where is she

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I walked into the room to take a shower and all of a sudden I felt a bad pain in the back of my head. I grabbed my head and I was bleeding. I went to scream for the guys and a big hand-held my mouth shut. I don't remember much after that. When I woke up I was in a really nice bedroom and umm naked. I looked around there is no windows and the door is locked. I began to cry. How did whoever took me get me out of the house without the guys seeing or any of the guards? I pray nothing happened to my babies or my husbands.

I ban
bangedded on the door, hoping someone would come and tell me what is going on. A few minutes later a very tall man, was taller than my Jax. His eyes were a very dark brown, almost black, He was covered in tattoos, he would be very sexy to me if I wasn't in this room not knowing anything.

" Oh My Catalina you have only gotten sexier since the last time I saw you." The gorgeous man said with an evil grin said walk towards me.

" Who the fuck are you and where am I " I yelled

"Now Now there is no need to yell at me. beautiful," he said, now standing in front of me. My back is now against the wall. He cups my face lifting to look at him.

"You don't remember me do ?" He asked hovering his lips over mine. I was scared shitless . I knew there would be no way I could fight him off of me. He looks a good 275. His hand could cover my whole face .

"No I don't know who you are."

" I worked with you before you came back to this hell hole of a place you call home. I kept my eye on you for Marcus." He said running his finger on my cheek. " but it seem that your dear old husband killed him the first night you was back."

I still couldn't remember him. It has been 7 years though.

"Then I heard you killed his brother damn baby your a bad bitch oh yeah that's right .... your a gang leader now, not a very good one if I was able to just walk out with you."

I didn't know how he was able. I worried he had hurt my family. I know by now they have to be looking for me. At least I hope.


I woke up this morning and my Cat was gone. I knew I should have gone and checked her room before I went to bed. I thought she wanted some space last night so I didn't bother her.
I checked the cameras after I saw what I saw I yelled for Ryan and Xavier. How in the hell was a man able to walk into my house and take my wife.
They watched the video and Ryan recognized the guy. He said he one of the new guys that Cole hired. "Why and the fuck didn't I know about him" I yelled. God only knows where my wife is now. She has been gone for 7 hours. They could be across the country now.

"Jax, we will find her and kill the motherfucker." Ryan said as he kissed me and walked away. I know I'm not the only one hurting. I have to find a way to tell her momma. This is gonna kill her.

After me and Xavier went downstairs and found momma and told her the bad news, we decided to get a crew together. We also called a couple of crews we are good with to help us find our 'Lina' .

Ryan's POV

I can't be around Jax and Xavier right now. I feel like I let them down. I am supposed to be taking care of my Catalina. I just let a man come in and take my love. I will die if something bad happens to Cat. I have never loved anyone as I love her. I never thought I could. I believed all women were the same. She proved me wrong. She didn't have to give me a chance. I have been around here just as long as Jax and Xavier, but I haven't had feelings like towards her. I didn't start having real feelings for her until the day we were meeting that piece of shit Robert. When I wrapped my arms around her feeling how perfect she felt.
The guys know I love her but I don't think they know really how much I love her.

I called a crew that is a couple of towns over that me and Cat have been working with for a while now. The leader has taken a liking to 'Lina', they are gonna be here in an hour to meet me, Jax and Xavier. This crew has people in the police department that can find shit out too.

I have been sitting outside for a while now. I hear Jax yelling and screaming, good thing momma took the kids to my mom's house. Nobody knows where she lives now we had her move to a bigger house in case something like this ever happened.

What is killing me the most is a couple of weeks ago, Cat asked me if I would have a baby with her. She said she wants to give me a child of my own to love like I love Jax and Xavier girls. Plus she has baby fever again. I don't know if she had told the guys yet.

" Man, we will find her!" Xavier came up behind me, snaking his arm around my waist and turning me to face him. The sadness is back in his eyes. Only Cat can take it away. She came to us broken and she is fixed us.

" I pray she is OK Xavi, I can't live without her anymore. She and the girls are my world now."

"Man, I see how much you and her love each other. I have seen how you can make her smile just by walking to the room. She is different around you than she is around us. " Xavi said as he put his forehead on mine.

My phone started ringing.

"Hey Ryan, it's Dominick "
" Hey man, you hear anything "
" I think we may have found her man, but we need more hands to help... can y'all send some."
"I'll come and I will bring my best men with me."
" Alright man see ya in a few meet us at your warehouse on 2nd "

I begin to tell Ryan and Jax came out. After I tell them where I am meeting Dominick they get on their phones and have guys going to the warehouse. We load up in Xavier's truck.

"WE ARE BRING OUR GIRL HOME GUYS " Xavier yells out.

A few minutes later we pull up to a packed parking lot. I get out and Dominick comes over. He has never met the guys. I introduce them. He starts filling us in on where he thinks 'Lina' is.

"We think she is in the next town over at a dude house that worked for that Marcus guy you handled." He told us looking down. " He works for some bitch Amber now , this bitch is out for revenge over her brothers and some dude Lina was messing with or something."

Jax said " this shit is because of me man."

"Man don't worry to much about it, my old lady and her girls went over the bitches house. We got her under control. We just need to get to Lina now."

We all loaded up and headed to where my Cat was.

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