calling Catalina Sexy Momma . I am gonna kill him.

" Oh my god Cata-fucking-lina how the hell have you been. Damn you look amazing." Ryan said to her taking this asses attention off of her

"Momma get you up and hug Ryan" Xavi tells her she stood up and he hugged then rubbed you sexy fat ass.

" OK Baby are you ready on the count of three pull your gun on him and i am gonna do the same" Ryan Whispered in her ear . " 1,2,3 now"

I watched the mother of my baby pull a gun on a man. She is a bad bitch. She put it right to his head the same way i put the gun to Marcus's head

" Ok listen to me and listen well... Yes the motherfucker got a bullet in his fucking head .... he put his hands on the wrong mans daughter . Now for Jax yes he kill Marcus. I don't give a fuck what happens to the kid it ain't his anyhow you oh fuck nevermind you said you was gonna hurt my baby and my daughter"

She didn't tell me about him saying anything about hurting our baby

" Cat my love what are you gonna do?" I hear Xavier say with worry in his voice

There is no one around but if she shoots him here we wont be able to cover it up. She went and stood next to him and made him walk to her car. "Here Ry baby you drive I am gonna sit in the back with my new friend." She spotted me.... " Don't worry Daddy I'm gonna go find that whore that tried to trap you like I'm trappin Xavier and now you. Daddy Xavi if I don't come back you know what you have to do Just make sure she never forgets me" she knew I was listening

"Don't worry guys I'm bringing her home " Ryan said as they drove off. I started my truck and took off after them I look in my mirror I see 5 or 6 trucks chasing after her BMW. A Few minutes later we pull up in Amber's drive way. I pull my truck right behind her car. Ryan gets out handing me Roberts gun "she's pissed " I watch her get out with blood on her. "Daddy my car needs to be cleaned " as she pulls him out with the gun to his head "AMBER GET YOUR FUCK WHORE ASS OUT HERE " she yells I walk behind her " calm down sweetheart please" she looked at me " You don't get to call me that right now you best get your whore out here now or I'm going in and it ain't gonna be nice seeing how she knew you fucking raped me and sent that motherfucker after me to keep me away" She yelled to me I stood there with my head down. Xavier came running to her " Baby let me take him" she look at him then at Robert . " he said he was going to kill my Sky and my jelly bean so I wanna kill him Daddy." she pressed the gun it to his head harder. Amber came around Cats car " Oh the little red head that says my boyfriend is her baby daddy..... You really want me out of the picture that bad huh." She stares at Amber. " So you know Jax killed your brother for me right....and I am gonna kill your other brother for him." she laughed

"Jax you killed Marcus for her.... "
"He hurt her Amber he hit our daughter. Nobody touches my kids"
"That whore's kid ain't yours Jax she is Xavier's."
"Guess you don't listen do you.. His child is mine just like my child is his."

I heard a gunshot. I looked down and Cat stood there with the gun now pointed at Amber now ..." Is he Jax's kid Amber?" She demanded an answer."answer me"
"No he's not " she cried as her dead brother laid at her feet.
" I should fucking kill you for putting me through hell for 3 years. But seeing how your son don't have a dad I'll let him keep his whore of a mother.... You even breathe Jax Xavier's our children or my name again I will find you and well you know." She walked away " Ry baby call benny and make this shit disappear." She gets in her car and drives off.

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