by his side

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I have been thinking really hard about Cat today. We have only been here for 2 days. What happened before we left was so hot. She is so sexy. I know I may be wrong but I been thinking about her being tied up with her hands abovet her head and on the spanking bench. I know for a fact once the club is done next week we will be taking her. I want to show her off. I want everyone to know who our little sub is. Well that is if she accepts us.

While we was here we went and got tattoos. We are both got Skylar and Catalina's names on our chests. Xavier has really been so happy since they have been back. I have been also.

" Hey babe what you thinking about?" Xavi asks as he sits beside me in the truck waiting on these fuckers to show up. This is the part I hate, the waiting. " The Little thing that I had my hands all over two days ago." I say looking over at this sexy motherfucker leaning on the middle console with his hair down. We was asked a couple weeks ago why we never had bitches around us anymore. Honestly I am tired of chasing pussy. I do need to chase nothing ... Only pussy I wanna chase is Cat and it better just be around the house. " That was so hot walking in on you with your hand down her shorts."

Bang bang

Fuck they are fucking shooting at us. Xav grabbed his gun from his back and I got mine from my side. I get a few shoots off and I hear Xav get a few off also. I jump out of the truck and I feel the first bullet hit my leg the second one I think is in my chest third one hit my arm. I hear Xavier yelling to me and that's the last thing I remember. Then it went black. At least my last conversation with Xavier was about Catalina.


I watched him take 3 bullets. I watched him go down. I ran to him falling to my knees and grabbed him in my arms. He is breathing but not to well. Ryan helped me put him in the truck. I still hear shooting. The back window of the truck is shot out. As soon as Ryan hops in the truck we take off. My first instinct is to call my Catalina but I will call her after we get to the hospital. Ryan is driving, I can't drive. My baby is laying in my arms and he could be dying. " Jax come on baby you can't leave us ... We just got Sky and we just got Catalina back... Baby I can't live without you. Please!!! OH GOD PLEASE... " We finally pull into the hospital Ryan came around and helped me pull this big motherfucker out and carry him to the ER. They take him back and tell me they will notify me as soon as he is out of surgery. Ryan makes some calls to the guys that was still there when we left. They all made it out. One of them is coming here with a bullet in his arm and a couple are going to another hospital. I sit next to Ryan and pull my phone out. "Dude I am fixing to make the hardest phone call"
" Who you calling boss?"
" Our daughter and our wife" I tell him
" I didn't know y'all even had a girl but damn a kid to"
" They just came back about a month ago. The women we brought in the house that was beat up pretty bad. "
" Yeah now I remember the little princess is your twin... Want me to give you some space"
" Nah man you're good" I say as I hit send

Ring. Ring. Ring

" Hey babe sorry I was in the kitchen are you guys."
" Catalina.. baby I need you to please sit down wait first where is Sky."
" Baby you're scaring me she in school what's wrong "
" We are in the hospital in fort white it's a 2 hour drive. I have cash in my room in the night stand. I need you to go get Sky and I need you to come get us you are to drive the BMW not your truck. You understand Cat"
" Yes Sir"
"I also need you to pack me some clothes and Jax also and of course you and Sky's enough for a week just in case."
" Where is Jax xavi... Please tell me he is ok .... Oh God I can't lose him I just got him back. Baby please tell me now is he ok ?"
"Catalina I need you to get here as soon as you can and you might wanna see if momma will come with you for Sky"
"Yes Sir... I love you and Jax so much I can't lose either one of you.. I'll be there in 2 and half hours."
" I love you see you soon."
I couldn't tell her we might lose our lover. How am I gonna tell my princess about her uncle Jax. He hung the moon in her eyes.

"Dang Boss have you been training her?"

" No it seem that she is a natural, Jax said she was the same way when they was together when we was in school."

"wait you mean Jax was with her like in a relationship?"

" year for I think a year and half... then well we was friends with benefits that's how Sky came along." I wasn't gonna say way she left though

It's been almost 3 hours since Cat left the house. She has been calling me every hour. There's a few more guys here now. We have been waiting to hear something about Jax. One of the guys went and got me some coffee " here ya go boss your princess is here they just parked next to your truck." Damn it she gonna see the truck shot up.

" Daddy daddy I came to see you" I hear my angel say. " Daddy grammy had to drive because momma won't stop crying." I pick my baby girl up and hug her so tight. I look up and there she stands her face red swollen from crying. I hand Sky to her grammy. She walks to me I pull her to my chest. " Catalina he was shot 3 times." I hear her cry louder " once in the leg in the arm and in the chest." I feel her get weak. One of the guys run behind her to catch her if she fell.
"Family of Jax Mason " we hear and she turns. " I'm his wife" she cries out. We walk with the doctor. He explained to us he made it through the surgery and was placed in a medical coma his heart need to heal. The bullet grazed the bottom half of his heart. He is still not out of the woods he could go into heart failure.

I sit and hold her in my lap. " Xavi what was you guys doing that we may lose my care bear?" We have never told her what we do. She never asked. She wasn't about our money or anything like that she wants us for who we are.
" Catalina baby we are in a gang... And I'm the leader." I tell her watching her face.
" I don't care that you are what you are. The first time our daughter is in danger we are gone." She said with a very serious look on her face with tears falling. " We need to get Sky and tell her about her Jax." We got up and walked out to the others. The waiting room was full of big muscular men and a princess. She was telling them about her uncle Jax and her momma. She must know something is wrong.
" There is uncle Jax's sweetheart guys.." she yell running to me. " "Daddy where is my uncle Jax? " I looked at Cat she clean her face of the tears. The guys got up so she could sit with her mom. " Sky baby come here momma is gonna tell you" Sky climbed in her lap her mom rubbing her back. This is when I realized... This woman loves this man, the man I love so much.
" Uncle Jax was hurt. His heart is hurt." She told her with a sad smile.
" Oh momma you and daddy love him enough you will make him better for me" she tries to smile " I will tell him bedtime stories like he tells me. He will be ok momma don't cry"
How can a little princess be so strong.... Oh that's right look who her momma is.

Some of the guys was leaving. There's not much anybody can do but wait.
" Boss I'm taking Sky and her grammy to the hotel and to get the truck fixed I'll bring you and the queen some food back." Ryan said. He has been with us for about 5 years and is a good guy.
It was just me and Cat. We sat by Jax bed. She was curled up in my arms.
" Xavi I love you but I can't lose him." She cries out.
" I know you love me Cat and I know the love you have for him. and we aren't gonna lose him."
She gets up and moves his wires and IV over and lays in bed with him. I got a blanket and covered her up as she fell asleep.

Ryan came back with some more coffee and food.
" Does it bother you boss .... You know how much she loves him?"
" No I have always known... Even though he hurt her a long time ago I hurt her more by never telling her the truth." I sit and watch them sleep " Ryan I'm gonna marry them."
" So she knows about your relationship with Jax"
" Yeah... She amazing you will see."
I decided to go get cleaned up I am still cover in Jax blood. I left a note with the nurses for Cat. Ryan drove me to the hotel. I was walking to the room where my princess is and what she said about me and Cat loving Jax would make him better. I sure hope she is right.

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